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Show AS AS by watet 3 Asri'RER. m /0 [from afpire. ®le by air, and impenetrabl ambitioufl he is brated among the ancients, with whic the walls of Babylon were laid. Chamé A'sPHODEL [lilio-a/phodelus 7. Lat. Day-lily. Ajphodels were by the ancients planted near burying-places, i order to {upply the manes of the dea with nourifhment By thofe happy fouls who dwel In yellow meads of afphodel A'srick. n. /. [See Asr. a ferpent Pope The nameo firive to be greater tha They ween' To win the mount of God ; and on his thron To Assa'rT. w. a. [effartir, Fr.] Tocom To fet the envierof his ftate, the prou Afpirer : but their thoughts prov'd fond and vain ASSA'SSIN %nf [afaffin, Er. awor Assa'ssiNaTE. § brought originally fro AsporTA'TION. #. [. [ajportatio, Lat. A carrying away Diét AsQu1'NT. adw. [from a and fguint.] Obliquely 5 not in the ftraight line of vifion A fingle guide may dire€t the way better tha five hundred, who have contrary views, or loo Why did I "fcape th' invenom'd afpick's rage afquint, or thut their eyes And all the fiery monfters of the defart | Ass. . f. [afinus, Lat. To fee this day Addifo An animal of burden ¥ A'SPIRATE. @.a. [afpiro, Lat.] T pronounce with afpiration, or full breath as we afpirate hor/e, houfe, and hog ¥o A'spirRATE. w. 7. [afpiro, Lat. be pronounced with full breath T ‘Where a vowel ends a word, the next begins either with a confonant, or what is its equivalent . for our @ and b afpirate A'sPIRATE [afpiratus, Lat. adj Dryden Pro nounced with full breath For their being pervious, you may call them, i you pleafe, perfpirate but yet they are not afpi clean.sh data import.tsv out README rate, i. e. with fuch an afpiration as b Holder AspirA‘TION. n /. [a/piratio, Lat. 1. A breathing after; an ardent with ufed generally of a with for fpiritua bleflings A foul infpired with the warmeft afpirations afte celeftial beatitude, keeps its powers attentive Watts 2. The a& of afpiring, or defiring fomething high and great >Tis he; I ken the manner of his gait + He rifes on his toe; that fpirit of hi In afpiration lifts him from the earth. Shakefpeare 3. The pronunciation of a vowel with ful ~ breath H s only a guttural afpiration, i. e. a more for* cible impulfe of the breath from the lungs. Holder ASPI'RE w. n. [afpiro, Lat. 3. To defire with eagernefs ; to pant afte fomething higher: fometimes with th particle 0 Moft excellent lady, no expeétation in others nor hope in himfelf, could afpire to a higher mark than to be thought worthy to be praifed by you Sidney His father's grave counfellors, by whofe mean he had afpired to the kingdom, he cruclly tortured Knolles Hence fprings that univerfal ftrong defire ‘Which all men have of immortality Not fome few fpirits #nto this thought afpire, But all men's minds in this united be Dawvies Horace did ne'er afpire to epic bay Nor lofty Maro ftoop to lyrick lays Rofcommon Till then a helplefs, hopelefs, homely fwain _ X fought not freedom, nor afpir'd to gain. Dryden Alpiring to be gods, if angels fell Alfpiring tobe angels, men rebel Pope 2. Sometimes with af¥er Thofe are raife immortality, wh abov fenfe an afpire afte believe the perpetual duratio of their fouls Tillatfon. There is none of us but who would be thought throughout the whole courfe of his life, to afpir after immortality 3. Torife Atterbury to tower Shakefpeare . My own breath ftill foment the'fire " Which flamgs as high as fancy can afpire Waller Swift remarkable fo fluggifhnefs, patience, hardinefs, coarfenefs of food, and long life You have among you many a purchas'd flave Which, like your gffs, and your dogs and mules You ufe in abjeét and in flavifh part Becaufe you bought them Shakefpeare 2. A ftupid, heavy, dull fellow; a dolt I do begin to perceive that I am made an afs Shakefpeare That fuch a crafty mothe Should yield the world to this afs /=-a woman tha Bears all down with her brain; and yet her fo Cannot take two from twenty, for his heart Shake[peare And leave eighteen To ASSA'IL w. a [affailler, Fr. 1. 'To attack in a hoftile manner ; to afto invade fault ; to fall upon 2. T attac wit argument cenfure or motives applied to the paflions See AssarT Afia, where, about the time of the hol war, there was a fet of men called 4/ Jaffins, as is fuppofed for Arfacide, wh killed any man, without regard to danger, at the command of their chief.]