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Show 1867.] MR. A. G. BUTLER ON CERTAIN SPECIES OF LYCENID^E. 35 There appear to be two distinct forms of this species, the less common one being, I believe, exclusively confined to Canara ; it differs from the more widely distributed form (the true Hesperia freja of Fabricius) in having the subanal black band on the upperside of the hind wings nearly divided in the centre, thus forming two quadrate spots; on the underside it differs in the almost entire absence of yellow colouring in the front wings, and in the addition of a small intermacular subanal spot in the hind wings. I would suggest that the latter form should henceforth bear the name of jaffra (if it be worthy of any name at all), as this will prevent the possible addition of another synonym to Lycaenidine nomenclature. I believe that the insect figured by Mr. Hewitson, at pl. 21. f. 6, is the female of a very slight local variety * of H. erylus of Godart, as we have the male of it in the National Collection. H. tmolus of Felder may also prove to be nothing more than a local form of this insectf. Trimen's erylus is thephilippus of Fabricius (var. certhis, Doubl.). Amblypodia selimnus of Doubleday's list is represented by two shattered butterflies, one of which is the Ceylon form of the true longinus of Fabricius, and the other the Ceylon form of pseudo-longinus of Doubleday. These two species are placed as one by Mr. Hewitson ; they differ as follows :- IOLAUS LONGINUS, Fabricius. d. Alis supra cceruleis nitidis, anticis area apicali et costa fuscis ; posticis apice costaque fuscis, margine interno fusco-pallido : subtus fusco-albidis ; anticis seriebus liturarum duabus, interna nigrarum, externa fuscarum : posticis fasciis duabus marginalibus fuscis a venis interruptis; serie discali liturarum nigrarum valde irregulari -, maculis duabus nigris anali-bus, interna angulum attingente, intus lunulajiava cinctis, anali extus cceruleo rorata, puncto intermaculari cinereo. Exp. alar. une. l-^-lf- 5. Alis supra violaceis pallidis; marginibus costali, apicali et externa anticarum, et costali posticarum, fuscis ; posticis linea marginali a venis interrupta, altera maculari submarginali ter-tiaque discali liturali nigro-fuscis; margine interno albido: alis subtus albidis, velut in mari scriptis, maculis autem posticarum analibus majoribus. Exp. alar. une. ly§-If-. Hab. India. IOLAUS PSEUDO-LONGINUS, Doubleday. S . Alis viridi-cceruleis pallidioribus, posticis multo brevioribus, margine interno albido: alis subtus albidis, anticis seriebus liturarum apud costam minime arcuatis, interna posticarum * Our specimens, both male and female, differ from the typical form in the greater length of the hind wings and the more marked submarginal white line ; the position of the bands on the underside is slightly altered : the male has the marginal black band on the uppeiside much wider at the apex of the front wings ; and the front wings in the female have a straighter outer margin. f This was at first Mr. Hewitson's opinion (vide Diurn. Lep. ii. p. 49. n. 2). |