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Show Spentate BRITS ISH ed+leaved Watercrefs, 2. Small-leaved ,Watercrefs. n ferratis foli s, ribus precocius. The toot is long, flender, and furnithed with manyfibres. The firtt leaves rife in a tuft, and theyare’ [i and beautiful: they are long, narrow, and. p nated : each is compofedof four orfive ‘ pinnae, with an, odd one at the end; andthe are fharply ferrated at their edges. The ftalk” is upright, » and afoot its colour is a pale green, andit is ftri branched toward the top. The leaves are numerous, andplaced irreoy. larly : they are pinnated, and fometimes br anched: their pinneare oblong, ferrated at the e { ofa pale green : andboththey andthe odd at the end are fharp-pointed. he root is a {mall tuft of white fibres, The firft leaves ate fhort and {mall :»each confifts of a fingle pair oflittle pine, and>a large, round piece for the termination : they are of a fiefhy fubftance and a deep green colour, often brownith. The ftalks are numerous, weak, and low: they are not more than five inches in length; and they lie for the moft part on the ground. The leaves ftand irregularly -on them; andrefemble thofe from the root; but that fometimes they have two pairs of pinne, befide the odd leaf at the end. The flowers are fmall and white; and they ftand in little tufts at the tops of the ftalks. The pods are flender, and longer than in the commonkind ; and the feeds are numerous, very f{mall, and brown. It is common about the fides of brooks, and flowers in April. Ray calls it Nofturtium aquaticum foliis minoriLus precocius. The fame author mentions, as another fpecies, the Nafturtium aquaticum pinculis paucioribus of Mr. Doody; but it is the fame with this. The tafte is fharper in this {mall kind than inthe other, and it is altogether diftinct. The flowers are fmal] and whi there are long rows of the pods under them when the plant has been any time in flower. The pods are fhort and fmall; and the feeds are very fmall, and brown: It is not uncommon in Hamphhire, and has been foundin many other parts of England. Mr. Ray, among others, took this at one time for the impatient lady{mock, to be defcribed hereafter : but he found the miftake afterwards. C. Bauhinecalls it Nafurtium NeacU Ss Others, Italian watercre XIV. LoD XS MO CK. CARDAMI NE, HE flower is compofed of four broad, obtufe petals, with very narrow bottoms reeularly difpofed, and expanding croflwife: the cup. is formed offour little, ere, oblone sJeaves with obtufe ends ; andit falls with the flower : the feed-veffel is a long,: flender pod, of a rounded figure, but a little deprefled, and it is compofed of two valves, or fides, which, when ripe, roll back, and difcharge the feeds with violence: the feeds are numerous, fmall, and round. Linnzus places this among the tetradynamia filiquofa ; four of the fix threads in th e flower being longer than the two others, and the feed-vefiel a regular pod. DVI -OENe 7: B 1. Common Ladyfmock, Cardamine vulgaris. The rootis a tuft of flender, white fibres, penetrating deep into the ground. The firft leaves are long, and regularly pinnated, in a very beautiful manner: each is compofed of five or fix pair of pinnz, which are fhort and roundifh, and an odd one of the fame fhape at the end. They are of a deep green colour, often brown, of a firm fubftance, The ftalk is round, upright, firm, not much branched, and a foot high. Theleaves onit are pinnated, but very unlike thofe from the root ; for in thefe the pinne are arrow: : = all} long and narrow: they ftand irregular] y on the ftalk, and are not numerous. The flowers grow at the top ina ittle tr RITISH nd; and they are of 1 fubftance and deep green the pinne, fe e vell as the wholeleaf, are much larger than in the common ki The ft rifes in the midft of thefe, and is found, uprig Je branched, and two more 1n he imerous, and, lil is compofed of four an odd one much lars the tops’ of theftalks, s from the bofoms of they ftandin {mall tufts at the tops of the flalks; andufuall Solio longiore.. GE 73x06 SPECIES they are large and white, fometimes of a pure and perfect white; but at others , they fare a bluth of purplith. The feed-veffels are long and flender 3 and the feeds are little and roundih, It is common in our meadows, and