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Show 736 DR. J. E. GRAY ON THE CALYPTRCEIDCE. [June 27, spiral. Base oblong, concave. Aperture very large, oblong, four-sided, not quite so wide as the shell. Axis deeply concave on the right side of the base. 1. TROCHELLA MACULATA. Calyptrcea comma-notata, Sowerby (Galerus chinensis (!), Chenu, Man. f. 2350, 2351 ; Calyptrcea maculata, Quoy). Shell convex, oblique, conical, rather solid ; inside purple. Hab. New Zealand. 2. TROCHELLA CALYPTREEFORMIS. Trochus calyptreeformis, Lamk. Shell thin, depressed, coucentrical, striated ; spire purplish. Hab. ? I cannot find in the Museum Collection (including those received from Mr. Cuming) any shell that agrees with Mr. Sowerby's figure of Calyptrcea dilatata (Chenu, Mam. f. 2349). Some specimens of Trochella maculata are oblong or elongate, but they always have a deep impression on the right side of the hinder part of the cavity. Mr. Swainson formed a genus for C. dilatata under the name of Haliotoideus, which has been adopted as a subgenus by Adams and Chenu. Tribe II. Shell oblong; apex posterior or subposterior, with a transverse plate on the hinder side of the cavity dividing it into two parts. Cryptaina. 1. CREPIPATELLA, Lesson. Crepipatella, sp., Adams. Shell subcircular. Internal lamina concave below. Lip sharp, semicircular, separated from the columellar edge by a broad triangular slit. 1. CREPIPATELLA DILATATA. Crepidula dilatata, Lamk.; Brod. (C.peruviana, Lamk.; Chenu, Man. f. 2352). C. foliacea, Brod. C. nautiloides, Lesson. Hab. Valparaiso ; Straits of Magellan ; Peru. Var. I. C. rugulosa, Dunker. Var. 2. Shell subcircular, flat. C. strigata, Brod. Var. 3. Shell oval, thin, more convex, white. C. pallida, Brod. 2. CREPIPATELLA FOLIACEA, Brod. Shell lamellar, rugose. |