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Show 1867.] MR. F. MOORE ON BENGALESE LEPIDOPTERA. 619 A. MUSCULARIA. Fascellina muscularia,Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. B. M. xxxv. Suppl. v. p.1554. A. DISCISPILARIA, n. Sp. Male greyish ferruginous ; both wings with a large blackish grey-speckled discal spot; several transverse indistinct cinereous lunular lines, and a submarginal row of dots; two small indistinct cinereous spots before the discal spot within cell. Underside pale luteous; discal spot and spots before it less distinct. Expanse 1^ inch. Bengal. In Coll. A. E. Russell. Note.-The species subsequently described by Mr. Walker under Fascellina do not belong to that genus, nor to Agnidra. The type of the genus Fascellina (F. chromotaria, Walk.) belongs to the tribe of Noctuelites, where I have placed it, in the family Thermesidee. Genus HYPERYTHRA, Guen. HYPERYTHRA LUTEATA. Phaleena-Geom. lutea, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 370. f. C, D. $ . Hyperythra limbolaria, Guen. Phal. i. p. 101, pl. 3. f. 3, 4. Aspilates susceptaria, Walk. Catal. Lep. Het. B. M. xxxv. Suppl. v. p. 1664. cS . Hyperythra penicillaria, Guen. Phal. i. p. 101. II. NIGUZARIA,Walk. l.c. XX. p. 129. Silhet. H. VITTICOSTATA, Walk. I. c. xxvi. Geom. p. 1497. Darjeeling. H. SPURCATARIA, Walk. I. c. p. 1498. Darjeeling. H. CALCEARIA, Walk. I. c. xx. Geom. p. 132. H. TRILINEATA, n. Sp. Female pale yellowish cinereous, palest on the hind wing, covered with numerous minute red speckles: fore wing with three oblique transverse equidistant reddish lines, the exterior line the brightest; between first and second line is a subdued discal spot; a marginal row of blackish-red dots: hind wing with two transverse reddish lines, and a marginal row of dots. Palpi black. Expanse 2 inches. Bengal. In Coll. A. E. Russell; F. Moore. Genus CAUSTOLOMA, Lederer. CAUSTOLOMA ENNOMOSAR1A. Hyperythra ennomosaria, Walk. I. c. xxvi. Geom. p. 1498. Darjeeling. |