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Show 1867.] DR. J. E. GRAY ON THE CALYPTRA I DM. 743 Shell circular, conical; apex acute, central; nucleus spiral, erect; cavity circular, regular, conical, with an oblique plate projecting into the cavity on the pillar side, which has a narrow, conical, compressed, cup-shaped cavity on its outer margin. 1. GALERUS EXTINCTORIUS, Adams. Calyptrcea extinctoria, Lamk. C. morbidum, Reeve. Shell smooth, white, with diverging brown lines ; the lamina as wide as the width of the cup-shaped cavity. Surface distorted. C. verrucosum, Reeve. (C. leevigata, Chenu, Man. f. 2337.) Hab. Molucca; Tranquebar ; China. 2. GALERUS LIVIDUS. Calyptrcea lividum, Reeve. Shell dark brown, born-colour, pellucid; the lamina near the cup-shaped cavity very narrow, not nearly so wide as the cavity. Hab. ? Tribe VI. Shell circular, regular, conical, subspiral; apex central, acute; nucleus spiral; cavity regular, conical, with an oblique or spiral lamina from the apex, which is elongate, with a slightly reflexed edge near the apex of the cavity, or shorter, oblique, with the pillar-edge reflexed, making a more or less deep and large cup-like appendage. Dispoteana. The passage from the small, slender, deep perforation under the reflexed portion of the pillar-lip to the large cup-like appendage of the Cup-and-Saucer Limpet (Crucibulum) is very gradual. * Cup-like cavity large, compressed, narrow, close on the inner surface of the shell. 1. NELETA. Shell subcircular, conical, depressed; apex acute, central; nucleus spiral, radiately costate ; cavity circular, conical, with a narrow compressed deep cup-shaped concavity on the side, attached to the shell by the whole of its inner surface, open to the tip; the side next to cavity of the shell not thickened or rounded. Very different from the young of Crucibulum scutellatum, and from Catellina pectinatum, by the compressed form of the cup, and by the cup not being callous at the tip. NELETA SERRATA. Calyptrcea serrata, Brod. Shell conical, depressed; cone rather thin, pellucid, strongly ra- |