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Show Galloway- 1119 A I would judge so, yes sir. Q You probably had a little more for two men than for one, didn't you? A It is just possible. We always go in places like that as light as we possibly can. Q Now, when you went down the first time, had you any previous knowledge of that Cataract canyon, gained from what you had heard or from consulting maps or otherwise? A Only from what my father said in regard to the condition of the canyon. Q You yourself had no maps or charts or surveys? A No sir. My father, I remember -- THE SPECIAL MASTER: That is sufficient, I think. That is all. REDIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. BLACKMAR: Q Let me ask you this, Mr. Galloway, in going through Cataract canyon on either occasion did you make any portages? A Yes, I carried the duffle in Cataract canyon pretty near from one end of it to the other. ( Last answer read:) Q Was that on both occasions? A Yes sir. BY THE SPECIAL MASTER: Q When you were going down there alone, who was in the boat, if 3091 |