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Show The fhe BRITISHH-E“R BH ESRaB ANL: BRITISH ee ae ———— G. E N Us BAS Oy CA TF Milucta levis. XIV. & MU oM. The tubularpart is thort, and fpread FARE, floweris formed of a fingle petal, andis labiated. I very.open. The upper lip is broad, and divided into four parts : the lower lip isnarrow, undivided, and ferrated, and-is longer than the other. t The cup is very {mall, sand it is divided like the flower into two lips., The floweris followed by four naked feeds, of an oval form. ‘ among the didynamia i gymnofpermia wmnolpermia +5 the flower- having havi cok . did Linneus places this mshela threads, of which two-are longer than the others, andthe’ feeds, ftanding in the cup without a capfule. branches in a fhort, loofe fpike: theyare large 1. CommonBafil. Ocymum vulgare, BL $41 14 The root is long, divided, and furnifhed with numerous fibres. The ftalk is {quare, upright, branched, and eight inches high, The leaves are placed in pairs; and they have fender foorftalks: they are large, oblong, moderately broad, fharply ferrated, and, pointed ; andare of a fine green : they have a very fragrant and agreeable fmell, but little tafte. The flowers ftandat the tops of the ftalks and branches in long, loofe fpikes: they are large, and of a. whitifh-colour, with -a faint. dafh of purple. The feeds are fmall and oval. It is a native of the Eaft, but is common in and white. The feeds are fmall and brown. It is a native of the Eaft, and flowers in Auguft, C. Bauhine calls it Ocymum caryophyllatum majus. Others, Ocymum magnum. This and the former have the fame qualities, but this in the greateft degree: they are ufed by 2. Great Bafil. Ocymum majus. PCED J8 The root is compofed of numerous, thick whitifh fibres. The ftalk is fquare, firm, upright, and two feet high: itis of a purplifh colour toward the bottom: and upwards it is of a pale green. The leaves are large, and of a whitifh green nacurally ; but often ftained with purple : they are oblong, broad, and dented at the edges; and they have an extremely pleafing fmell. tities they are ufeful againft obftrudtions of the vifcera, Ni flender, and tough f The ftalk is fquare and branched. The leaves are placedin pairs: the footftalks, ane broad, fhort, and de ply ferratte a faint green, and they have a very fmell. The flowers furround the the the per part of the ftalk ; and they are {mall and four fucceed every flower. The whole plant has a very agreeable fmell, fomewhat refembling that of dzum. It is a native of the warmer parts of the world, and flowers in July. C. Bauhine calls it Molucca Levis odorata, Others, Melifz iméluccana odorata, and Molucca Joints: they are { tes: and «tk fometimes more or times are redenti orlarge as in the fc with tharpprickles. Itis-a native of the Eaft, and Rowers in Ac guft. C. Bauhine calls it / Others, Molucca /pinofa. The virtues are not known. Syriaca levis. Gi A fyrup ofthe juice is good Nien VTE 3. Little Buth-Bafil. ieees U EUS Therootis {mall and long, andis furrounded with flender fibres. The ftalk is fquare, fix inches high, and divided into innumerable branches. The leaves ftand in pairs; andare fimall, and of a roundifh figure, but pointed : they are of a pale green, and fometimes redith. The flowers are {mall and white, faintlytinged, fometimes with purple, fometimes entirely free fromit: they grow from the bofoms oftheleaves on the upperparts of the plant. The feeds are fmall and brown. It is a native of Italy, and flowers in Augutt. C. Bauhinecalls it Ocymum minimum. RS Ao7 The tubular part is of a cylindrick form, The upper lip is fhort, and of an archedfigure: it is roundith, and placed ere, and is nipped at the extremity ; the lowerlip is divided into three fegments; of which the middle one is argeftin ; : and it is of a heart-like fhape. Thecupis tubular, anddivided like the flower into two| ips. The feeds are four after every flower; and they ftand naked in the cup. Linneus places this among the didynamia £ymnofpermia, the flower | having two longer and two fhorter threads, andthe feeds ftanding naked. Common Bauth: Melia. POS te The root is compofed of innumerable long fibres, joined to an oblong head: Theftalks are {quare, upright, flender, branched; and two feet high. The leaves are placed in pairs ; and they have flender footftalks : they are broad, fhort, and in- Its virtues are the fame with the others. XVI, M. HE, flower is‘formed of'a fingle petal, and is labiated. Otymumminimum ramofifiinum. Us she BoA alfo in afthmatick cafes. MO.L,U © CiA MOLL Molucca purplith. Their cups are moft confpicuous from their vet bignefs; and they are of a yellowith colour, The feeds are large, and irregularly fhaped : They promote the menfes, and they operate by urine. ‘The flowers are placed upon the tops of the Gatien: Glu Theroot is compofed of long, crookedfibres. The ftalk is upright, firm, two feet high, redifh in the lower part, and fomewhat fquared; but not fo exactly as in many ofthefe plants. The leaves ftandin pairs ; and they have long, flender footftalks: they aré large, broad, and fhort, deeply indented, and of a dark green. The flowers furround the joints of the up- the Frenchand {talians in their cookery, and give a fine flavour to their difhes ; but in larger quan- our gardens. C. Bauhine calls it Ocymumvulgatius. Others, Ocymum citratum, Ocymum vulgare medium, and Ocymumnigrum. BAT, 2. Prickly Mol 1. Smooth Molucea Baum. dented. Their colour is a frefh and pleafant green: they have light and foft hairynefs ; and they are of a very fragrant fmell. The flowers are fmall andinconfi bl they are white; and theyftand in clu the bofoms ofthe upperleaves. The feeds are fimall and brown. It is a native of Germany, and flowers in Ay gutt. C. Bauhine calls it Adela hortenfis. Others, Meliffa vulgaris. Ic is a cordial and fudorifick ufed by the country-people practice. ; but it is more than in ri gular XV. BAUM. The END of the TWENTY-FIRST CLASS UC.C.A, FYOHEflower is formed of a fingle petal, ‘and is labiated. The tubular part is fhort. The upper lip is undivided, hollow, and placed ereé&t : the lower lip is divided into three fegments 5 of which the midd] € one is the longeft, and it is nipped at the end. The cup is formed ofa fingle pieces . and opens into a wide mouth, (vaftly larger than the flower) which is dentedat the edge. Thefeces (op are four after every Hower: they are of an irregular figure ; and they. ftand naked in the cup. Linnzus places this amongthe didynamia gymnofpermia; the flower. having two longer and two fhorter threads, and the feeds having no capfule. He writes the name molucel/a. x. Smooth |