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Show ws tee BRITISH the Some have fuppofed it only. a, variety of 3 but, on other “dove’s-foot with deep. cut leaves diftinet. comparing them, they are abfolutely um Ray calls it Geranium columbipum maxim diffectis foltis. g. Bloody Cranetbill. Geranium hemotides.- A0.L 20% The rootis long, thick, and divided into el veral patts: © The leaves that rife from it are numerous, fmall, and‘deeply divided : they have moderately long footftalks, and they are’of a dufky green. Their fegments are fingle and fharp-pointed. The ftalks are numerous, round, weak,, and rediff’: they are a foot Jong, but not very erect 5 and are greatly branched. Phe leaves on thee are like thofe from the root's tnd they have, in’ the fame manner, moderately long footftalks. ; The flowers do not grow from the tops of the ftalks, but rife from the bofoms ofthe leaves : they have very Jong, fletider footftalks, and only one flower is fupported’on each: this is very large, and of a deep bleod:red. The beak is fmall,-and, is furrounded at its HE RoB AvL. Thee The ftalks are numerous, weak, round, and branched : they are fix or eight inches long, but not perfectly, erect, Their leaves are fmall, and very deeply divided; and they aré of the fame deep green colour with thofe from the root, andalfo fmooth, The flowers are very large, and very beautiful: they ftand fingly on long footftalks rifing from the bofoms of the leaves; and they are of a pale whitifh colour, variegated with veins ofred. The beaks are fmall. Tt is’ found: in Wancafhire and the adjoining counties; and flowers in Augutt. q Raycalls it Geranuim hieratodes Lancaftrenfe eleganter variegato. It has been fufpeéted as only a variety: of one of the firft kind; and the feeds have been fown in gardens to try, Inthis cafe it becomes larger, but the leaves continue fmaller, than thofe of the common:kind; and the flower always continues variegated. 12. Crowfoot Cranefbill. Geranium Batrachoides. ro.. Pale hairy-leaved bloody Cranefbill. )Thexrootds long, thick,’and furnifhed with numerous ‘fibres. The leaves that-rife firft from this are very numerous, and fupported on long, flender footftdike#ieheir’ figure approaches to round, but they ‘are deeply divided’ into narfow fegments ; and they are hairy, and of a pale green. The ftalk is flender, haify, ‘whitifh, and but indifferently ableto fupport icfelf. The leaves onit are, like thofe from the root, pale-coloured, ‘hairy, ‘and* very deeply ‘divided ; and they have fhort footftatks. The flowers are large, and of a pale red; and they ftand’on‘feparate long and flenderfootftalks rifing fromthe bofoms: of: the leaves. The beaks are long and large. Tt is found in Cambridgefhire, and fome other The ftalk is thick, firm, upright, two feet | high, and very muchbranched. The leaves on it are numerous and large, and are divided more deeply than thofe immediately from ‘the root. The flowers are numerous, very large, and of |g finé blue: they ftand atthe tops of the branches on fhort footftalks. The beaks are long, and not very thick. It is frequent in paftures in miany parts of England. About Twickenham. there. is a great deal of it. It flowers in July. J. Bauhine calls it Geranium batrachoides. thers, Gratig, Dei. 13. Red-flowered crowfoot:Cranetbill. The root is long, thick, and furnifhed with ft flowers in’ July. Ray calls it Germaniumbematodes foliis majoribis pallidioribus S aliins-incifis. 11. Small bloody Cranefbill. Gerguiymbematodes pumilum. “The root is long, flender, and furnifhed- with numerous fibres, The leaves that firft rife fromit are numerous, fmall, of a roundifh figure, but deeply divided into narrow fegments, and placed on long footftalks: they are of a dufky green colour, and not in theleaft hairy, Ox Geranium batrachoides flore minore rubente. places, but is not common, 5 a ‘multitude Of long ahd crooked fibres. From this ‘rife firft four’ or five leaves, tarely more: they are large, broad, and of a deep green colotr; and fhining furface.: they are fup- ported on long footftalks, andare cut into feve- ral-divifions at the edges, but not fo deeply 8 thofe ‘of the formerfpecies, The. ftalk is round, upright, but flender, fomewhat branched, anda foot and half high. The leaves that ftand on it refemble thole from the root, but they are {maller, and more deeply divided, The flowers ftand at the tops of the ftalks and branches on fhort footftalks, and: are confi- i 5 ; derably Jarge; but not’ nearly fo big as thofe of the former: their colour is a fine bright red. The beaks are long and large. It is found among bufhes in’ our northern counties; and flowers in Auguft. Ray calls it Geranium batrachoides montanum. C. Bauhine, Geranium batrachoides folio aconiti. Others, Geranium batrachoides minus. 14. Shining dove’s-foot Cranefbill. 