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Show 612 MR. F. MOORE ON BENGALESE LEPIDOPTERA. [May 23, comparatively small whilst the animal is fed upon milk ; the young Hippopotamus I dissected took a large quantity of this fluid, and hence probably the small size of the first gastric cavity. Judging from the form of the stomachs and the character of the villi, one would almost infer that a certain amount of rumination takes place in this animal. G. O n the Lepidopterous Insects of Bengal. By FREDERIC MOORE. [Concluded from Proc. Zool. Soc. 1807, p. 98.] (Plates XXXII. & XXXIII.) Tribe GEOMETRES. Fam. URVPTERYD.E, Guen. Genus U R A P T E R Y X , Leach. URAPTERYX EBULEATA, Guen. Phal. i. p. 32. U. MULTISTRIGARIA, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. B. M. xxxv. Suppl. v. p. 1535. U. SCITICAUDARIA, Walk. ib. xxvi. Geom. p. 1480. Darjeeling. U. PODALIRIATA, Guen. Phal. i. p. 32. U. MARGARITATA, n. sp. Female pearly white ; costa slightly convex ; apex acute ; exterior margin of fore wing obliquely straight; exterior margin of hind wing acutely angular and lobed in the middle : fore wing with two medial transverse widely separated straight reddish lines, the inner line crossing the hind wing and terminating upward on the abdominal margin ; cilia and lobe-spot on hind wing reddish. Band on the head and antennse reddish. Expanse 1} inch. Bengal. In Coll. A. E. Russell. U. TRIANGULARIA, n. Sp. Male and female white, diaphanous ; costa convex, exterior margin of both wings obliquely straigbt: hind wing much produced, extending to twice the length of the abdomen. Both wings with five transverse cinereous lines, the four inner lines straight, the outer line wavy, all proceeding to the anal angle. Cilia cinereous brown * a black exterior spot at anal angle. Expanse 1 j inch. Bengal. In Coll. A. E. Russell; F. Moore. |