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Show ‘Bhe 244 hte |S Ss Kg De! OS they have very fhort foorftalks, andare deep irregularly finuated. The flowers ftandat the tops o 2. Yellow-flowered Raphaniftrum. ‘The feeds are large, roundifh, and dark coloured. It Is a native of Italy, and flowers in July. on each fide, but not in pairs, and the ribe of the leaf between them is jagged : they a alfo nicked at the edges, as is the terminating fegment, and all of themare fharp-pointed, 3 The ftalk is round, upright, firm, of a pale C. Bauhine calls it Raphanus major orbiculatus Jive rotundus. Others, Raphanus rotundus niger. Linnzus fuppbfes it only a variety of the com- green, and yardhigh. The leaves on it are few, and placedirreoularly ; but they refemble thofe from the nopsil form, andare rough to the touch, and of a pale mou radio ; but this contradicts reafon, 3. Long, jagged leaved black Radith ec Mas+ green. Raphanus foliis laciniatis radice longo nigro. The flowers growat the tops ofthe ftalks and branches, on branchedfootftalks : they are larges The root is long, thick, and furnifhed with a fewfibres : it is black on the outfide, white within, and of a pleafing tafte : in fhape it fomewhat whitifh, with a tinge of red, and quickly fall, i Thefeed-veffel is thick, rounded, fpungy, and jointed : the feeds are large, roundifh, and brown, It is a native of Spain, and flowers in June. C. Bauhine, calls’ it Raphanus niger. Others, Raphanusniger radice pyriformi., refembles the common garden-radifh ; but it differs altogether in colour, flavour, and fubftance; in all thefe refpeéts it approaches more to the nature of the round, black radifh; but in the leaves it differs both from that and the other in the moft obvious and diftin@ manner; fo that al- The qualities ofall thefe radithes are the fame and they are more ufedat table thanin secede They work by urine, and are faid to be fweeteners of the blood, and good againft the fcurvy ; but they will agree with few ftomachs, ‘ though confounded by Linnaeus with the other as a variety of the common radifh, it is plainly a diftinct fpecies. The leaves are long, large, and deeply jagged : the fegments are placed irregularly two or three Geet’ NES ios BASTARD XII. RADISH. compofed of four little, oblong leaves, thick at the-bafe, and ftanding clofe. The fect zedel isa jointed pod, and, when ripe, it naturally breaks at the joints, and lets out the feeds ; and it is not {pungy, as in the radifh. _Linnzus places this among the tetradynamia Siliquofa, four of the fix threads in the flowerbeing longer than the other two, andthe feed. veffel being a regu lar pod; but hetakes awayits eftablifhed and diftinétive name, making it a fpecies-of radifb. From this it differs in the fingularity ofthe pods, being jointed, and feparating naturally at the joints : the radifb, in the fame manner, differs from all That charaéter it poffeffes alone, and is byit diftinguifhed fromthis genus; 4sthis is from all others, by the jointed ftruéture, and naturally feparation of the pod. As ‘we have no proper Englifh name for this genus, baftard radifh being a compound and improper other genera of this clafs, in the pods being {pungy. ene, and fomeof the fpecies being called b y authors otherwife improperly, it will be beft to retain the Latin name raphiftrum, ; The root is long, flender, white, and furnifhed with many fibres. ‘The leaves that rife from it are large, oblong, and broad, and have long, thick footftalks : they are compofed, as it were, of one pair of pinnae, and’a large piece at the end; and their colour is a deep green: they are roughto the touch, and fomewhat hairy. The {talks are numerous, round, weak, hairy, upright, and very much branched. The leaves are placed irregularly on them, and refemble thofe from the root: they are rough and of a fomewhat paler green. , branches, and they~are {mall and yellow: The pods are long, and mo they are jointed, and of a p ripe, they break afunder at th The feeds are round, large, and brown. and flowers in It is common in corn-field July. Raycalls it Ra articulata. Our jointed pod. irregularly, and they refemble thofe from the root: Di ViT-S 1:0. N..sH. BO Rub GON: The flowers are large, white, and utually ftreaked with red, or a pale purple: they are not unlike fome of the fmall fingle ftock-july flowers. ; The feed-vefiel is long, flender, and jointed : itis not hairy, as the reft of the plant, but per- feétly fmooth ; and, when the feeds are ripe, it dropsto pieces at the joints: the feeds are round and brown. It is common in corn-fields, and flowers in July. C.Bauhine calls it Raphaniftrum flore albo filiqua articulata , a name ufed by moft others. We call it commonly White-flowered charlock, with 4 Jointed pod : but this is very improper, for chatlock is a fpecies of muftard. 