2 29. Geranium lucidum faxatile columbinum. The root is long, flender, and furnifhed with manyfibres. The firft leaves in fhape fomewhat refemble thofe of the commondove’s-foot crane/bill, but they are of a deep green colour, and fhining furface : they are more grofsly indented, and they ftand on long, thick, red footftalks. The ftalks rife among thefe leaves, and they are very irregularly branched, and-rudely jointed: they alfo are red and fhining; their joints are large and knotty ; and their branches fpread with great irregularity : they are a foot andhalf long, but they do not ftandveryerect. This is a very large andfpecious plant, The root is long, thick, and furnifhed with bafe by a large cup. : abundance of fibres. It: is found among ‘bufhes in ‘the fouthern The firft leaves rife in a large tuft : they are counties of England, but is not common. fupported on long, flender foortftalks, and ate It flowers in July. large and fpreading : they are divided very C. Bauhine calls it Geranium‘fanguinarium. Odeeply into ‘numerous fegments, which are-again s. um, thers, Geranium fanguine and Hematode | notched at their edges ;: and they are ofa pale } green, and ‘hairy. Geranium hematides foliis pallideoribus, hirfutis. BRETISIH derably Theleaves on the ftalks are tefs indented than thofe at the root, and are of the fame glofly furface and dark colour. The flowers are {mall, and of a faint réd: The beaks alfo are fmall. It is frequent in our northern counties and elfewhere. There is a great deal of it among the bufhes on the right hand of the road to Richmond. It flowers in June. C. Bauhine calls it Geranium lucidum faxatile. Others; Geranium faxatile. ‘HER BAL, 16. Black-floweted Cranefbill, Geranium flore pull. Fe The root is long, flender, and furnifhed with many fibres. The leaves that rife from it are large, broad and angulated: they are placed on long footftalks, and they are divided by deep fegments into five or fix principal parts, which are pointed at the ends, and notchedat their edges : they are of a dufky green colour; andoften are {potted. The ftalk is round, firm, very upright, and two feet high: it is of a pale brown colour, and very little branched. Theleaves ftand irregularly onit, and at diftances: thofe toward the bottom refemble the firft leaves from the root; but fuch as grow near the top are divided only into three parts, which are long, narrow, and notched. The flowers are large and black: they ftand on flenderfootftalks on the tops of the branches ; and thefe ufually {plit, and fuftain each two flowers. The beaks are moderately long: It has been found wild in fome few. parts of England, and of late in Ireland. It flowers in July. C. Bauhinecalls it Gerxanium.montanum Sufcum, Others, Geraniumpullo flore. 17. Sea Cranefbill with undivided leaves, Geranium maritimum foliis integris. The root is long, flender, divided,' and furs nifhed with many fibres. The ftalks. are. numerous, thick, ‘jointed, ‘and of a pale green : they are five or fix inches long; and fpread every way upon the ground, none of 15. Knotty Cranefbill with trifid leaves. eranium nodofum foliis trifidis. The root is long, irregular, and creeping. The firft leaves are few; andare fupported on long; flender, redifh footftalks: they are {mall, and:of°a deep green colour and fhining furface: they are each divided into three principal parts, and two fmaller' at the bafe; fo that thefe are properly quinquifid, though thofe on the ftalks are, as the name expreffes, only trifid: thofe fegments of the leaves are long, narrow, and fharppointed; and they are. fharply ferrated at the edges. The ftalk is round, upright, and of a.blood red colour ufually; it is divided into many branches in the upper part, andhas large, thick, and {welling knots at the joints. The flowers ftand on fhort footftalks at the tops of the branches, commonly two, on each footftalk : they-‘are moderately large, and of a bright red. The beaks are Jong and flender. It is found in fome of our northern counties; andflowers in June. C. Bauhine calls it Geranium -nodofum. Others, Geranium nodofum plateau. The whole plant‘frequently becomes in autumn blood red. them rifing upright, unlefs by accident: they are thick fet with leaves, and divided into numerous branches. The leaves are undivided: they are oblong and broad, obtufe at the ends, and flightly crenated round the edges: they are of a pale green, and they have a great deal of refemblance: to the leaves of betony, only they are fmaller, The flowers ftand. on fhort footftalks rifing from the bofoms. of ‘the leaves, principally: toward the ends of the branches: they are fmall and whitifh, with a blufh of- red. The beaksare fhort.and.fmall. It is frequent on barren, fandy grounds about the fea-coaft ; and flowers in June; Raycalls it Geranium pufillum fupinum maritimum althea, vel potius Betonice folio. Merret, Geraniumbetonicefolio. 18. Pinnated-leaved Cranefbill without feent. Geraniumfoliis pinnatis inodorum. The root is long, thick, and furnifhed with many fibres. The leayes that firft rife from it’ are large and pinnated ; and they.are beautifully difpofed, making a roundtuft upon the ground ; they are long, narrow, and ofa pale, pleafant green: each is compofed of fix or more pairs -of pinnz, or fmaller leaves, fet: oma middle rib, with an odd one at the end. The |