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Show L. BP REDD SIH ERBA tts The ae Thee 2, Narrow-leaved Dandelion. Dens leonis folio anguftiore. 4, Narrow-leaved Mountain Dandelion, The rootis long, and has many fibres. green, The leaves are narrow, long, of a dark s than and divided into more and deeper segment in the common kind. ; and One flowerftands at the top of each ftalk The root is long and thick. The leaves are long, narrow, and undivided: they are of a pale green, and lightly hairy, The ftalk is naked, andeight inches high, and the flower large andyellow. We haveit in Wales, and fome of our mountainous counties. It flowers in Augutft. C. Bauhine cails it Hieracium montanumangufiis folium incanum. this is large, and yellow. The feeds are redifh, and are winged with down, Thofe of the common kindare yellow. It is frequent in gardens and paftures, flower- Dens leonis foliis integris, POC 3-2, ing all fammer 7 ' ; ‘ : . C. Bavhinecalls it Dens leonis angujtiorefolio. 3. Rough Dandelion. Dens leonis birfutus. WIVES O The root is long, thick, and furnifhed with many fibres. Theleaves are oblong,broad, and hairy: they are ofa pale green, and deeply divided. The ftalk is naked, but hairy ; and atits top ftands one large yellowflower. It is frequent in paftures, and flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Hieracium afperum flore magno dentis leonis. Others, Dens leonis afper, and Dens leonis hirfutus, GE. EN ClG@G GOAT SB> Rireic.-0 and placed outward. Eachflofcule is fat, and deeply indentedin five places at the edge. the others, is fometimes in luxuriant foils fplit into twoor three divifions. The flowers are {mall and yellow; and the It flowers in June. Petiver calls it Dens leonis ramofus glaber , and it is fo named by Dillenius. feet high, but veryirregular in their growth, frequently branched, and placed obliquely rather than upright. The leaves are long, moderately broad, of a fine green, and deeply divided into toothed fegments. frequently branched, and two feet high. The leaves are numerous, very long, flender, England, and flowersin July. greyith. The flowersare large and yellow : they terminate the ftalk and branches; and the leaves or C. Bauhine calls it Tragopogon purpuro-cerie leum quod artifi vulgo, fegments of the cup exceed the body of the flower in length. Tt is commonin hilly paftures, and flowers in This and the common kind havethe fame qua- lities. Their roots are pleafant ; andthis laft is kept in gardens for the fervice of the table, where June. it is called falfafie. C.Bauhinecalls it Tragopogon pratenfe lutenm They operate gently by urine, and are good MajUs. againft the gravel. The laft kind is beft tafted ; but the other has 2. Purple Goats-Beard. Tragopogon flore purpurea, 7°02 6%. 6) moft virtue. The toot is long, thick, white, and flefhy ; and is of a very agreeable tafte, 2 It poffefies the virtues of dandelion, but in a more powerful degree, operating ftrongly by urine, and removing obftruétions of the vif+ cera. The beft method oftaking it is in a ftrong in- fufion of the frefh-gathered root. G ON § VIII; NLP PLE W. O RT. L AM P S$ AN 2d. HEflower is compofed of about fixteen petals, placed in a common cup ; whichis of an oval form, and angulated, and made of fourteen fcales. Eight of thefe conftitute the inner part 5 and they are long and narrow: fix formthe outer part at the bafe; and they are fhort. Each flofcule is lightly dividedinto five parts at the end. The feeds have no down. Linneus ranges this, the following and preceding, with the reft, among the /agenefia. 1. Common Nipplewort: The ftalk is round, thick, jointed, and two and of a fine green, with a tinge of bluifh or culture. The flowers are large and blue: they ftick to the ftalks at the infertions of the leaves, and fometimes alfo terminate the branches. Lampfana vulgaris. PLES 77 feet or more in height. The leaves are of a bluifh green, verylong, moderately broad, and fharp-pointed. The flowers ftand at the topsof the ftalks; and they are very large and purple. It is found wild in meadowsin the north of C, Bauhinecalls it Cichoreum fylueftre vel officia narum. The garden-fuccory differs in nothing fromit but The ftalks are thick, of a deep green, two BEARD: flat, fhort, and indented infive places at the top. The leaves of the plant are grafly, long, and narrow. Linnzeusarranges this with.the reft among his /yygene/fia. The root is long and large, of a white colour, and well tafted. The ftalk is round, upright, jointed, not un- It is common in wafte places, and flowers in Auguft. x The rootis long andflender. VI. PuiOmGs OWN. Thefeeds have no downy matter annexed to them, 1. Wild Succory. HE flower is compofed of numerous flofcules, arranged together in a fimple cup, formedof eight long and pointed parts, which unite in one common body at the bafe. Each flofcule is x. Common Goats-Beard. Tragopogon vulgare. PLE? HOR £0 ™M. Cichoreum fylucfire, 06o. 7 Theroot is long andflender. The leaves are very long, narrow, irregularly divided, and of a faint green. Theftalk, which naturally rifes fingle, as in VII. opens, is of a cylindric figure. Thirteen fcales or leaves form it; and of thofe eight are nar. row and oblong: thefe ftand inward, and form the cylindric part. The other five are broader, fhorters Dens leonis ramofus. Uaee'S Uses "HE flower is compofed of numerous flofcules, ranged in a common cup; which, before it GE G Ne H ER BALL. SU CC OR Y, 5. Branched Dandelion. feeds are blackifh. Wehaveit in paftures in Suffex. (BiR IT Sew The root’ is fibres, long, and hung with many The ftalk is upright, a yard high, of a faint green, and divided into many branches. The leaves are large, oblong, broad, of a dufky green, and lightly and irregularly notched hear the bafe, efpecially thofe toward the bottom of the ftalk. The flowers are very fmall and yellow; but they are numerous at the tops of all the branches. It is commonin wafte ground, and flowers in July. C.Bauhine calls it Soncho affinis lampfana domeftica. 2. Dwarf Nipplewort, called Swines Succory. Lampfana minima, POE 2.60 The root is long, flender, and hung with a few fibres. The leaves are numerous and oblong,a little notched at the edges, and of a dufky green. The ftalk is naked, and fometimes fingle, fometimes divided; of a pale'green, and fix inches high. The flowers are {mall and yellow; and they terminate the ftalks and branches. It is found in corn-fields, and flowers in June. C. Bauhinecalls it Hy/eris. The root of the common nipplewort is recommended as diuretick and deobftruenty but it is not ufed. |