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Show 314 MR. A. ADAMS ON NEW JAPAN SHELLS. [Mar. 14 The following is a list of the species of Cyclophoridee found by me in Japan, with two exceptions:- CYCLOTUS CAMPANULATUS, Martens. Hab. Yokohama (Martens). CYCLOTUS FORTUNEI, Pfr. Hab. Tsu-Sima. CffiLOPOMA JAPONICUM, A. Ad. Hab. Tsu-Sima. C Y C L O P H O R U S HERKLOTSI, Martens. Hab. Tsu-Sima. C Y C L O P H O R U S HALOPHILA, Bens., ? = musiva, Gould. Hab. O-Sima. JAPONIA BARBATA, Gould. Hab. Tago. JAPONIA CITHARELLA, Gould. Hab. Sado. ALYCAEUS JAPONICUS, Martens. Hab. Tsu-Sima. ALYCA-EUS SPIRACELLUM, Ad. & Rve. Hab. Tsu-Sima. PUPINOPSIS RUFA, Pfr. Hab. Japan (Cuming). PUPINOPSIS MINDORENSIS, Ad. & Rve. =japonica, Mart. Hab. Tsu-Sima. DIPLOMMATINA EXIGUA, A. Ad. Hab. Tsu-Sima. TEREBRATULA DAVIDSONI, A. Ad. (Pl. XIX. fig. 30.) T. testa ovato-globosa, leevi, albida, laminis incrementi distinctis, irregularibus, ad basin validioribus; margine ventrali circulari; rostro producto, recurvato ; foramine parvo, perfecto deltidio parvo, concavo ; apophysi simplici, ± longitudinis testce superante. Long. 18, lat. 14, alt. 11 mill. Hab. Satanomosaki, Japan : 55 fathoms. This is the fourth recent species of Terebratula (as restricted) known. It most resembles T. uva, from the Gulf of Tehuantepec, but differs from it in its more solid structure and more globose form, and in the foramen being smaller and entire. |