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Show 654 MR. F. MOORE ON BENGALESE LEPIDOPTERA. [May 23, L. ^RATA, n. sp. Male and female pale glossy brassy yellow: fore wing numerously and minutely speckled with dark brown; three equidistant oblique transverse wavy brassy-yellow lines with blackish borders, the interspaces each with a transverse row of purplish-grey spots ; a distinct black discal spot: hind wing cinereous brown, with a slight brassy .gloss; a submarginal and marginal row of pale yellowish lunules. Cilia brassy yellow, alternated with dark brown. Underside paler; both wings minutely speckled and with greyish white spots: fore wing cinereous brown basally : hind wing with a distinct black discal spot and narrow band. Palpi, antennse, thorax, and legs yellow, numerously black-speckled. Abdomen cinereous brown above, yellowish beneath. Expanse If inch. Darjeeling. In Coll. W . S. Atkinson ; F. Moore. Genus EUPITHECIA, Curtis. E U P I T H E C I A SEMICIRCULATA, n. sp. Male and female fuliginous brown, somewhat fleckled: fore wing with two medial transverse black lunular whitish-margined lines, within which is a quadrate anteriorly-speckled yellowish costal patch, contiguous to which is a black discal spot; a marginal row of black lunules with testaceous borders : hind wing with a large black round evanescent spot with a semicircular white-outer-bordered line at the anal angle ; a black discal dot and contiguous transverse streaks; a testaceous line with black lunular streaks along the abdominal and exterior margins. Underside paler, indistinctly marked as above. Antennse of the female white-spotted ; antennse in the male broadly but thinly bipectinated tcn-iear the apex. Expanse y9^ inch. Darjeeling. In Coll. W . S. Atkinson ; F. Moore. E. FERRUGINARIA, n. Sp. Male and female greyish ferruginous : fore wing with three bright ferruginous transverse irregular zigzag equidistant bands, the two inner bands traversed by a single and the outer band by a partly double yellow lunular line ; base of wing, discal spot and adjoining streaks to the costa, and a streak on exterior margin black; a paler submarginal ferruginous and yellow band, and a marginal row of black dots : hind wing with a black discal dot and marginal row of dots ; a submarginal transverse ferruginous and yellow lunular band. Head, thorax, and base of abdomen black. Expanse \ inch. Darjeeling. In Coll. A. E. Russell; W . S. Atkinson. E. COSTIPANNARIA, n. Sp. Female greyish testaceous, duller beneath: fore wing with an oblique basal black patch and a triangular patch on the middle of the costa, both with pale borders ; exterior margin with some small black |