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Show 1867.] MR. ST. GEORGE MIVART ON THE LEMURID.E. 969 ^hlrTJ^/l theilarge 6fth tubercle t0 the *ast low^ molar, rior ! V P"1^ and the inc°nspicuousness of the poste-nor palatine foramina. But not only do they differ from Microcebus d?ffe/2r«Tfl/w &S ^^ the tW° P°hltS last mentioned; they r f ion of th h T LemT and *"P*t«**r in that the mastoidal region ot the periotic is enlarged and inflated onelZ™TCeblS t^ Cheir°9al™s> ™eh upper premolar has but than t th 8P + 5 bUt th,e third UPPe r P r e m o k r » rel^ively larger size from hf ^ 7 ' *° J**1 each UPPe r deiltal series increases in dual rnLef™ baCkWards t0 the PenuItimate molar in a more gra-thpTnLfUl1' When Vl6Td fr°m above>is seen t0 be broadest between last be ,indThg,nS f'he 0rbits> and the ^anium proper to be so just behind the posterior roots of the zygomata. I he muzzle is longer than the antero-posterior extent of the anterior margin of the wide orbit. The upper surface of the skullis x^Sfs.*;0*"?8 there is a more °r iess ridge and a rather deep depression exists on each side of the muzzle Supt^rcS.0'the ,achrymal fo«whichiastis *& reoTeTen^T^1 fiSSiUre &nd the fonm*n rot»ndum are together represented by a single opening. There is no carotid foramen in the basis crann ; and the malar foramen is very minute. The poste-km on Se^?"T^ SmaH' and theie ^ no def6Cts 0f --fiction on the palate ; but the anterior palatine foramina are large. The posterior margin of the palate extends but little backwards, itfmiddle being in a line with the anterior end of the posterior third of the upper penultimate molar. The postglenoid process is large and behind it is a postglenoidal foramen. g ' The praemaxilla is (as might be expected from the* absence of upper indsors) very small, and quite, or all but, invisible when the skull 1S viewed in profile ; yet it sends up a small process which io ns Li™8'VK'^ the ktier b°ne is SeParated' on ^ach «de, from the lachrymal by an ascending process of the maxilla. There is no nar-occipital process The mandible has a lofty coronoid process and the angle is produced downwards as well as backwards Ihe dentition may be expressed by the formula:- I*^C.g,P.M.g,M.g,=- = 32. The upper canine is very large, with a strongly marked vertical internal groove and a posterior basilar process. The three unoer premolars decrease (from before backwards) in vertical extent but increase in breadth. Each of the first two upper molars consists of two well-marked external cusps, of a very large antero-internal cusp connected with the postero-external one by an oblique ridge, and of * Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, p. 170. * t As noticed by Messrs. Schlegel and Pollen, I. c. p 11 } A similar depression exists in C. milii and C furcifer and ,*« ™ w i deeper and still more sharply denned in M. minor ' datively PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1867, No. LXII. |