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Show 1867.] MR. F. MOORE ON BENGALESE LEPIDOPTERA. 665 Tribe CRAMBICES. Fam. GALLERID^E. Genus PROPACHYS, Walk. P R O P A C H Y S NIGRIVENA, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. B.M. xxvii. p. 7. P. LINEALIS, n. sp. (Pl. XXXIII. fig. 17.) Male yellow. Labial palpi massive, broad, compressed, squamose; joints compact. Maxillary palpi slender, clavate, slightly pilose. Proboscis stout. Antennse setulose. Body robust; abdomen extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout; fore tibiae fringed beneath; middle and hind legs long; hind tibise with four long spurs. Fore wings elongated, narrow, slightly rounded at the apex; hind wing broad, apex acute. Fore wings pale yellow, with a blackish-red narrow line between each vein : hind wings pale golden-yellow. Cilia whitish, that of the fore wing with a blackish-red inner line. Expanse lyg- inch. Darjeeling. In Coll. W . S. Atkinson ; F. Moore. P. FASCIALIS, n. sp. Female. Fore wing bright chrome yellow; a narrow black line along the exterior veins, and a similar line between each vein, the black forming a suffused fascia from the middle of the outer margin; a black line from the base of the wing below the cell: hind wing and abdomen blackish purple. Palpi, head, thorax, and antennse chrome yellow. Underside as above. Legs blackish. Expanse 1 inch. Bengal, In Coll. F. Moore. Genus TOCCOLOSIDA, Walk. T O C C O L O S I D A RUBRICEPS, Walk. Cat. Lep. B. M . xxvii. p. 14. Silhet. In Coll. W . W . Saunders, Esq. APSARASA, n. g., Moore. Palpi stout, erect, projecting above the head ; second joint broad, compressed, covered with dense adpressed short hair-likev scales; third joint cylindrical, naked, two-thirds the length of the second. Antennse setulose. Head broad, prominent, with a short acute conical point projecting forward from the vertex. Body stout; abdomen long, extending one-third its length beyond the hind wings; apex tufted. Legs stout, squamose; fore legs slightly pilose beneath ; mid tibise with one pair and hind tibise with two pairs of stout spurs, one in each pair short; tarsi set with short bristles beneath. Fore wings elongate ; costa convex at the base ; apex rounded ; exterior border very oblique, convex, forming a rounded margin to one-third of the hind border : hind wings short, trigonate; apex rounded, exterior border convex, excavated below the apex. P R O C . Z O O L . Soc-1867, No. XLIII. |