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Show 310 MR. A. ADAMS ON NEW JAPAN SHELLS. [Mar. 14, pressa; anfr. 11, convexiusculis; apertura subovali, % totius longitudinis; columella rotundata, callo tenui induta; acuto, sinuato, extus valde varicoso, intus leevigato; canali lato, brevi. Long. 24, diam. 9 mill. Hab. Gotto Islands, Japan. The largest and most beautiful species of the genus. Genus IOLAEA, A. Ad. Testa tenuis, turbinato-turrita, umbilicata, seu rimata; anfractibus sculptis, convexis, transversim liratis; apertura ovata; plica parietali obsoleta aut celata. I established this little group under the name of Lole in the 'Annals ' for 1860, founding my diagnosis on a single specimen. Since then, however, I have succeeded in obtaining both 7. scitula and another species, 7. amabilis, in greater abundance; and I find that on breaking some examples the parietal plica exists, but is entirely concealed. In 7. amabilis it is conspicuous externally. The description and natural position of the genus, however, I still consider correct. I have altered the termination of the word Lole, as there is a genus of birds under that name. The group differs from Oscilla in being thin and turbinate, with tbe axis more or less perforated, and with the parietal fold either obsolete or entirely concealed. 1. IOLAEA SCITULA, A. Ad. Annals, 1860. Hab. Mino-Sima; Seto-Uchi; Akasi; Mososeki; Gotto. 2. IOLAEA SCULPTILIS, A. Ad. Menestho sculptilis, A. Ad. Annals, 1861. Hab. Mino-Sima; Yobuko. In the young shells the axis is rimately umbilicated. 3. IOLAEA AMABILIS, A. Ad. I. testa turbinato-turrita, rimata, alba, tenui, subdiaphana; 6, convexis, transversim liratis, liris acutis, elevatis, distantibus, interstitiis longitudinaliter valde suturis canaliculatis; apertura acuminato-ovata, antice et effusa ; labio libero, arcuato; plica parietali postica, parva, inconspicua. Long. 3, diam. 1| mill. LLab. O-Sima; Tanabe ; Gotto, 48 fathoms. A thin, semipellucid, exquisitely sculptured species, with channelled sutures. Genus OSCILLA, A. Ad. Testa solida, ovata seu pyramidato-turrita, imperforata ; anfractibus transversim valde liratis; apertura ovata aut subquadrata ; plica parietali valida, transversa, mediana. |