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Show 1867.] MR. G. F. ANGAS ON NEW AUSTRALIAN MOLLUSCA. 909 nearly straight, the umbonal slope angulated ; ventral margin convex. The hinge with the cartilage processes small. Pallial sinus extending beyond the umbones. Long. 7, alt. 4-$, lat. 2\ lines. LLab. Dredged off Ball's Head, Port Jackson, in 15 fathoms. DOSINIA PUELLA, n. s. (Pl. XLIV. fig. 4.) Shell small, orbicular, rather thick, moderately convex, whitish, finely and closely irregularly concentrically striated; umbones somewhat produced and approximate; ligamental area but slightly excavated ; lunule small, superficial, not impressed. Long. 6, alt. 6, lat. 3 lines. Hab. Botany Bay, N e w South Wales. SUNETTA ADELINE, n. S. (Pl. XLIV. fig. 5.) Shell smooth, elongately ovate, anterior side rounded, posterior slightly truncate; ventral margin somewhat bulged in the middle, a little tumid towards the umbones, whitish, painted with angular chocolate markings along the posterior slope, with a few of the same description, but fainter, proceeding downwards from the umbones, and covered towards the margins with a very slight pale olive epidermis ; ligamental area narrowly excavated ; lunule strongly defined and narrow, with the lips projecting beyond the line of the dorsal slope ; interior white, tinged with flesh-colour, edges of the valves finely crenated within. Long. 8, alt. 6, lat. 3 lines. Hab. Dredged in deep water near Port-Jackson Heads. This species differs from Mero'e hians, Reeve (from Cochin China), in being smaller, much less tumid, more rounded at the ventral margin, and somewhat truncate posteriorly ; the lunule also is prominent and projecting, whereas in M. hians it is flat; and the dark purple spot so characteristic of the interior of the latter is wanting in the species described above. SPISULA CRETACEA, n. s. (Pl. XLIV. fig. 6.) Shell triangularly ovate, solid, rough, chalky-white, rudely concentrically striated ; umbones nearly central, acute, approximate ; basal margin arcuate ; anterior side rounded ; posterior side slightly angled, and obtusely keeled from the umbones; the dorsal area broad, with the margin slightly arcuate; lateral teeth elongate and strongly cross-ribbed on both sides. Long. 9, alt. 6£, lat. 5 lines. Hab. Dredged at Port Stephen, off Tarlee. SPISULA PRODUCTA, n. s. (Pl. XLIV. fig. 7.) Shell small, rather solid, ovately cuneiform, white, finely irregularly concentrically striated, and covered with a thin membranaceous epidermis towards the sides and basal margin; umbones tumid, acute, approximate; anterior side rounded, shorter; posterior side pro- |