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Show 506 DR. J. E. GRAY ON SPONGES. [May 9, cipal rays diverging on all sides, and divided near the base into several elongated cylindrical linear rays, which diverge from each other, and are tipped with a small apical knob like the head of a pin (see Bowerb. Brit. Spon. t. 8. f. 190-192). 1. DACTYLOCALYX PUMICEA. (Pl. XXVII. fig. 2.) B.M. Dactylocalyx pumiceus, Stutchbury, P. Z. S. 1841, p. 86; Bowerb. B. Sp. i. p. 204 ; ii. p. 11. f. 190, 191, 198, 275 (skeletons). Iphiteon panicea, Valenc. Mus. Paris; Bowerb. B. Sp. f. 190, 191, 192, 275, 340, 341 (skeletons and gemmules). Sponge broad, expanded ; upper surface rather concave. Hab. West Indies: Barbadoes (Stutchbury); St. Vincent's, West Indies (Mr. Inyall). 2. DACTYLOCALYX SUBGLOBOSA. (Pl. XXVII. fig. 1.) B.M. Sponge subgiobose, with a deep central concavity above ; the outer surface with irregular anastomosing oscules. Hab. Malacca? 3. DACTYLOCALYX PRATTII, Bowerb. B. Sp. i. p. 204. f. 52, 276, 278, 306 (spicular network). Skeleton smooth in part, with crowded groups of tubercles, and with stellate spicules in the dermal surface (see Bowerb. B. Sp.i. p. 52). Hab. ? 2. MYLIUSIA, Gray, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 439, t. 16. The sponge conical, cup-shaped, pierced with numerous short truncated tubes, forming raised folded anastomosing lamina on the lower surface. MYLIUSIA CALLOCYATHES, Gray, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 439, Radiata, pl. xvi. B.M. Hab. West Indies. Var. ? In the British Museum there is a second specimen of a smaller size, very irregular in form, which is perhaps a second species. Hab. West Indies. B.M. Lithospongia torva, Duchass. & Michel. Spong. Caraib. p. 64, t. 12. f. 3, 4, from the West Indies, appears to be a species of this family, with a skeleton of netted siliceous fibres with wide angular meshes and without any spines. There are two smaller specimens in the British Museum which probably belong to the same species. The smaller one was collected by the Rev. L. Guilding at St. Vincent in 1840 ; and the other was received from the West Indies by Mr. Scrivener in 1842. 3. MACANDREWIA, Gray, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 438, t. 15. The coral expanded, cyathiform ; the upper and lower surface smooth, the upper surface with small oscules ; fibres of skeleton small, |