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Show 1867.] MR. F. MOORE ON BENGALESE LEPIDOPTERA. 657 the disk pale, the latter with a wavy transverse lunular chalybeate band with a glossy cupreous border.- hind wing with two transverse sinuous blackish lines, and a submarginal lunular chalybeate line with cupreous border: both wings with black lunular marginal line. Underside dark cinereous, with greenish tinge; both wings with slightly apparent blackish discal spot and outer sinuous line. Fore legs black-streaked. Antennse ferruginous, setaceous in both sexes. Expanse, cf 2, ? 2 | inches. Bengal. In Coll. A. E. Russell; F. Moore. S. LATIVITTARIA, n. Sp. Male and female dark cinereous brown : fore wing with a broad dark brown transversely curved medial irregularly-sinuous-margined whitish-bordered band; some diffused dark brown transverse basal lunular lines ; a white-pointed submarginal sinuous dark brown line and a short apical sinuous streak ; marginal line dark brown alternated with small white spots: hind wing with an indistinct brown discal line with whitish spots, a submarginal row of white spots, and brown marginal line alternated with white spots. Underside duller cinereous brown. Both wings with a transverse discal whitish-spotted lunular indistinct line and a submarginal row of white spots. Expanse If inch. Darjeeling. In Coll. A. E. Russell; F. Moore. S. OBLIO.UISIGNATA, n. Sp. Male cupreous brown; hind wing orange-red: fore wing with a transverse subbasal straight cinereous narrow line; a broad transverse medial blackish pale-bordered band, which contains an oblique oval discal ringlet, and is traversed within by three parallel reddish lines along the outer, which is sinuous ; on each side of the band are three or four parallel lines, those of the inner side being reddish, of the outer cinereous ; a submarginal cinereous line bordered exteriorly by blackish ; a black lunular marginal line ; veins of the wing reddish- lined throughout: hind wing with cinereous brown broadly along abdominal margin, below which are three black marginal lunules ; a narrow brown discal ringlet. Underside pale orange yellow, base and apical patch on fore wing and discal streaks cinereous brown. Cilia cupreous brown. Expanse If inch. Darjeeling. In Coll. A. E. Russell. S. VENIMACULATA, n. Sp. Male glossy luteous brown: fore wing with numerous blackish-brown uniform narrow transverse bands, which are somewhat sinuous anteriorly, and lunular posteriorly, those forming the usual broad medial band defined by being blackest; veins along exterior border with short luteous-white streaks, and a submarginal row of similar streaks: hind wing with several indistinct darker rather broad exterior bands; veins with short luteous-white streaks : marginal line |