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Show JI Philefophy would folidly be eftablithed, if me would more carefully diftinguifh thofe things tha Boyle from thofe that they ignore kno the CaDicé IeNo'sCTELE. adj. [ignofiibilis, Lat. pable of pardon Teutonick ]IG. n. [- [giga, Italian ; geige a fiddle.|] A light carelefs dance, or tune Whe Cyrus had overcome the Lydians, that wer a warlike nation, inftead of their warlike mufick he appointed to them certain lafcivious lays an. loofe jigs; by which he fo mollified and abated thei courage, that they forgot their former fiercenefs Spenfer on Ireland As fiddlers ftill Though they be paid to be gone, yet needs wil Donne Thruft one more jig upon you Pofterity fhall know that you dare, in thefe jiggiven times, to countenance a legitimate poem Ben Jonfon All the fwains that there abide Milton With jigs and rural dance refort The mufes blufh'd to fee their friends exaltin Fenton Thofe elegant delights of 7ig and vaulting They wrote to her friends in the country, tha the thould dance a jig next October in WeftminfterArbuthnot hall Another Pheebus, thy own Pheebus reigns Joys in my igs, and dances in my chains. ~ Pope 'To danc 70 J16. v. z. [from the noun. carelefly ; to dance. Exprefled in con tempt As for the jigging part and figures of dances, Locke count that little On Jic-maker. # f. [jig and make. who dances or plays merrily Your only jig-maker ! what fhould a man do bu Shakefpeare's Hamlet be merry J1iccumBos. 7 f. [A cant word. trinket; a knick-knack; a flight contrivance in machinery He rifled all his pokes and fob Of gimcracks whims andjiggu;;z./mbf Hud_ibms JILT. #. /. [ gélia, Hlandick, to intrap in a amour, Mr. Lye. Perhaps from giglot, b contraction; or gillet, or gillot, the diminutive of g7/, the ludicrous name of °Tis alfo called jillez in Scot woman land. 1. A woma who gives her lover hopes and deceives him Avoid both courts and camps Where dilatory fortune plays the ji/ With the brave, noble honeft, gallant man To throw herfelf away on fools. ~ Otway's Orpharn 2. A name of contempt for a woman Whe love wa _P_ope 9o JiLT. v. a. [from the noun.] To tric a man by flattering his love with hopes and then leaving him for another Tell who loves who Dryden And who is ji/ted for another's fake Tell aman, paffionately in love, that he is jilted bring witnefles of the falfehood of his miftrefs, an three kind words of hers fhall invalidate all thei teftimonies Locte Zo JiLt. v. ». 'To play the jilt; to practife amorous deceits She might have learn'd to cuckold, ;//#, and tham Had Covent-garden been at Surinam Congreve 90 Ji/NGLE. w. 7. [A word made fro jangle, or copied from the found intende be expreffed. T clink with a kind of fharp rattle to foun What fhould the wars do with thefe jing/ing fools Shakefp With noife Of roating, fhrieking, howling, jingling chains We were awaked Shakefpeare's Tempef?. The bells fhe jingled; and the whiftle blew You nie'er with jingling words deceive the eat And yet, on hlimble {ubjeéts, great appear. . Smith Wha impenitently bold crowds of thefe ‘Pope In founds and jingling {yllables grown old JinGLE. 7z /. [from the verb. 1., Any clink, or fharp rattle 2. It is ufed, I think, improperly, to exprefs the correfpondence of found in th effe@s of rhyme Vulgar judges are nine parts in ten of all nations who call conceits and jingles wit 3. An thing founding If you plant wher tertai the wit Dyryden a rattle; a bell favages are, do not only en trifle and jizgles Jjuftly but ufe the Bacon's Effays ILe. 7 /. [corrupted from aiffe, Fr. walk or alley in a church or publick building. Properly aile Upward the columns fhoot, the roofs afcend And arches widen and long i/es exten Ive. # /o [aiffe, Fr. An ear of corn Ainfworth ILE'US. 7. [ [atint An ileus commonl Pope called the twifting of th guts, is really either a circumvolution of one part of* the gut within the other I'LEX. #. f. [Latin. or infertio Arbuthnot The 7lex, or great fcarlet oak, thrives well i England, is a hardy fort of tree, and eafily raifed o acorns The Spaniards have a fort they call enzina the wood of which, when old, is finely chambletted as if it were painted Mortimer Iviac. adj. [iliacus, Lat. lower bowels Relating to th Pope 1. Wickednefs ; depravity; contrariety t holinefs I/], to man's nature, as it ftands perverted, haff a natural motion ftrongeft in continuance Bacon Young men to imitate all i//s are prone Butare compell'd to avarice alone For then in virtue's fhape they follow vice Dryd Strong virtue, like