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Show 86 MR. F. MOORE ON BENGALESE LEPIDOPTERA. [Jan. 10, with white-speckled borders from the anal angle ; cilia with white spots. Underside paler, marked as above. Palpi in the male porrect, compressed ; second joint long, slender, and bent at the apex, squamous, tufted above at the end ; third joint short, one-third the length of the second, fusiform, tufted above : in the female erect, curved; first and second joints squamous ; third joint very slender, naked, nearly the length of the second. Antennse in the male fixed on a short pedestal, serrated and pectinated; base curved; shaft tumid near the base ; in the female minutely pectinated. Expanse, cS lf> $ li inch. Darjeeling. In Coll. W . S. Atkinson ; F. Moore. Genus MASTYGOPHORA, Poey. M A S T Y G O P H O R A ? SCOPIGERALIS, n. sp. Male brown : fore wing with a pale yellowish-brown oblique transverse band with wavy dark brown borders, the exterior formed by a double line with posterior black streaks; within the band is a brown indistinct reniform streak ; orbicular spot small, whitish. Both wings with a submarginal transverse wavy sinuous pale line with black points, and a less distinct similar marginal line. Underside ochreous white, with broad brown exterior borders, narrow transverse sinuous line and short discal streak, and a pale sinuous line crossing the exterior borders. Legs blackish. Tuft of palpi pale ochreous. Expanse 1£ inch. Bengal (Sherwill). In Coll. F. Moore. Remark.-This species may be known by its enormously lengthened palpi (in the male), the third joint of which has a brush-like tuft of very long silky hairs beneath. Genus ECHANA, Walk. ECHANA PLICALIS, 11. Sp. (Pl. VII. fig. 7.) Male and female brownish fawn-colour, slightly glossy ; costal fold darker: fore wing with two indistinct yellowish narrow imperfect denticulated lines-the first from beneath the fold, the other beyond it, both indistinctly crossing the hind wing, on the underside of which they are more distinct and have a dark inner border, there being also a short dark subbasal streak ; cilia with a pale inner narrow line. Expanse 1| inch. Darjeeling. In Coll. W . S. Atkinson ; F. Moore. Remark.-The species of this genus may be known by the fore wing having in both sexes a large subfusiform costal raised fold above, and the dislocation of the contiguous veins. Genus LOCASTRA, Walk. L O C A S T R A PHERECIUSCALIS, Walk. Cat. Lep Het B M xvi Delt. p. 159. ' ' r Silhet. ' • : |