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Show 280 The branes, or little leaves, at theit infertion on the , revi i} ree ¢ var. ftalk ; and they are of a greyifh green colour. The tendrils for climbingrife from the center of the two leaves, as from the end of the rib in ; the pea kind. The flowers ate large, and of a bright and beautiful red, with adeeper tinge in the middle: they ave fupported feveral together on longfootftalks. The pod is: Jong and flender, and the feeds are numerous and fmall. It is found in woods, principally if our northern counties, and flowers in June s. Others, Our Englifh wri. ing: but thatvis a very improper name, ‘it not being of the pea in an irregular form, not upright, nor ing on the ground: it is of a pale gr edged. The leaves ftand at diftances, and ar compofed of a fingle pair, fupported on of fhort rib, and having a tendril tho ting from their center, At the infertion of t ftalk which fupports them, therearealfog of fhort leaves. "he flowers are f ootttalks) four s ofthe leaves: they are large, and of a pa The pods are flender: the roundifh, and black. It is common among our bufhes, and in pat. tures, and flowers in Ju kind. 3auhine calls it La 2, Great, narrow-leaved Vetchling. plyd long fibres, and takes great holdin the ground The ftalks are numerous, angular, and weak : they are of a pale green, edged fharply, and jointed’; and, when they have fupport, will rife ‘to fourfeet in height. ed at diftances, and two always ftand together at the end of a fhort kind of ‘rib, with a tendril between them: they ni v, ribbed, fharp-pointed, and ofa pale green. ‘The flowers are fmall, and of a mixedcolour, partly white, and par ed. The redis-in various degrees, and fometimes thereis fcar The pods are thicker than i and thé feeds are round andlarge. It is found among buthes in many parts of the kingdom,,and flowers in Augutt. C. Bauhine calls it Letbyrus . Bau is Dba H ERB AL. BRITISH! is major. rubente &F li : a nameveryine do not at al it Lath i for the leaves Otherscall Lathyrus j The root is compofed of numerous, flender, b, and irregular fibres. > weak and ated, they fupport then elves irregularly to the t of a foot andhalf, or they w ¥ much when they can climb. The leaves are narrow, hard, andribbed: they ftand two together, with a tendril at the end. The flowets‘are fmall, and, of a mixedredand white colour: they ftandfeveral together onvery long, flender footftalks. The pods are an inch and half long, and:con- fiderably broad: the feeds are fmall, blackifh, and nearly round. It is found on the edges of ploughe: our midland counties, and flowers in C. Bauhine calls ic Lathyrus ang hirfuta. RT RIS Ht The flowers grow in clufters on long footftalks rifing from the bofoms of the leaves, and are ofa bright purple, The feed-veffel is long and flender, and the feeds are numerous and roundith. It is frequent among bufhes in Germany, and many other parts of Europe, where the roots are dug for the table. It flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Lashyrus arvenfis repens tuberofus. i, The root is long and thick; divided into many parts, and furnifhed with numerous irregular fibres. The ftalks are flender, weak, and flat ; edged by a membrane, and ofa pale green colour. The leaves grow, as in the others, two together, with a tendril rifing from between them: they are broad, fhort, and fharp-pointed, and of a freth green. The flowers grow three or four together on flender footftalks, and are of a beautiful yellow, ftriped with purple. The pods are long and flender, and the feeds are roundifh and fmall. It is a native of Spain, and flowers in Auguft. Morifon calls it Lathyrus Beticus flore luteo. It is one of the moft beautiful of the lathyrus kind. Lathyrus birfutus magno flore. The root is compofed of feveral thick fibres, with fmaller growing from them. GE 1. Garden Vetchling, us: flore purpuree, gardens and fields in Germany, and fomeé p C4 0.. The root is long, lender, and;furnifhed with manyfibres. The ftalks are numerous, thick, and ribbed; of a pale green, and yery much branched: when fupported by flicks, they will. rife to. five feet high: The leaves are placed two together