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Show The Siderits hd ek HERBAL, BRITISH pek V.AzS EON fie SPECIES BARAT I Gh 1. Great Wild Lettuce. June. fylocfiris major opii odore. ALE. C.Bauhine calls it Lac oftris cofta {pinofa, The root is long, thick, and whitifh and, Others, Laduca fylvefri Theleaves ofthis (recies are 2 fometimesundiwhencut, it yields abundantly a yellow juice, of vided, or verylittle divided, as in the firft kind, a very unpleafant fniell, refembling that ofopium; In this ftate fome have defcribed it asa difting andof a bitter and naufeous tafte, es; andothers have confounded itwith this The firft leaves are very large, oblong, broad, and with the firft: but they are two difting anda little waved, but not divided at the edges. plants; and this variety only belongs to thelatTheir colouris a pale green; and, whenbroter here defcribed, ken, theyyield the fame yell owacrid ji The {talk is round, green, fmooth, oad five Theleaft Wild Let feet high ; and at the top it is divided into many Laé branches. The leaves onit refemble thofe from the root ; The-root is long and thio. and are oblong, broad, and undivided. The flowers ftand at the tops-of the branches; The {talks are numerous, veryflender, tough, | and of.a purplifh colour. and are numerous, fmall, and yellow. The leaves are long, narrow, and deeply diIt is frequent.in our midland ‘counties, and flowers in July. vided\s\ and: the whole. plant is full of-an-illC. Bauhine calls it Le fcentedjuice. The flov are {mall ; and they rately open: they‘are placedin } » flenider ups. This is one of thofe Englith plants which, deTt.is common on clay-banks of ‘ditches, ‘and ferve to be more knownin medicine. It is called flowers in Aug poifonous, and men have fromthat beenfrighted C. Bauhine from its ufe; but it is a very gentle and fafe Others, opiate. The beft way of giving it is ina fyrup | made from!a:deco¢tion of -the frefh leaves and talk, This way it greatly'exceeds’ the common diacodium,-and may be given to tender conftitu- tions with more fafety. rience. “This I write from expe- xs | Tr FOREIGN Blue-flowered Mountain-Lettuce, Latiuca montana caerulea. ZLEZ es) The root: is long, fmall; and hung with fibres. The ftalk~is round; flender, upright , ‘of a purplith colour, and divided at the top into manybranches, 8 O Shee CIES The leaves are long, and moderately broad: they are lightly finuated at the edges, and ol a deep green. The flowers are fmall, andof a fine blue. It is a native of Italy, and flowers in Augutt. C. Bawhine calls it Laétuca montana purpurea cerulea major. Ai Ona DPOAISST GE, NC HU & THE flower is compofed of numerous, flat flofcules, ranged together in a laroe ccommion cup This is rounded, and formed of very numerous and very flender fcales: Each of cules is narrow, andindentedin fourparts at the top. The feeds are oblon1g, andtheftalk: but flight and hollow. Linnaeus places this amongthe /yngene/fia. Drivel S IO N* <1, BRITISH 1, Common fmooth Sow-Thiftle, ; : . Z, > Sonchus levis vulgaris. PCC245 The root is compofed of numerous, whitith fibres, The ftalk is thick, upright, round, hollow, and of a deadgreen. The leaves are very large, oblong, deeply finuated at the edges, and terminated fby large, broad point. The flowers ftand in great numberson the tops of the branches; and are large, and of a fine pale yellow. It is common every where in ground that has been dug, and flowers in June. C, Bauhine calls it Sonchus Levis laciniatus latifolius. Others only, Sonchus Levis. 2. Broad -leaved fmooth Sow-Thiftle. The root is fibrous and whitith. The’ ftalk is’ ‘round, upright, not much branched, brownifh ‘or purplifh in colour, and 2.-Jagged-leaved: Wild Lettuce. twofeet high. The leaves are long, and of a handfomefLaétuca fylvefiris foliis laciniatis, P/E. © gure: they are {mall, and deeply pinnated toThe root is long, thick, and brown. wardthe bafe, and at the end they fwell ou The ftalk is round, thick, upright, purplifh 2 a broad, ‘angulated, and pointed piece, refer and four feet high. bling a leaf of ivy. The leaves are long and large, of a dead green, The flowers are fmall, numerous, and yellow, deeply divided at the edges, and prickly along It is commonon banks and walls, andflowers the rib on the under fide in June: The flowers are {mall Nae of a pale yellow: C. Bauhine calls it Sonchus Levis laciniatus mu they grow in vaft numbers on the tops of the vis floribus. branches. Linnzus diftinguifhes this and the fucceeding The whole plant abounds with a yellow, illfrom the /ettuce ind under the name prenanthess fcented juice. from a flight difference in the cup. DITVor sO Nio N sSOW- It is common on ditch-banks, and flowersin Hi Sonchus levis folio latiore. The root is fibrous and white. The ftalk is round, upright, of a deep green, aid a yardhigh. The leaves are broad and fhort ; andare divided at the edges by a fewflight fezments. The flowers are large, and ofa pale yellow. It is common in corn-fields, and flowers in June. C, Bauhine calls it Sonchus Levis minor paucioribus laciniis, 3, Commonprickly Sow-Thiftle. Sonchusfaliis [pinofis vulzaris. 77 The root is long and flender, and has many fibres, The ftalk is very thick, and of a fine deep green, round, a yard high, and branched. The leaves are long, and confiderably broad, ferrated, and prickly at the edges, and of a te deep green. The flowers are large, and of a gold yellow. It is common on ditch-banks, and flowers in Anguft. C, Bauhinecalls it Son Others, Sonchus afper vu 4. Jagged prickly Sow-Thiftle. Sonchus afperfoliis lacin The root is long, and hung with many fibres. The ftalk is round, thick, branched, andfour feet high. The leaves are very large, andof afaint green, deeply divided at the edges, and veryprickl i Ne 43. SPECIES The flowers are fmaller than in the |laft, and of a faint yellow. It is common on wafte ground, and flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Sonchus name moft ofthe fucceeding writers haye copied. §. Oval-leaved Sow-Thiftle. Souchus foliis ovatis. AL-G2..77 i The root is a tuft of white fibres. The ftalk is flender, upright, fcarce at all branched, and a foot and half high. The leaves are of a very elegant form and colour: they are of a glofly green, {mall at the bafe, where they furround the ftalk, and oval toward the end ; and theyarelightly fet at the edges with tender thorns. The flowers are few, large, andof a fine gold yellow. It is found on fandy banks, flowering in June: Petiver calls it Sonchus retundo folio. Plukenet, Sonchus fubrotundofolio noftras. 6. Naked-ftalked Sow-Thiftle, Souchus caule nudo. Theroot is long, flender, arnd hung with man y fibi Theleaves thatrife fromit areve: numerous, long, narrow, fharp-pointed, andbefet with tender thorns at the edge. Theftalk is a foot anda half high ; and often it has no leaves on it, rz more than one or two: thefe are of the fame form with thofe from the root. The flowers are large, andof a deepyellow. It is found among corn, and flowers in July. 4. Tree Sow-Thiftle. Sonchus arborefcens. The root is long and thick. The ftalk is upright, round, of a yellowith green, not muchbranched, andbefet with coarfe yellow hairs. E Theleaves are long, of a deep green, and dividedirregularly The flowers i andare very large, andof a deep oran theyftandin dark green cups, covere with coarfe yao hairs. It is commonin corn-ffields and dry paftures, flowering in Auguft. C. Bauhine ca chi. Others, So |