flowers in April. C. Bauhine calls it Nafturtium pratenfe magno fore. Others, Cardamine and Cardamine vulgar The common people in fome places , Cucko Bauh i 0g Others, A mon Ene being bitter and puns 2 broad, 5, Daify-leaved Lady{mock, Cardamine pumilabellidisfolio: ACB On many fibres. The root is compofed of many thick fibres, r fmaller ones hanging from themin The firft leaves grow in a tuft, ard fpread arly on the ground: they themfelves are long, nat y beautifully pinnated: the pinnze are fmall, of an oval figure, ferrated at the edges, and very beautifully pointed at the € pairs of them on end; andther f the fame fhape and each rib, with an od e at the end. The ftalk is round, flender, upright, of a da foot high. whitifh colour, egularly, andare like thofe The leavesf longer and narrower. from the root, | t the topsof the ftalks, and The flowers ft m the bofoms of the upper of branches rifing very {mall and white. leaves ; and they The feed-veffel is long, and very flender. When it is ripe it burfts with violence, hot only on the leaft touch, but on the fmalleft motion in the air; and the feeds Ay out with violence: from this it obtained the name of impatient ladyJmock: the feeds are round and fimall. It is found in Ireland, and on the mountains in the north of England. Thofe who have miftaken the ferrated watercrefs for this plant, have mentioned many other places, but in thefeit really is frequent. It flowers in M. C. Bauhine calls it Syfimbrii cardamine fpécies authors, Thefirft leaves rife in a {mall tuft; and are of a form altogether different from thofe of the other /ady/mocks: they are fimple, undivided, and not fo much as notched at the edges: their fhape is an oblong, tending to oval: they are cluftered together, and have no footftalks, and they are of a dufky green, and fomewhat hairy, The ftalk is round, upright, firm, of a pale green, not at all branched, and about three or four inches high. The leaves ftand irregularly on this, and have no footftalks: they are fhort, and broad at the bafe, from which they gradually decreafe to a point. The flowers ftand in numbers at the top ofthe ftalks, and are large andwhite, perfectly refembling thofe of the common lady/mock. The feed-vefléls are long and large; and the feeds are nurrerous, round, fmall, and brown. It is common on the mountains in Wales, whence the winds feem to have blown fome of its feeds to Briftol; the plant fome years being very frequent on St. Vincent’s rock. C. Bayhine calls it Nafurtium alpinumbeltdis folio minus. 6. Serrated dwarf Lady{fmock. la foliis feratis. The root is long and flender ; and is furnifhed with a few fibres. The leaves grow very itregularly, but in a thick tuft, from the head of the root: fome of themare fingly fixed to pedicles from the root, others grow to a rib: they are oblong and fer. rated, narroweft at the bafe, and broader to the end, where they terminate in a pointedtip: their colour is a dufky green, andtheir tafté bitterifh and watery, but fomewhat fharp. The ftalk is round, ‘flender, ufually naked, The root from different parts. = firtt leaves are large, and beautifully pinnated: they confift each of about four pairs of vefiels “are long and flender; and y burft with violence on the leaft touch when : the’ feeds are fmall, round, and of a pale brown. It is commonin wateryplaces, and flowers in April. Raycalls it Cardamine impatiens altera birfatior, C. Bauhine, Nafurtium aquatlicum minus. The root is long, flender, and furnithed with 3. Impatient Ladyfmock. quedom 247 are {mall and irregularly indented : they are of a dufky green, and fomewhat hairy. The ftalks are numerous, weak, arid {catce uptight :. they are of a pale green, ftriated, and very much branched. Thé: leaves on theny refemble thofe from the Toot, and are, in the fame manner, compofed of ularly notched at the flowers are fmall and white; and they growin | tufts at the tops ofthe ftalks and branches Majus et amaruin. Its comrerefs;, the tafte Cardamine flore minima impat. 2. Great flowered Lady{mock. Cardamine flore majore elatior, is long, flender, and creeping ; and has a number of large fi bres irregularly growing im H E R BALL. he firft leay pinnated : and about three inches high. The flowers ftand at its top; and they are large and white. The |