on a ribbed footftallk, andthat is terminated by atendril, which takes S PE .Gobk:S, its rife between them. There is a broad film on each fide at the infer_ tion ofthe rib to che flalk. The flowers are large and purple: they ffand on long, flender footftalks, ufually one on each; but fometimes two, Do era ie ef The podis fhort, thick, and ribbed; andfurs a. {eed are the feeds backs: the onn the back: very large, and Italy. It flowers in July, and the feeds Augutt. C. Bauhine calls it Lathyr pureo. Dodoneus, Aracus 2. Peafe Earthwo rus bs folits Line. ovatisbg radice DIp The root is thick, oblong, andirregularlyt u berous : frequently thefe thick. knobs are near the furface, but at other times they are faftened to the ends of the fibres, and lie at a great depth: they are brown on the furface, white within, and of a {weet and very pleafant tate. The ftalks are edged, weak, and three or four feet long : they trail upon’ the ground, oF fupport themfelves among thebuthes, The leaves crow two together, as in the others: rt and broad, of an oval figures © at the ends, The C. Bauhine calls it Lathyrus ficulus. 5. Vetchling, called Tangier Pea. Lathyrus biflorus floribus ruberrimis. ¢ L4On{ 7 The root is long, divided, and furnithed with numerous, thick, and crooked fbres. The ftalks are thick, but weak, and mode- tately branched: they are angulated, and of a pale greyifh green. The leaves grow, as in the others, two together, with a tendril between them: they are long, narrow, and fharp-pointed, and are of a pale green. The flowers grow upon very long foatftalks rifing from the bofoms of the leaves, two on each; and theyare large, and of a beautiful red. The pods are flender, and the feeds are roun- difh. It is a native of Africa, but flowers very well in our gardens, Morifon calls it Lathyrus tingitanus filiquis orobi 4. Vetchling called Sweet Pea. fore amplo ruberrimo. U aN Our gardeners, Tangier pea. $s CHICHLING. CL FOREIGN 281 The ftalks are flatted and weak, but confiderably thick, and of a pale green, The leaves are very large, and of a pale green, foft to the touch, andalittle hairy: they grow two together, andhave a tendril rifing between them. ; The flowers are large, and of a mixed red, and are very fweet-fcented. The feed-veffel is large and hairy, and the feeds are roundith and brown. Ic is a native of Africa, and flowers in July. It 5. Strip’d yellow-flowered Vetchling, is kept in our gardens for its beauty and fragrance, Lathyrus flore flavo firiato. Lye. 9 but very improperly called a pea. The root is long, flender, andfull of fibres, The ftalk is angulated, weak, and hangs about VRS OU PERS An Y MEN UM. HE flower is papilionaceous, and is compofed of four petals. The vexillum is large, dented at the extremity, and turned back at the top and at the edges. The ale are fhort, hooked, and obtufe, and the carina is broad, and fplit in the middle. The cup is formed of a fingle leaf, harrow at the bottom, wide at the mouth, and divided into five fegments; the two upper ones fhort, and the lower one very long. ‘Thepod is long, and flatted at top. The leaves grow in a pinnated manner, feveral pairs together. Linnaeus places this among the diadelphia decandria; the threads being formed into two bodies, Nine into one, and a fingle one in the other. That author joins this genus and the lathyrus, though Nature have thus plainly diftinguifhed them by the compofition of the leaves. iF tis an invariable charaéter, and can never be miftaken. It is the more needful, as the plants of each genus are numerous ; and of the more authority, as thofe of the prefent arrangement have been generally diftinguifhed by this feparate name. DATSVALsS I O Ne oT. BR Leb Sokk SsP ERUCHDB 'S: Clymenum fylveftre flore variegato. The ftalk is flatted, and edged, of a pale greyifh green, weak, and branched: it hangs The root is long and flender, divided into feveral parts, and furnithed with numerous, thick, and Spreading fibres. N° 28, or bufhes ; and in this manner grows to a foot and half or more in length. The leaves are placed irregularly, and each is 4C compofed 1. Variegated wild Chichling. 77a: irregularly, or is fupported by the ftouter plants |