2. Yellow- So keG, The flowers are fmall, and jyellow, and they ftandin tufts at the tops of the ftalks. The feed-veffel is long and jointed, and the The root is a fmall, white fibre ; little more. | feeds are fmall and brown. It is a native of Siberia, and flowers in June. The firft leaves are oblong, narrow, and fharppointed: they are deeply divided at the edges, in Gmelincalls it Ra h is pinni the manner of pinnated leaves, but not quite to + confluentibus Siliquis te s artic whole plant has greatly the’ afpect of the wi/d rac the rib. The ftalks are numerous, flender, weak, and ket in miniature. not more than five or fix inches high: they geThe feeds of the white rapanh nerally ‘trail upon the ground two thirds of their Dwarf Raphaniftrum. Raphaniftrum humile foliis divifis. Gaaee Nj operate powerfully by urine; but there is not certain authority for it. The virtues of the others are not known. ‘Theyare very troublefome to the farmers as weeds, LU; XIII. § WATERCRESS. SISYMBRIUM. very ‘{mall “jp flower is compofed of four oblong petals, which are difpofed croffwife, and have narrow leaves: thefe fpread tolerably open, and bottoms: ‘the cup is formed of four little, and fhort; and the are coloured; ‘and the whole falls with the flower : the feed-veffel is crooked numerous membrane that divides it within’ is fomewhat longer than the two fides: the feeds are and fmall. Linnzus places this among the tefradynam q ofa, four of the fix threads in the flower being a regular pod: but he very improperly joins longer than the, other two; and the feed-veffel regular genera, with th affe jes many plants notallied to them : thefe we fhall give under other and in their properplaces. 1. Common Watercrefs. are. Bla: BGnlG Sifymbrium BR LEIS Hes PipicuiE,.s: 1. White-flowered Raphaniftrum. AL55 he The root is long, flender, white, and furnifhed with many fibres. The firft leaves are large and oblong : they are broadeft at the bafe, finuated at the edges, and fharp-pointed ; and they are fupported on fhort footftalks : they are rough to the touch, and of a deep green. The ftalk is round, upright, firm, two feet and a half high, and divided into many branches. The leaves on it are numerous: they are placed regularly, and are like thofe from the root. HE: flower is compofed of four petals, difpofed regularly crofs-ways one to another; thefe are broad,: and have very. fhort and very flender bottoms, a little longer than the cup athe cup is Raphaniftrum flore albo filiqua articulata. Raphaniftrum flore luteo, length. The leaves on themare few, -fo that they appear for the greater part naked: thefe ftand ir- RAPHANISTRUM. DEVoES 1.0 Nt H E/RAR BAIL, Bi RSID Shit Pots, BALL, The root is long and creeping: it runs under the mud, andhas tufts‘of fibres at {mall diftances. The firft leaves are long and pinnated : each is compofed of two orthree pairs of pine, with a large leaf at the end; andthefe feparate pinnz are fhort, broad, and have no footftalks. The ftalks are round or flatted, and of a pale t ey are ftriated, weak, and very much 1: they are pinnated, as thofe from the root, but the pinnz are fomewhat {maller. flowers are little and white: they ftandin | tufts, and at the tops of the ftalks and feed-veffels are flender, and not very long; ds are fmall, and brown. It is commonin fhallow waters, and flowers in May. C. Bayhine calls it Naw num. J. Bauhine, Sifymd turtium aquaticum. It is an excellent antifcorbutick. The juice of it is given in fpring witl brooklime, and fome other plantsof tl ract Many medicines of sus tafte, are inferior to this slant in fcorbutick diforders. |