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Show 614 MR. F. MOORE ON BENGALESE LEPIDOPTERA. [May 23 and angulated in the middle on the hind wing, where there is series of black dots bordered without by a slight pale-brownish suffused band; costa with a speckled spot to near the base and another near the apex. Female whitish testaceous, with the markings as in the male, but paler. Expanse, <$ 3\, $ 4 inches. Darjeeling. In Coll. A. E. Russell; F. Moore. C. VULPINARIA, n. Sp. Female ferruginous, palest on the fore wing from the base; with numerous short transverse black strigse, which near the base of the hind wing are thickly disposed. Both wings with an inner transverse blackish line, which on the fore wing is anterior to an oval discoidal black spot, but on the hind wing the spot touches the line; a transverse row of black pale-pointed discal spots, the series on the fore wing being recurved and terminating in a lunulated line on the hind margin, the discal space to the pale submarginal line being dark tawny, the margin on the fore wing being paler hindward ; on the costa contiguous to the discoidal spot is a short black streak, and a short ascending streak near the base of the hind margin. Head and thorax pale, and abdomen dark ferruginous. Expanse 3^ inches. Darjeeling. In Coll. W . S. Atkinson. C. MURICOLARIA. Cyclidia muricoloria, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. B. M. xxvi. Geom. p. 1483, $ . Darjeeling. C. PLAGIDOTATA. Cyclidia plagidotata, Walk. ib. p. 1483, $ . Darjeeling. C. RECTATA. Cyclidia rectata, Walk. ib. xxxv. Suppl. v. p. 1536. Darjeeling. C. PATULATA. Cyclidia patulata, Walk. ib. p. 1537. Darjeeling. DALIMA, n. g., Moore. Male. Palpi small, compressed, pilose ; second joint broadly pyriform ; third joint very short, hardly visible. Antennae bipecti-nated ; pectinations formed of short pencils of delicate vibrissse. Legs slender, smooth ; hind tibiae armed with two pairs of apical spurs. Body moderate. Abdomen slender, extending to near angle of hind wing. Wings ample, elongated. Fore wings falcated ; costa nearly straight at the base, very convex to the apex ; apex acutely |