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Show 1867.] MR. F. MOORE ON BENGALESE LEPIDOPTERA. 57 A. DISCALIS, n. sp. (Pl. VII. fig. 2.) Male and female greyish white : fore wing with basal, medial, and discal transverse pale brown lunulated lines, the medial and discal lines suffused with darker brown at their costal end, and joined by a black longitudinal irregular discal streak, forming a curved subapical streak ; some blackish marks on the costa near the base, the furthest forming an interrupted transverse line : hind wing paler white, with broad pale brown exterior band ; cilia alternate pale brown and white. Abdomen pale brown at the apex. Expanse 2 inches. Bengal. In Coll. A. E. Russell; F. Moore. Genus PHLOGOPHORA, Ochs. P H L O G O P H O R A INDICA, n. sp. Female pinkish fawn-colour: fore wing with a dark brown medial oblique band, above which the discal marks join at their base, with a blackish upper space between them; two subbasal minute spots, between which are two short transverse lines; a diffused streak ascending from near the base of posterior margin, two transverse discal lunulated lines brown, the outer line being medially bordered by dark brown, beyond which the margin is ashy : hind wing paler, with diffused dark marginal lines. Head, thorax, and abdomen pinkish fawn-colour. Expanse 1^ inch. Bengal. In Coll. A. E. Russell. Genus EUPLEXIA, Steph. E U P L E X I A ALBOVITTATA, n. sp. (Pl. VI. fig. 16.) Male and female dark fuliginous black; exterior margin scalloped: fore wing with an irregular-margined partly transverse subbasal band, and a broad transverse discal baud silky white, both with an anterior brownish mark, and the outer band speckled with brown; outer margin of orbicular and inner margin of reniform mark bordered with white ; a row of brownish marginal lunules, the extreme scalloped margin being black : hind wing fuliginous ; a streak and the cilia at anal angle and two small quadrate spots above white; cilia alternate brown and white. Head and thorax dark fuliginous black, speckled with white. Base of abdomen white, lower part fuliginous. Expanse 1| inch. Darjeeling. In Coll. A. E. Russell; W . S. Atkinson. E. DISCISIGNATA, n. sp. (Pl. YI. fig. 9) Male and female. Fore wing pale yellowish green, the base and lower part of the disk varied with ferruginous brown and blackish speckles ; an ashy-brown patch crossing the middle from the costa to below the cell, on the inside of which is an elongated oblique black pale-bordered spot, and on the outside is a similar but more irregular- |