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Show 388 MR. G. R. CROTCH ON AZOREAN COLEOPTERA. [Mar. 28, gatis, regione apicali cinerea ; pedibus dense ochraceo squamosis ; rostro nudo strigoso, basi dense squamoso. L. 3-4 lin. Hab. In ins. Flores intra euphorbiam emortuam sat copiose lectus. This very beautiful Acalles is one of the most striking insects here described. The singular dilatation of the sides of the thorax and the numerous erect setee render it unmistakeable. I have dedicated it to M . Drouet, to whom we are indebted for the first exploration of these islands and for a careful summary of the results of his work, including three or four new species and eight not since found. LAPAROCERUS AZORICUS, Drouet, Col. Acor. 19. (Pl. XXIII. fig. 6.) L. niger, nitidus; capite fortiter punctato, fronte canaliculata; thorace parce fortiterque punctato et subtilissime fulvo pubescente, quadrato, antice paullo angustiore, lateribus rotundatis, linea media abbreviata Icevi; elytris seriatim punctatis, interstitiis fortiter biseriatim scabro-punctatis, ovalibus, humeris rotundatis, sutura apice carinata, lateribus et apice pube fulva tessellatis; scutello nitido, leevi, triangulari; subtus pectore scabro, abdomine punctato, segmentibus margine rufescentibus; pedibus piceis, tarsis tibiisque fulvo ciliatis pallidioribus, femoribus inflatis; antennis piceis, parce ciliatis, clava pubescente. Hab. Sub lapidibus in ins. Fayal mense Angusto copiosissime lectus (Drouet); in iisdem locis in ins. S. Miguel mense Martio (Godman). This fine addition to the Atlantic fauna is larger and stouter than the Madeiran forms, or even than the Canarian, and bears more the aspect of an insect fitted to live in arid places under stones than near woods. The outline is more that of the Herpysticus eremita, Oliv. (Canaries). ASYNONYCHUS*, 11. g. Rostrum as long as the head, subparallel, rounded at the anterior angles, subemarginate in front, with a broad but shallow longitudinal impression, scrobes oblique, not reaching the eyes, badly defined. Antennee subterminal, smooth, slender; scape a little longer than the head, abruptly clavate; funiculus with the first joint equal to the third, second twice as long as the first, joints four to six sub-equal, shorter than the third, seventh equal to the third; club oblong ovate, slender, acuminate, articulated. Eyes rounded, prominent. Thorax quadrate, cylindric, truncate before and behind. Elytra ovate, base slightly emarginate, humeral angles rectangular. Legs long, especially the anterior pair; anterior femora thickened; anterior tibiee with the inner margin strongly serrate, having about eight teeth; corbeilles of posterior tibiee large, with their edo-e very strongly ciliated; tarsi broad, hairy, claws free. * a privative, uvvovvxos, with connate claws; in allusion to these parts being free in this case. ° |