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Show 564 MR. F. DAY ON INDIAN FISHES. [May 9, Teeth. In intermaxillaries villiform ; in lower jaw also villiform, anteriorly in several rows, having posterior to them some with globular crowns, whilst all along the sides of the jaws are of this last description, increasing in size posteriorly, where they play against those of the palate, which are in one large patch converging anteriorly, whilst all have globular crowns. Fins. The whole of the dorsal is placed anterior to the ventral, which last does not extend to the commencement of the anal, over which last is the adipose dorsal. Dorsal fin rather highest anteriorly, its spine two-thirds of length of head, and ending in a soft point; it is strong, smooth, excepting posteriorly, where it is slightly serrated. The pectoral, which commences under the opercle, has a very strong, flat spine, a little longer than that of the dorsal; it is armed with strong denticulations on both sides, which are largest internally, where they are directed anteriorly, whilst the external ones are directed posteriorly; it has a soft termination. Anal highest in its centre, and its rays weak. Caudal lobed in its last half, both of which are pointed. Lateral line at first curves slightly downwards, then makes a curve upwards opposite the ventral, and from the centre of the body proceeds direct to the caudal. Colours. W h e n first captured, of a canary-colour with dusky fins; having been some time out of the water it becomes of a dull brownish yellow, and after soaking some time in spirits almost all the yellow disappears; it seems due to mucus with which the fish is covered. Hab. Kurnool and the Deccan. EUTROPIUS TAAKREE, Sykes. B.vi. D. g^| 0. P. 1/8. V. 6. A. 3/43. C. 18. Length of head -i-, of pectoral ^, of caudal T 2 T, of base of dorsal -£$, of base of anal 4i of the total length. Height of head g, of body TT, of dorsal T, of ventral \, of anal y1^ of the entire length. Eye. Diameter | of length of head, nearly 2 diameters apart, 1^ diameter from end of snout. They are so situated that more of the eye is to be seen from the under than the upper surface of the head, being directed outwards and partly downwards. Body elongated and compressed, highest opposite the dorsal fin. Profile of upper surface of the head a little concave, owing to a slight elevation of the snout and another rise at the occiput. Abdominal profile more convex than that of the back. Gape of mouth moderately wide, its cleft rather concave, owing to there being an elevation at the symphysis. Lower jaw slightly the longest in adults. Occipital process long and slender, having an intermediate bone between it and the basal bone of the dorsal fin, the two forming the occipital process being five times as long as wide. Central longitudinal groove shallow, commencing rather behind the posterior extremity of the orbits, and continued, though but little apparent, to the base of the occipital process. Nostrils transversely oval, situated at a short distance (equal to their diameter) apart |