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Show 298 MR. F. DAY ON INDIAN FISHES. [Mar. 14, RASBORA NEILGHERRIENSIS, spec. nov. Ovaree candee, Tam. B.iii. D.2/7. P. 13. V.8. A. 2/5. C. 18. L.l.34. L.tr. 6/3. Length of specimens to 5^- inches. Length of head -fa, of pectoral £, of base of dorsal fa, of base of anal fa, of caudal fa of the total length. Height of head \, of body -i, of dorsal g, of anal \ of the total length. Eyes. Diameter \ of length of head, 1J diameter apart, 1 diameter from end of snout. Profile more convex on the ventral than on the dorsal aspect, which last is almost straight. Cleft of mouth extending to beneath the anterior margin of the orbit; it is directed upwards, and there is a slight knob below the anterior extremity of the lower jaw. Nostrils at anterior superior angle of the orbit, nearer to it than to the end of the snout; the posterior broad and patent, divided by a valve from the anterior, which has elevated margins. Preeorbital irregularly pentagonal, its anterior margin the longest, its anterior superior very short. Fins. Dorsal commences midway between the snout and centre of the caudal fin, and over the middle of the ventral, extending backwards to opposite its posterior extremity. Caudal broad, slightly lobed in its posterior fourth, in adults the lowest lobe being the longest. Anterior extremities of dorsal and anal the highest. Scales moderately large; none on the base of either the dorsal or anal, some on the caudal. Lateral line consists of single tubes ; it makes a very gentle curve downwards, from the posterior superior angle of opercle to above the ventral fin, whence it runs parallel with the abdominal profile. Teeth. Pharyngeal teeth crooked, pointed, 5, 3, 2/2, 3, 5. Colours. Back dull greenish brown, fading to white glossed with purple on the abdomen. Opercles silvery. A darkish silvery line runs along the opercles and side of the body, having a broad silvery band below it. Fins yellowish grey; base of caudal dark grey. Eyes bluish green. This species is said to grow to eight inches in length, and takes either a fly or a worm. In the Billicul Lake (to which place it was imported) it breeds very readily. Hab. Bowany and Seegoor Rivers, also the Billicul Lake. RASBORA WOOLAREE, spec. nov. Woolaree candee, Tam. B.iii. D.2/7. P. 13. V.8. A. 2/5. C. 18. L.l. 30. L.tr. 5/2. Length of specimens up to 3 inches. Length of head i, of pectoral 1, of base of dorsal fa, of base of anal fa, of caudal | of the total length. Height of head fa, of body |, of dorsal i of anal fa of the total length. Eyes. Diameter 1 of length of head, l£ diameter apart, | of a diameter from end of snout. |