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Show 1867.] MR. J. Y. JOHNSON ON NEW CRUSTACEANS. 895 and to which of them the bones belonged, who shall say ? The full-sized specimen of Dinornis has been selected for comparison; and if, as would certainly appear, the bones might have belonged to a smaller bird, I contend that they are not those of the bird which laid an egg eight times the volume of that of the Ostrich, but some smaller species of Mpyornis ; it may be of AEpyornis grandidieri, or another. W e ought to bear in mind that these osseous remains and the eggs bear indications of disturbance, and therefore it is probable of mixture of species. No authenticated egg of Dinornis giganteus has yet been discovered; those put forward as such may belong to some of the smaller kinds of that bird, or may not. W e have no certain knowledge to go upon, and I have made no scientific examination of any. 2. Descriptions of a N e w Genus and a N e w Species of M a - crurous Decapod Crustaceans belonging to the Penceida, discovered at Madeira. By J A M E S Y A T E J O H N S O N, C.M.Z.S. One of the two forms of Crustaceans I am about to describe belongs to the genus Peneeus; whilst the other, though closely allied to that genus, is so remarkable for the peculiar structure of the mandibles, that I propose to make it the type of a new genus named Funchalia. In the normal species of Peneeus the jaws compose a combined cutting- and crushing-apparatus, each having externally an acute edge with teeth; whilst outside the mouth the jaws are so formed as to constitute a tuberculated implement for breaking or pulping by pressure any substance introduced between them. But in the crustacean on which the new genus is founded the jaws are represented by a pair of long sickle-shaped shears, which cross each other from opposite sides of the mouth. FUNCHALIA WOODWARDI, gen. et sp. n., $ . Colour a uniform red. Carapace compressed and studded with minute warts, which bear short downy hairs. A median crest commences near the posterior border, and projects in front as a rostrum. The surface of the carapace is unarmed; but there is a blunt tooth at the outer side of the ocular excavation, and another at each anterior lateral angle of the carapace, each of these teeth being the termination of a crest or ridge, the upper one of which, after bending so as to form an elbow at a point which is a little in advance of the middle of its course, runs backwards to the posterior border of the carapace. Eyes 1 The basal joint of the superior antennae is excavated for the reception of the eyes ; and the inner border of the excavation carries a lamellar-fringed appendage; whilst the outer border is beset with long hairs, and terminates in a weak acute tooth. The second joint is trigonous and shorter than the first, but longer |