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Show The 134 hes BRiIT1S-H.H E R BAL, pa bees i armed with many fhort, but very fharp and fturdy Befide the variations we have named in the the | prickles : they are toughs and covered with a cut antients the where capital, ian Corinth pale greyifh rind. and ends and tops of the acanthus into laurel The leaves ate latge, oblong, confiderably rethe that_in mention to are we leaves, olive broad, and of a bluifh green colour: they mains of what is called the compofite order, deeply and very irregularly divided into three or thefe ends are cut and{plit with the chiffel much four fegments on each fide, and thefe all end in calare they ftate this In nature. in than farther prickles: they terminate alfo in a fhort, irregular, led parfley leaves; and we fee an inftance of them prickly point at the extremity. Severus, of arch the f columnso te compofi the in The flowers growat the tops of the branches, and elfewhere: but they are here more pardonable, though no where to be commended. The Ro- mans had a right to indulge their fancy in this compofition. (for it does not deferve the name of an order), becaufe it was of their own invention ; but they are inexcufable in maiming the Corinthian, a proper and diftinét order, and the inventions of their matters the Greeks, the fathers of icience. Thefeed-vefiels feeds are fmall. Iris a native of Commelin calls. inodorus. Pitiver, folio. are large and double; andthe the Eaft Indies. it Carduus aquaticus Acanthus Malabaricus a: The root is efteemed goodin thegravel roots of the common acanthus have the fame vir- 3. Holly-leaved Acanthus. Acanthus foliis aquifolii. and are very large and gaping. ; tues, operating by urine, but not in a de worth notice. he rootis long and fpreading. The ftalks are numerous, large, woody, and Goisdk IN Us VIL. BoA RULE R'E A: HE. flower confifts of a fingle petal, and approaches to the labiated kind: it is formed into a Cama tube, a body, arid two lips: the:tube is fhort, and is contained in the cup: the body is oblong and fwelled: the upper lip is nip’d at the end, and ftands erect: the under oneis divided into three fegments; the middle one of which is juft of the figure of the entire upper lip: the cup is divided into five flender fegments ; and the feed-vefiel is oblong and fquare. Linnzus places this among the didynamia angiofpermia. HERBAL. H 138 to have it here, but ic is oflate neglected entirely. It is eftleemed good againft headachs, and a few drops put into ¢ars for deafnefs. 1. Long-leaved Sefamum: s oblo: 4. Various-leaved Sefamum Sefamumfohiis vari / fter, and have fhort footftalks ; and i pale green: they are | roadeft arp at the point, and flightly The root 18 long, large, and white: it penétrates deep into the ground, and has a few fibres. The fiift leaves are oblong, broad, fmall, and of a deep gteen: they have short footftalks, and The ftalk’ is thick, firm, upright, and not at are undivided at the edges. all branched : it is two foot anda half h The ftalk is round, firm, upright, and not at andftriated on the fi is of a pale er all branched. The leaves are numerous, and of apale¢ The leaves grow in pairs, but they are cone thofe fromthe root, only e they are fiderably different in form onthe various parts of {maller and lefs indented, and fometimes not at the plant: thofe which grow lowermoft are divided into three parts, two fhort toward the bafe; ers are large, and white, with a tinge and one long, which terminates them; and all ; fometimes altogether red: theyrife of pu thefe are indented at the edges. The upper leaves of the leaves, and ftand on from the bofe are oblong, narrow, and indented ; they are broad. ks. fhort, fler eft at the bafe, and fmaller all the .way.to the The feed-veffel point; and, they have long and flender footlarge quantity of. feeds. ftalks. It is a native of Zeylon and Malabar, and jis The flowers grow in the bofoms of the leaves: fown in fields about Adrianople. tl are very large, and have feparate, flender orientalis fefan Di t Barman footftalks. fomeflower Thé z. Se¢/ only Others, difta. The feed-veffel is long and fquared; and the what refembles foxglove, whenceit has obtained feeds are numerous, ; but the feed-veffel the name of oriental foxglove It is a native of the Eaft Indies, and flowers is perfectly different, and makes it another genus. in July. Plukenet calls it Sefamum alterum foliis trifidis. An oil is made from it in. Turkey, and is famous in many external applications, We ufed Gere Eoruta U, 28 IX. RUB G&L V4 of a bright green, undivided at the edges, and 1. Four-prickled Barleria. Barleria [pinis quaternis, 2419 0L$ The root is large, divided into many parts, and full of fpreading fibres. The ftem is hard, woody and covered with a brownbark. There’ are numerous and very fharp prickles on’the branches, and they are difpofed very re- gularly, four together, in form ofa crofs. The leaves are large and oblong: they’ ftand in pairs, and have very fhort footftalks: they are Gene SN fharp-pointed. The flowers rife from the bofoms of the leaves, and are large and beautiful : each has its feparate fhort footftalk, and there generally grows a tuft of young leaves about them. The feed-veftel is large, and fpread on the furcs and the feeds are numerous, rounded, and at. It is a native of the Eaft Indies, and flowers in July. Plukenet calls it Melampyro cognata maderos patana{pinis horrida. The Indians, Coletta veetla. Bode § VIIL OPE Y GiR AcbN, on c HE flower confifts of a fingle petal, and approaches.to the labiated form: it confifts of a fhore tube, hid withia the cup; an open and drooping neck; and, above that, an edge divided into three point downments : two ofthefe which ftand upward are fomewhat reflex ; the other edge into five narrow ‘and are moreftrait: the cup is formed of a fingle leaf, divided at the W: and pointedat each end. feect ments ; and the feed-veffel is long, flender, rounded, in each flower, as in moft of Linnzus places this among the didynamia, angiofpermia 5 the threads being thus ng, four, two of which are longer and two fhorter ; and the feeds the preceding {pecies le. contained in a cay properly of the labiated kind ; The firft of thefe characters they enjoy in common with the flowers is peculiar, for the feeds of other the lengths: unequal of thus are which threads, four ,o thofe of the labiated kind ftand in the bottom’ofthe cup. the threads, two long andtwofhort, whichis one This fhews, that the particular arrangement of Linnzus,, is not, nor can be, the proper mark of of the moft fingular charaéters in the methodof of the numerous plants which have the threads in this made it fo; becaufé fs: though he d, others regularly containedin a capfule. , fome have the feeds e plants under two feparate heads, though in the is faw this difference, and < in making the regular and irregular monopetalous but this is the fame error Ray made, fame« and in nature, a claffical character. a fub-diftinction ; whereas it is truly, flowers SES AMUM., HE flower confifts of a fingle petal, and fomewhat approaches to the labiated kind: the whole is formed into a {mall tube, an inflated body, and a divided edge: the tube is hot and contained within the cup: the body is large and broad, deep and hollow; the edge is divided into five parts, four of which are broad and equal, and the fifth narrow, and Biopeshicr different from the reft: the cup is divided into five {mall fegments at the edge: the feed-vetel is large, oblong, and fquare, and contains numerous feeds. i Linnew: among the . : i in eacheach flower threads in s the threads Linnzus places this, asthe others,and two fl didynamia ongiofper Br mia the being four, two of. which are longer is two fhorter, and the feeds contained in a capfule. nS. and thready. rous, round, yel obt at the end, and ofa frefh green: The flowers grow at the tops of the ftalks, three or fourinalittle clufter, and are of a pale red. The feed-veffel is long, and the feeds are numerous andfmall. It is tive of the Eaft Indies and the American Iflands, and flowers in May. Plukenet calls it .Gentianella impatiens foliis agerati. In Barbadoes theycall it Saapgra/s. PRP eC LASS s. 2 1. Long- THE |