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Show BRITISHH ESRB AIL, “Th occafion fhe and are excellent again{t inve. The young tops are of a fharp, bir pleafant tafte ; and may beeatenin fallads, } The leaves powdered, andfi fed up the nofe, EOIR EtG N.S PB C1 Es, i. DIVIS1.0 s long, thick, and white. alk is round, upright, branched, and a s are broad, fhort, indented at the d , and of a deep green, HERBAL. ois gee Rel 2 sh'Sakl The flowers are fmall and white ; andtheyare placed in clufters at the tops of the branches, It is a native of Virginia, and flowers in July. forifon calls it Ptarmica Virginiana Helenji The root is compofed of numerous, long, and : flender fibres. The leaves rife from the head of it in a large clutter; and they are oblong, broad, obtule, lightly ferre uted, and of a deep green. Theftalks rife amongthefe in great number 5 and are naked, and four inches Each fupports a fingle Bower ; which is white, tinged in various degrees with red at the tips of the rays, andin thecentreyellow. It is common in paftures, and flowers all fummer. C. Bauhine calls it Bellis fyluefris minor. A decoétion of the roots is an excellent aft gent. Gardens eS humerous varieties of double from this plant; and we fometimes alfo floy fee them double wild. Others improperly make it a fpecies of maudlin. GREAT ma Bot U. § Lib YAR RO -W. Mite eo FOL TU ed in an oval cup, com: flower is radiated, and-compofed of numerous flofcules, a 1offhort and broad fcales. The flofcules in the centre are sahien anddividedinto five ee at the edge: thofe = the rim are heart-fhaped, and flat. The feeds are fhort and ntey Need, ON Common Yarrow. Millefoliom vulgare. PRI SH PLE. The root is compofed of many fibres, joined feet high, in round tufts like umbells ; and they are white, with a faint dathof purplith. It is common by way-fides, and flowers in June. C. Bauhinecalls it Millefolium vulgare album. It is poffefled of great virtues, though too y broad, and di- much neglected. It is excellent againft overflowings of the menfes, and hemorrhages ofall kinds; as alfo in loofeneffes attended with bloody ftools. The beft way of taking it is in a ftrong decoétion. ers ftand at the tops of the flalks; ight, not much branched, and two IL POR EEG NSPE CLE. S, Yellow Yarrow. nm flore luteo. PLb6u 2 ng, flender, and hung with many ; numerous, and a foot high; of deeply into very minute fegments, downy, and of a fine deep green. The flowers ftand at the tops of the ftalksin large tufts, andare of a beautiful yellow. It is a native of the warmerparts of Europe, and flowers in July. nd not much branched, or 4 Y LY C, Bauhine calls it Millefolium tomentofum lu : long,’ narrow, and divided ° . seym, Neca] iS V. DATES YX, Be Ewe ge 7 Cod NF As. Great Daify. vulgare. GlCOn4 foot and-half high. Poe Ms: ~S Vil. CHAMOMILE. M EL Ue M. ds of flofcules, arranged together in a common sure; andis formed of narrow, and nearly equal fegments, aba and cut into five fegments at the edge, which turn back, at, and oblong. 2, and changes the name of the genus to authemis. thick, and tough fibres, and fpreads far under res GLC ef 1, ur flender, and high, and of @ itis a foot and half whitifh colour. The leaves ar d irregularly, and are of a hey are divided into numefines ftrone flender fegments, and are of an inoffenrousvery five fmeall. flowers are laroe, the rays are white, and the central part is yellow. mon in corn-fields, and flowers in the furface. The ftalks are numerous, ftriated, of a pale green, weak, ,and branched: they lie in part upon the ground ; and are a foot or more in length. leaves are of a bright green, and deeply into fezments: they are of a veryfragrant he flowers are numerous, and terminate the ifk ; branches : they are white, but have yellowd naturallyfingle,. but eafily doubled by culture. It is common in damp places: on heaths, and flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Chamaemeluin nobile five leucanthemum odoratius. Others, num. ‘Theftalks are naked, having no leaves; and each fupports only @ places this among the fngenefia. re vey 1 The root .is compofed of many very +03» Common MoU The leaves are long, moderately broad, of a deep green, and fharplyferrated on the edges. The flowers ftand at the tops of the branches ; and are large and white, with the difk yellow. It iscommon in ourpaftures, and flowers in June, C. Bauhine calls it Bellis fylveftris caule foliofa major. oyu” flower is radiated, and compofed of many flofcules of different kinds, arranged in 4 sia cup. This is formed of numerous, pointed fegments, placed in a fingle feries. in the centre are tubular, and dividedinto five {fegments at the rim: thofe in“the verge ba he feeds are oval. HF this with the reft among the /yngenc/ia. The root is compofed of numerous fibres, con1 to a {mall head. talk is ribbed, upright, branched, anda SPE CIEss. yes are very numerous, and of a DIVISI:0ON Linnezus ranges Leu Tinbes |ranges this among the pm Ue puns swer is radiated ; and is compofed of many flofcules, of two kinds, arranged in a common cup. ‘This is formed of very numerous fcales, growing larger as they ftand more inroundfhape. The flofeules in the centre are tubular, and divided ward, and in the whole is of a nts at the rim; thofe in the verge are oblong, flatted, and three-pointed. into five openfe nt carThe flowersof this fpecies are an excelle for the minative and ftomachick, and are dried moft vir+ fervice of medicine. The fingle have tue ; but the double are moreied! g.. Stinking |