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Show [ 79 ] [ 78 ] well in fipnrnte as in joint Parliaments; and, upon fuch equitable terms of Repre- fentation in England, I prefume, no Irilh Patriot Will object to the finding of Englifl: Statutes (18) whether Ireland be " officially named" or not; becaufe the juft reafon of objection, before cited i r from the Judges in the 19th of Henry ‘ i' rl l \3 1 VI. and 2d Richard III. no longer {ubfifis when a due Reprefentation is allowed. P, Waltz/(1111mm) , ~ n- l ‘ How J (18) --- " Add hereunto," l l l (fays Sir William Petty in his Political Survey of Ireland, p. 3 i.) " that " if both Kingdoms were under one Legiflnti-ve Power " and Parliamenl, Ibo Memdor: :w/ytreoffiou/d 5: pro" pardoned/e in power and wen/tn ofeatn Nation, there " would be no danger fucha Parliament {hould do any " thing to the prejudice of the Englzflr interell: in Ire" land; nor could the Inf/b ever complain of partiality " when they {hall be freely and proportionaéév reprg/énte d " in all Legiflatures." The fame author has alfo made avery {triking remark in p. 97, concerning the neceffity of maintaining the independence of the Legz‘ atiw Porwcr, whether we apply the fame to Irdand, or to any other part of the Brita/1) Empire; for " why {hould " men" (fays he) " endeavour to get eltates, where " t/Je Legij/atiw Power is not agreed upon, and where " tricks and words deltroy norm-u! Rigor: and Pro" perry E" * How much later than the Reign of Edw. 111. this praétice was continued, of occnflonnl/y fummoning the Irilh Parliament into England, does not appear; though we may be certain that it did not continue to late as the Reign of Hen. VI. becaufe the great Fortefcue and the other Judges, his cotemporaries, could not have declared (as has already been fhewn) that " a tenth or fifteenth, granted " berg, {hould not dind thofe of Ireland," if the practice of fending Roprcfinz‘ntives from t/Jence had continued to that time: neverthelefs, the proofs already produced are amply fuflicient to confute the obfervation of Judge Jenkins in his 4th Century, p. 164., viz. that "the Sta" tutes of England, which exprefi/y name " Ireland, bind than: and their Land: and " Goods. As the Statute of York" (fays he) " made 12th E. II. and the 13th " E. I. de Mercatoribus, and others :" For, as lhave produced {uflicientexam-r ( i, ' 4; ples |