. murderer; one that kills by treachery or fudden violence In the very moment as the knight withdrew fro the duke, this afafinate gave him, with a bac low, a deep wound into his left fide Wotton The Syrian king, who, to furpriz One man, affaffin like, had levy'd war War unproclaim'd Milton The old king is juft murdered, and the perfo that did it is unknown Let the foldiers feiz accufe him afterwards him for one of the affaffinates, and let me alone t Dryden Here hir'd affaffins for their gain invade And treach'rous pois'ners urge their fatal trade Creech When the hears of a murder, the enlarges mor on the guilt of the fuffering perfon, than of th Addifon affaffin Oreftes brandifh'd the revenging fword Slew the dire pair, and gave to fun'ral flam The vile affaffin, and adult'rous dame Pope grant, it ferves what life requires But, dreadful too, the dark a/faffin hires Pope Assa'ssINATE. 2 /. [from affafin. Th crime of an aflaflin ; murder Were not all affaffinates and popular infurrections wrongfully chaftifed, if the meannefs of th oftenders indemnified them from punifhment My gracious lord, here in the parliamen Let us a/fzil the family of York mit an affart Ufeful, w So when he faw his flatt'ring arts to fail With greedy force he *gan the fort t* affail. Fairy Queen Shakefpeare She will not ftay the fiege of loving terms Nor bide th' encounter of affailing eyes Shakefp How have I fear'd your fate! butfear'd it moit ‘When loveaffail'd you on the Libyan coaft. Dryd All books he reads, and all he reads affails From Dryden's Fables down to D-y's Tales. Pope In vain Thaleftris with reproach affails For who can move when fair Belinda fails ? Poge Pope To Assa'sSINATE. @.a. [from affafir. 1. To murder by violence Help, neighbours my houfe is ‘broken open b force, and I am ravithed, and like to be affaffinared Dryden ‘What could provoke thy madnef To afjaffinate fo great, fo brave.a man Philips Tha 2. Toway-lay ; to take by treachery. Thi meaning is perhaps peculiar to Milton Banquo, and his Fleance, lives ~Butin them nature's copy 's not eternal. -There's comfort yet, they are affailable. Shake[p Such ufage as your honourable lord Afford me, affaffinated and betray'd Who durft not, with your whole united pow'rs In fight withftand one fingle and unarm'd. Ai/ren Assa1'LABLE. adj. [from afail. which may be attacked H AssaA1LANT. #n. [ [affaillant, Fr. that attacks ;5 in oppofition to defendant The fame was fo well encountered by the de- fendants, that the obftinacy of the affailants di but increafe the lofs Hayward I'll put myfelf in poor and mean attire And with a kind of umber fmirch my face The like do you ; {o fhall we pafs along Shake[peare And never ftir affailants Assa'1LANT adj. Attacking ; invading And as ev'ning dragon came Affailant on the perche Of tame villatick fowl rooft Milton Assa'1LER. 7 /. [from affail. attacks another One wh Palladius heated, fo purfued ou one of them flew him affailers, tha Sidney Assapa'nick. » /o A little animal o Virginia, which is faid to fly by ftretching out its fthoulders and its fkin, and i called in Englifh the flying {quirrel There is betwixt that fmile we would afpire t0 That fweet afpect of princes and our ruin, More pangs and fears than war or women have by making them as plain as arable land Covell Miltorn I are thickets or coverts of the foreft, an fuppofed to be the mortar fo much cele One tha T)'é"T/'OZL'\T Assa'RT n [eflart from gffarter Fr to clear away wood in a foreft.] An offence committed in the foreft, by plucking up thofe woods by the roots; tha Assassina'Tion z. /. [from affaffinaie. The a& of aflaffinating ; murder by vio lence It were done quickly, if th' affa/finatio Could tramel up the confequence. + Shakefpeare + Thedulke finifh'd his courfe by a wicked a/fa/fiClarendon nation Assassina'Tor 7z [fro Murderer ; mankiller affafinate. tha the perfo kills another by violence Assa'rion. m. /. [affatus, roafted Roafting Lat. The egg expiring lefs in the elixation or boiling whereas, in the affation or roafting, it will fom-Browa's Vulgar Errours times abate a drachme ASSA'ULT. a. f. [affaulz, French. 1. Attack ; hoftile onfet: oppofed to 4& Sence Her {pirit had been invincible againft all affawie Shake[peare of affe@ion Not to be thook thyfelf, but all affaxfe Baflling, like thy hoar cliffs the loud {ea wave 2. Storm Jafo oppofed to /fap or fiege took at lea thoufan denly made an affawlt upon the city Q. men Ais T homrlev an .fu:} 2 Mas. V. 5 Alfte |