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Show 1867.] MR. F. MOORE ON BENGALESE LEPIDOPTERA. 615 angled ; exterior margin very oblique, slightly concave ; posterior margin straight. Hind wings produced ; anterior margin extending beyond angle of fore wing; apex truncated, excavated; exterior margin nearly straight; anal angle somewhat acute. DALIMA APICATA, n. sp. (Pl. XXXII. fig. 4.) Male yellow; blackish-speckled, those at the base of fore wing disposed close together, others on the exterior border forming a sub-marginal and marginal banded series: fore wing with a broad elongated testaceous patch occupying the apex from the middle of the costa to below the angle; a blackish streak along base of the costa, three costal spots, a series of three or four triangular spots with whitish outer border, and a large round discal spot, all slightly white-speckled ; a broad lunular black spot bordered with white on the middle of posterior margin ; costa and posterior border slightly suffused with testaceous : hind wing with a blackish round discal spot, and two or three decreasing blotches from the anterior and posterior angles, all whitish-speckled. Underside brighter-coloured ; markings as above, but more defined. Expanse 3 inches. Bengal (Sherwil). In Coll. F. Moore. D. SCHISTACEARIA, 11. Sp. Male dark ashy brown : fore wing with a transverse wavy subbasal ashy-white line, and a white line proceeding from the costa, one-third from the apex, curving obliquely towards the exterior margin, and then retracting in a straight line to the middle of posterior margin, where it has a small inner contiguous black spot; a similar line passes straight across the hind wing; middle of fore wing and base of hind wing suffused with greyish white; exterior margin of fore wing with a white line. Underside reddish, with numerous blackish speckles thickly disposed on the fore wing, less so on the hind wing; both wings with a submarginal blackish-speckled lunulated band. Expanse 2 | inches. Bengal. In Coll. A. E. Russell. Genus CHOERODES, Guen. CHOCRODES TESTACEATA, n. sp. Male pale testaceous, covered with numerous minute black speckles, which are thickly disposed on the middle of exterior margin of fore wing. Both wings with an inner transverse line, which on the hind wing is blackish and passes through a discoidal spot, the line on the fore wing being cinereous and exterior to a small black spot; a broad marginal suffused greyish-testaceous band retracted to the anterior margin before the apex of both wings. Underside marked as above, but all the markings are considerably more defined. Expanse 3\ inches. Bengal. In Coll. A. E. Russell. |