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Show 1S67.] MR. F. MOORE ON BENGALESE LEPIDOPTERA. 89 B. MURINALIS, n. Sp. Allied to B. turpitalis. Female yellowish brown: fore wing somewhat greyish brown at the base ; a brown subbasal transverse outwardly oblique narrow irregular line ; a straight transverse discal sinuous line, and a pale-bordered straight submarginal line ; a small dark brown orbicular and reniform spot: hind wing duller brown, with an indistinct narrow whitish streak from anal angle. Underside dull brown, with an indistinct discal spot, and two narrow outer transverse brown bands. Palpi blackish. Expanse 1^ inch. Bengal. In Coll. F. Moore. Tribe PYRALES. Fam. PYRALID^E. Genus P Y R A L I S . Linn. P Y R A L I S LUCILLALIS, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. B. M . xvii. Pyral. p. 268. Darjeeling (W. S. Atkinson). P. SUFFUSALIS, Walk. ib. xxxiv. Suppl. iv. p. 1235. Calcutta (IF. S. Atkinson). Genus HERCULIA, Walk. H E R C U L I A BRACTEALIS, Walk. ib. xix. Pyral. p. 808. Genus AGLOSSA, Latr. A G L O S S A A R G E N T A L I S , n. sp. Female. Fore wing silvery white ; two oblique medially transverse blackish sinuous lines, the interspace being fuliginous brown, except the costal portion nearest the apex ; base of wing and exterior border partly fuliginous brown, the latter traversed by a white lunular line ; a row of black marginal spots ; cilia white, w*ith fuliginous- brown edge and inner spots: hind wing cinereous. Head and thorax white, the latter with fuliginous spots. Abdomen cinereous brown. Palpi white above, fuliginous beneath. Underside cinereous brown: hind wing paler and with a short brown discal mark. Legs fuliginous, each joint tipt with white. Expanse 1| inch. Darjeeling. In Coll. W . S. Atkinson; F. Moore. Fam. ENNYCHID^E. Genus PYRAUSTA, Schr. PYRAUSTA SILHETLALIS, Guen. Delt. et Pyr. p. 166 ; Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. B. M. xvii. p. 311. Botys silhetalis, Lederer, Wien. ent. Monat. vii. p. 364. |