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Show a The BRITIS H HERBAL. Lhe? ape ftalks ; and are ofa brig fmall, but very con{pi The Grafs-Vetch. Nifolia. PO GI Sf Divo Thepods areIc are numerous and round. It is found by wood-fides, A utl all of them liable t i objections, that this new one # e Liele. ar and thick, Theroot is compofed of numerous, toleThe ftalk is of a pale green, flender, but two fee ly erect, rarely much branched, and FO R E.G N- 5 2 EG gs. ¢ flavo. f different plant C. Bauhine calls it Z f but the characters fhew how impr by that name. the plant is hardlydiftinguifhed, except whenin 11 The root is long, flender, and divided into humerous parts. The firft leaves are oblong, and undivided: they are of an inverted oval figure, broad, and rounded at the end, and narrowat the bafe. The ftalks are numerous, weak, and branched : they. are of a pale green, aid afoot andhalf high, e leaves ftand in an meee manner on the Iks, and are fniall; about five grow together an odd pinnated mann Some call it flower. The flowers are placed on long, flender foot- Sil Oh HT EE Rs Bi Ask) Yellow Cretic ee ek to be introduced in their place. e leaves are placedirreg larly on the flalks the top to the bottom of the plant; z d in there cenerally rifes a young fhoot of a branch very the boom of every one of them: they are long, narrow, and of a fine frefh green ; fo that theyinall refpects refem ble thofe of grafs; and Bi RE ISTH Sabe | | | | | offthem ftahd The feed-v tained in broad me formed of the cups of into this fhap fhe feeds are few and fmall. It is frequent in the Greek iflands, a in it Profper Alpinus calls it Trifol ftrange e, but others have copiecedit. Its virtues are unkno’ Gees EO ON U KIDNEY ANTH NEI Ua Ss XII. HORSE- SHOE VEECH. $§ Neb ore eT P POG &RE P £8, YTLLIS. MFINHEflowe compofed of four petals, and is papilionaceous. ) « the leng 4 turns backat the fides, and oblone form, and are fhorter than comprefled. The cup is hairy: it is divided re The podis i HE A compofed of four petals, andis papilonaceous, The vexillumis heart-fatt and nde a very long bottom. T @ are of an oval form, and are obtufe ; and the cari long, fl atted, and cut deeply in at fall diftances al flatted and hooked. The pod is crook ; fo that it appears com dof an umber of ‘li ints, faftened by nar the inner € to the edge of the back, The feeds are fall,ty obllong, and hooked ; and one of tl every joint of the pod. The fingular form of as well as tained it the L: n name thrah é to ule the more modern term bippocr is, as itis a fingle word ; for generical names fhould never confift of more. Linnzus places this am y decands ia the threads beingten, and in two affortments, nine: in one body, a nd another fingle The vex DIV ISTO 1. Yellow Kidneyvetch. ; DTV Ps FO Vy tnt & The root is long, thick, and furnifhed with manyfibres. The firft l| eaves are long, andpinnated in a very regular and perfect manner : each is compofed of fix or morepairs of pinne, which are oblong and narrow, and a much larger leaf of the fame form at the end: the wholeis hairy,, a nd of a whitifh green, Theftalk is round, thick, anda foot or more in height whenit rifes up, but it more ufually fpreads about the ground; and is of a yellowith colour. Theleaves onthis are perfeétlylike thofe from the root: they are placed irregularly, and are of the fame ‘pale colour. The flowers ftand in tufts atthe tops of ‘the ftalks, and on long, flender pedicles rifing from Hee bofoms ofthe eaves: they are fmall ahd yelOw, The pods are fmall, and remain ‘concealed in the cups Wehave it in dry paftutes not unfrequently. It flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Zozo Gfinis wulneraria pra- Tufted Horfe fhoe Vetch. herb; but thefe are than heretofore. 2. Purple Kidneyvetch. Anthyllis procum The root is long, thick, and furnifhed with numerous fibres. The firft leaves are r ularly pinnated ; each is compofedoffeveral pairs of {mall pinne, with a larger odd leaf at the end. The ftalks are numerous, foot long, and fpread themfelves on the ground. The leaves are placed irregularly on them, and are pinnatedas thofe fromthe root. The flowers grow in lar, > tufts at the tops a the ftalks, and extremities of all the branches, and are of a bright red. The feed-vefléls are very {mall, and perfectly hid within the cup. It is found in our weftern counties, and flowers in Auguft. Ray calls it Vu ITS mo J ‘upit ROOee The older authors were not acquainted withit. The root is fmall, and divided into feveral parts. The firft leaves are oe narrow, and pinnated: each xis compofedof fix or more pairs of fhort, oval aie; and they are ofa pale green; an odd‘leaf inates each ; andthis is no larger than the a The ftalks are numerous, flender, weak, branched, and eight orten inches high, The leaves on thefe are pinnated, and perfectly refemble thofe fromthe root. DiLwWal S$ 1.0% UH. Single podded Horfe-thoe Vetch. Hippocref quis fi The root is long, thick, and furnifhed with manyfibres, The firft leaves are long, narrow, and pinnated: each confifts of four orfive. pairs of pinne, with an odd one at the end; andthefe are broad, fhort, and heart-fafhioned, fimalleft at.the bafe, broadeft at the top, and indented at the end. The ftalks are numerous, weak, and low. The leaves on thefe are pinnatedin the fame 8 § PE Ci E &, The flowers are fmall, and of a gold yellow: they grow in a kind of d clufter at the ; the ftalk, and on long pedicles rifing from the foms of the leaves ; and they are of long continuance. The pods and indented : theey hang fro foc <in of rude andri named the plant. It is found onae chalky g pay R’E 1:Gin -S9P E.Cy1 E manneras thofe from the root, andare of a pale green colour. The flowers ftand fingly on flender footft rifing from the bofoms of the leaves; and t are {mall andyellow. The podis long, fomewhat crooked, and deeply indented: the { {mall, and crooked, in the fhape of an horfe-/hoe. It is frequent in Italy, and flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Ferrum equinum fil |