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Show Galloway- D 1052 Q Did you have any difficulty, sandbars? A Yes, just right at the last, just coming out of the canyon, Q when we got in sight of Moab, there we got stuck on a bar. How did they get the boat off? A As that gentleman said here a little while ago, I don't believe they were very hard hung up; just reversed his engine and backed off. However, we had a little trouble; we must have been there fifteen or twenty minutes, kind of half turned around a time or two; seems like we was hung there hard, but he got off in that way. Q Have you handled the boats on the Green river north of Greenriver, Utah? THE SPECIAL MASTER: Mr. Blackmar, will you ask the witness about the other trip he made from Greenriver to Moab. BY MR. BLACKMAR: Q When did you make the second trip from the mouth of the Green river to Moab? A I guess it was the fall of 1927. Before I get to that, after you got back from Westwater canyon into Moab, then what did you do with your boat? We had two boats; I sold one of the boats -- I don't remember the party's name -- but the boat, I believe, went to Lockhart camp; whoever it was in charge bought the boat. 3024 |