ftrong nature, ftruggles fiill Exerts itfelf, and then throws off the ill The iliac pafiion is a kin belly of convulfio in th I'trac Pgfion A kind of nervous cholic whofe feat is the ilium, whereby that gu is twifted, or one part enters the cavit .of the part immediately below or above Dryden 2. Misfortune ; mifery Who can all fenfe of others /s efcape Is but a brute at beft in human fhape Though plung'd in #//s and exercis' Yet never let the noble mind defpair When preit by dangers, and befet wit The gods their timely fuccour interpof ~Zaze's Fuv in care foes And when our virtue finks, o'erwhelm'd with grief By unforefeen expedients. bring relief A, Philips ILr. advw 1. Not well ; not rightly in any refpec 1/] at eafe, both fhe and all her trai The fcorching fun had borne, and beating rain 2. Not eafily; with pain Tho defir'f Dryden with difficulty The punifhment all on thyfelf! alas Bear thine own firft; i/ able to fuftai His full wrath, whofe thou feel'ft as yet leaft part And my difpleafure bear'ft fo / Milto 1/l bears the fex a youthful lover's fate When juft approaching to the nuptial ftate. Dyryden Irr fubftantive or adverb, is ufed in com pofitio to exprefs any bad. quality o condition whic ma be eafil under ftood by the following examples Ivy. fubfiantive Dangerous conjetures in 7/ breeding minds Shak. Hamlet I have an #//-divining fou Methink 1 fee thee, now thou art below whence it is alfo called the volvulus, fro As one dead in the bottom of a tomb. - Shakefpeare No look, no laft adieu before he went "Uo/rua In an #/ boding hour to flaughter fent to roll _ Thofe who die of the i/iac pa/fion have their bellies much fwelled Floyer on the Humours ILk. adj. [ealc, Saxon. ftil retaine i 'The fame Scotland an Iti denote each : as, 774 ane of you, every one of you It alfo fignifies, the fame; as, Macinto of that ilk, denotes a gentleman whof {urname and the title of his eftate ar the fame; as, Macintoth of Macintofh 1 kno Phillipr The wifeft -prince on earth may be deceived b the craft of /// defigning men Swifi's Examiner i Your i/ meaning politician lords Under pretence of bridal friends and guefts Appointed to await me-thirty {pies Who threat'ning cruel death, conftrain'd the brid To wring from me and tell to them my fecret adj [contrafte from EviL an re taining all its fenfes. 1. Bad in any refpett; contrary to good whethe Evir phyfica o moral evil Se Shakefp Of his own body he was i//, and gav ‘The clergy i// example Shakefp. Henry VIII Neither is it 7// air only that maketh an 7/ feat but #// ways, #// markets, and i// neighbours Bacon's Effays Some, of an /// and melancholy nature, inclin the company to be fad and ill-difpofed: others, o a jovial nature, difpofe them to be merry Bacon 2. Sick ; difordered; not in health know not that ewi/ is ever ufed in thi fenfe You wifh me health in very happy feafon Shakefp For I am on the fudden fomething iZZ 1 have known two towns of the greateft confequence loft, by the governours falling i/ in the tim of the fieges L # / To bribe whofe vigilance, ZEgifthus tol A mighty fum of 7/ perfuading gold ILL adverd There founded a Temple Pope i// according cry of the eng mies, and a lamentable noife was carried abroad Wifd. xviiis 10 My colleague Being fo i// affected with the gout Will not be able to be there in perfon The example There fome 7/ planet reigns I muft be patient, 'till the Heavens loo With an afpet more favourable Miltor A fpy diftinguifh'd from his airy ftand That Colin made? 74 can I you rehearfe, Spenfer ILr Dryd. Zin The voice 7// boding, and the folemn found Shepherds, fhould it not ythen Your roundels frefh, to hear a doleful verf Of Rofalind, who knows not Rofalind all an eafy monarch's care Filts rul'd the ftate, and ftatefmen farces writ t 1L o Of every minute' inftance Ben onf prefent now Have put us in thele i// befeeming arms Shake/p Lead back thy Saxons to theit ancient Elbe I would reftore the fruitful Kent, the gif Of Vortigern, or Hengift's 7// bought aid. Drydesn We fimple toafters take deligh To fee our women's teeth look white And ev'ry faucy i/ bred fello Sneers at a mouth profoundly yellow Prior The ungrateful treafon of her 7/ chofen hufban overthrow Envy Sidney her how does it look Ho meagr and i complexioned ? It preys upon itfelf, and exhaufts th Collier fpiritfi There grows In my moft 77/ compos'd affetion fuc A ftanchlefs avarice that, were I king 1 fhould cut off the nobles for their lands Shake/p To what end this i/ concerted lye Palpable and grofs Dryden's Don Sebafiian Du |