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Show 846 LIEUT.-COL. P L A Y F A I R O N [NOV. 14, Parotides et regions supra-orbitaires egalement couvertes d'epines. En dessous la peau est granuleuse. Coloration: En dessus d'un brun cendre avec des taches brun fonce bordees de noir, distributes plus ou moins regulierement sur la tete, le dos et la face superieure des membres; en dessous, d'un brun jaunatre uniforme sur le ventre et la face inferieure des membres, et d'un noir fuligineux pointille de jaunatre sur la gorge. Dimensions: Tete et tronc reunis 68 millim., memb. ant. 46 millim., memb. post. 83 millim. Hab. Benguella. Un seul individu par M . d'Anchieta; il porte le nom vulgaire de " Minongo." Ce crapaud se rapproche beaucoup du B. tuberosus, Gunther (Batr. Salientia, p. 60, pl. 3. fig. C ) , dont il semble differer par la forme des parotides, par des epines moins fortes sur les tubercules cutanes, par l'existence d'un pli de la peau au bord interne du tarse, tandis que chez l'espece de Fernando Po ce pli n'existe pas et est remplace par des tubercules, &c. Cependant pour arriver a une opinion decisive il conviendrait de pouvoir comparer les deux especes. 6. The Fishes of Seychelles. By Lieut.-Colonel R. L. P L A Y F A I R , F.Z.S., H . M . Consul-General in Algeria. (Plates XL. & XLI.) The Seychelles Archipelago is included in the region the ichthyology of which was described in ' The Fishes of Zanzibar.' Since the publication of that volume I have paid another visit to those remarkable islands ; and during a stay of nearly two months there I have been enabled to add very considerably to m y former collections. I have obtained fifty-five additional species, of which five are new to science, and I have observed many others not previously known to exist there. In all I am enabled to publish a list of 211 species, only fifteen of which are given on other authority than m y own observation. I cannot refrain from recording the obligation I owe to Swinburne Ward, Esq., H.M. Civil Commissioner, whose interest in everything connected with sport and natural science is as unbounded as his hospitality. ACANTHOPTERYGII. PERCID^E. 1. ETELIS CARBUNCULUS, C. & V. 2. APRION VIRESCENS, C. & V. 3. ANYPERODON LEUCOGRAMMICUS, Reinw. Two specimens of this fish were obtained at Seychelles,-the first |