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Show 301 MR. H. ADAMS ON NEW MAURITIAN SHELLS. [Mar. 14, sutura leviter impressa; anfr. 6, planiusculis, lente accrescentibus, ultimo antice breviter descendente, peripheria angulato, basi modice convexo, sublcevigato, leviter concentrice striato, albido; apertura obliqua, rotundato-lunari; perist. simplici, marginibus callo crasso junctis, columellari declivi, incrassato, supra perforationem reflexo. Diam. maj. 13, min. 12, alt. 7| mill. LLab. On sandhills near the sea-shore, Coromandel, Mauritius. STYLODONTA (EREPTA) NEVILLI, H. Ad. (Pl. XIX. fig. 5.) S. testa subperforata, depresso-conica, oblicque costulis undulatis granulosis remotiusculis munita, pallide fulva ; spira breviter conoidea, apice obtusa, sutura impressa ; anfr. 8, convexis, accrescentibus, ultimo non descendente, ad peripheriam suban-gulato, subtus convexo; apertura obliqua, lunato-rotundato; perist. acuto, intus labiato, marginibus callo tenui junctis, incrassato, reflexiusculo. Diam. maj. 12, min. 10, alt. 7 mill. Hab. The Pouce Mountain, Mauritius. This species has characters in common with both S. suffulta, Bens., and S. setiliris, Bens., but is larger and less globose than the former, and is without the prominent columellar tooth of the latter; while from the latter it also differs in being larger, less umbilicated, and in the absence of the undulate lines of hairs. I have much pleasure in naming it after Mr. Geoffrey Nevill, a very enterprising young naturalist, to whom I am indebted for the opportunity of describing this and the other species included in this paper. PUPA (PAGODELLA) VENTRICOSA, II. Ad. (Pl. XIX. fig. 6.) P. testa profunde rimata, ovata, tenuiuscula, oblique striatula, pallide fusca ; spira convexo-conica, sutura impressa ; anfr. convexiusculis, ultimo ventricoso, basi rotundato ; apertura semiovali, plica parietali compressa, intrante, et dente prope insertionem marginis dextri munita ; perist. simplici, vix expan-siusculo, marginibus callo junctis, dextro subsinuato, columellari superne dilatato. Long. 2\, diam. If mill. Hab. The Moka Ravines, Mauritius. This singular little species I cannot satisfactorily refer to any of the present subgenera of the genus Pupa, and I therefore propose a new subgenus for it under the name of Pagodella, which may be characterized as follows :- Subgenus PAGODELLA, H. Ad. Testa rimata, ovata, opaca; anfr. convexi; apertura semiovalis, plicis parietalibus 2 ; perist. tenue, rectum, vix expansiusculum, marginibus callo junctis. GIBBUS (GIBBULINA) NEVILLI, II. Ad. (Pl. XIX. fig. 7.) G. testa rimata, cylindracea, solidiuscula, oblique sinuato-costata, |