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Show Prommel- 1026 I mean other then what you have testified to. None other than you have testified to? No. THE SPECIAL MASTER: I think that is all. REDIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. B LACKMAR: Mr. Prommel, do you know how much a barrel of oil weighs? Well, a barrel of oil -- I will have to figure that out, the number of cubic feet, and the weight of water, and so forth. A cubic foot of water is 62.4 pounds. Oil is somewhat lighter. I don't have in my mind exactly the number of pounds. Well, approximately. Oh, I should say about between three and four hundred pounds. What is the price of crude oil per barrel? THE SPECIAL MASTER: When? That depends on the field. THE SPECIAL MASTER: When? It varies greatly. BY MR. BLACKMAR: During the year, say, 1929. 1929? Yes. Ranges all the way from seventy- five cents to a dollar and seventy- five cents or two dollars, depending on where it is |