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Show Prommel- RD 1030 into Cataract canyon. THE SPECIAL MASTER: I think that would be sufficient Mr. Blackmar. MR. BLACKMAR: That is all. RECROSS EXAMINATION BY MR. FARNWORTH: Q Just one picture I want to ask you about particularly in there, exhibit 138. Now, that is another picture of the confluence of the Green and the Colorado, isn't it? A No; that was taken two and a half miles below the confluence of the Green and the Colorado, looking towards the confluence Q Then you are looking upstream in that picture, are you? A You are looking upstream, yes sir. Q But none of the water shown in the picture is at the confluence? A Not at the confluence, no. Q How many miles below the confluence is this water shown in this picture? A Two and a half miles. BY THE SPECIAL MASTER: Q That is about at the start of Cataract canyon? A Just at the start of Cataract canyon, yes. BY MR. FARNSWORTH: Q One other question. You spoke of this question off to the 3002 |