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Show 50 MR. F. MOORE ON BENGALESE LEPIDOPTERA. [Jail. 10, Fam. GLOTTULID^E. Genus POLYTELA, Guen. POLYTELA GLORIOSA, Fabr. (Guen. Noct. i. p,. 113). Larva feeds on grass (July 19th) ; the same evening it went into the earth ; ten days after the moth appeared.-Lady Rose Gilbert's Notes. Genus GLOTTULA, Guen. G L O T T U L A DOMINICA, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 399. f. H. Larva feeds on Crinumpancratium, Zephyranthus, &c.-E. Blyth. Genus CHASMINA, Walk. C H A S M I N A CYGNUS, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. B. M . ix. Noct. p. 147. Fam. GORTYNID^E. Genus GORTYNA, Ochs. GORTYNA CUPREA, U. Sp. (Pl. VI. fig. 8.) Male dark ferruginous: fore wing with orbicular and reniform marks large, distinct, yellowish ; exterior to each is a transverse b' -ickish ashy-bordered line, which colour extends along the costa ; some yellowish marks near the base ; a submarginal lunulated yellowish line: hind wing blackish cupreous, paler along anterior margin ; cilia pale cupreous. Head and thorax ferruginous. Abdomen ashy above, tuft and beneath ferruginous. Expanse If inch. Darjeeling. In Coll. A. E. Russell; W . S. Atkinson. Genus HYDR.ECIA, Guen. HYDR^ECIA NAXIAOIDES, 11. Sp. Dark greenish brown : fore wing with two outwardly oblique darker brown chalybeous-outer-bordered transverse lines, the inner line straight and one-third from the base, the outer line waved and one-third from the apex ; a submarginal row of irregularly disposed brown spots bordered outwardly by a chalybeous line : hind wmg and abdomen plain brown. Head and thorax dark greenish brown. Cilia pale pinkish brown. Expanse 1£ inch. Bengal. In Coll. A. E. Russell. Fam. XYLOPHASID.^E. Genus XYLOPHASIA, Steph. XYLOPHASIA FLAVISTIGMA, n. sp. Male ferruginous : fore wing suffused with blackish brown along the costa, across the basal half of the wing and in irregular longi- |