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Show i . BRITISH'HERBAL 1 The The?’ diftinguifhed by Advor ealtivated "in Englaind, rhefollowing names. Jemine fimplici corn {mall and lack Oat, Avena nigra. 4. Brown Oat, Avena fufe grain large, and very thick in the o is Naked Oat; Avera nuda. wanting the awn ; fown principa wall. 6. Bearded wild Oat, 4 Wild in our corn, w DDiTinguithed fuf- needing no dee. by'the'colour, and Diftinguifhed alfo Ep Uyz N S Vv, pOGS§ GRASS. GRAMEN CANINUM. : ¢ and is formed of two valves, of an oval figure, and obtufe, HE cup contains three Rowers; one fwelled, and large; the other plain and outer the valves: The flower is compofed of two long, thin fpike. ina anged are.arr fmall. The feeds are fmall ; and they nzus places this among the 77 fer by the following chara 1. Bearded Dogs Grafs, Grame tum vadice non repente. ‘The root Sea Dogs Grafs, with a w heat- ear c, g- ¢ jointed, and. two Gee Hib! RE BPA, Net Hog VEE MATWEED. GRAMEN SPARTEUM. HEcup contains but one flower; andit is compofed of two valvesSs; oneone larger large and both pointed, but without awns. Thefloweris oe of twonearly ec an oblong form, and downyat the end Theearis broad, and {preading, c Linnzus places this among the ndria digynia. Sea- — There are three other of the meafz natives of our kingdom, diftineuifhed guifhed followingcharacter: ‘pied Small Matweed, > Gr 1 The leaves rufhy, and the bending. 2. Feathereed Matweed, Gre um, The ear downy, a‘id refemb feather . Double-fpiked Matweed, Spica genima claufa, ‘The Gramenfparteum i ‘ , aie root is a tuft of white fibres, arenarrow, long, of a bluifi green, 4 rp-pointed. The ftalk is round, jointed, and of a pale green. ’ h Tt is common our fea-f and flowers in June. caninum maritimum [pita tritica. very large. Prickly Sea Dogs Grafs, Gras pica lobacea foliis pingent bus, flender, rocumbent Sea Dogs Grafs, with a thick fpike. Gramen lobaceum mari Spica craffa. narrow, and of a fine the tor10Wwers B ReI-T-1 SoH in inum vulgare, G. Long-rooted Sea Dogs Grafs, with a ear, Gramen caninum maritimun: |[pica The grains grow in the ear, A fhoot out leaves. sa powerful and excellent diuretick. five others, whofe de- U VIC GRAMEN very natrow, p inted eowde HEcup contains one flower ; andis formed of numerous, nena formed of three valves, cne fn inferted : within this ftands a hufk, ge O85 larger one valves, two of compofed is flower is placed within this ; and nceus places this among the ¢ri j There are thr us, difting U Bite’ RYE S Panic Gr. VI. he root is at The ftalk is jointed GRASS. | Rove earec Thel GRAMEN SECALINUM, poi ) Contains three flowers ; and is cor mpofed of four leaves, with do ¢ andprickly. The flower is compofed of two valves : the lower one is bellied, and } g awir; the other is {mall, plain, and lanceolated. aces ‘this among the triandria digyni a. divided not ng, narrow, and of The flowers are whitifh. It is commonin the meadows in Bu thir, & ; ; thire, flowering in April. it Gr i ff. en fecalinumaltifimum Tall, bee _ Rye Gr brize majits ‘all, and ear. niceum femin Canary 1. Tall Meadow Rye.Grafs, Gramen pratenfeelatius. Tall, and flender ftalk andear. 2. Marfh Rye G et maritimum ear fhort. Wood Ry majus fylvaticum. anyother. -leaved Rye Grafs tongis extanti bus. tr oryegraffes, agreci » bus diftinguithed by the fol- rough. 3. Pyramid pa C. Bauhine calls nigh jpica-a into among the ¢rigynia. the coco abling:the ies ofofiit, refembling ies Gramen avenaceum ¢ |