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Show H here's the fatal woun That tears my heart-ffrings; but he fhall be found My arms fhall hold him Granville HearT-sTrRUCK. adj 1. Driven to the heart; infixed for ever i the mind Who is with him None but the fool who labours to out-jef His heari-flruck injuries Shakefp 2. Shocked with fear or difmay He added not; for Adam,' at the new Heart-firuck, with chilling gripe of forrow ftood Milton Thacall his fenfes bound Rankling in th adj Heart-sweLLing mind Drawn into arms, and proof of mortal fight "Through proud ambition and beart-fwelling hate Spenfer HrART-wHOLE adf 1. With the a%é‘tions yet unfixed You hav am confiden therefore Dryden not feen me yet, an you are heart-awhole hath clapt him o' th' fhoulder; but I'l Cupi Shakefpeare warrant him Aearz-whole 2. With the vitals yet unimpaired HeartwounpeD. adj. Filled with paffio of love or grief Mea time the queen, without refleGtion due to the bed of ftate withdrew Heart-wounded Pope HEeARTWOUNDING rief adj Fillin wit With afhriek beart-wounding loud fhe cry'd While down her cheeks the gufhing torrents ran Faft falling on her hands Rowe He/arTED @dj ofition: as It is only ufed in comhar Aearted HE H EP Where his judgment led him to opppofe men en a | 2 publick ‘account, he would do it vigoroufly an there heartily; yet the oppofition ende 3. Eagerly; with defire The anger of an enemy reprefents our faults, o admonifhes us of our duty, with more heartine/s tha Laylor the kindnefs ofa friend With [from Pear:. adi {piritlefs out courage Then hopelefs, Aeartlefs *gan the cunning thief Perfuade us die, to ftint all further ftrife Fairy Queen What, art thou drawn among thefe heart/efs hinds Turn thee, Benvolio; look upon thy death - Shakefpeare Thoufands befides ftood mute and Aeart/efs there Men valiant all; nor wasI us'd to fear Cowley "The peafants were accuftomed to payments, an Temple grew heartlefs as they grew poor fought an quitte toanimate Shakefp This rare man, Tydides, would prepare "That he might conquer, bearter'd him Chapman Thus bearten'd well, and flefh'd upon his prey The youth may prove a man another day. Dryden 2. To meliorate or renovate with manure "The ground one year at reft; forget not the With richeft dung to hearten it again. May's Virgil Hearta. 7 /. The pavement of a roo on which a fire is made; the ground under the chimney Hoop'd out of Rome : now this extremit Shakefp Hath brought me to this hearth Cricket Wher to Windfor chimneys fhalt thou leap tho find'f fire unrak'd an hearth unfwept Withou courage foo faintly timidly Shakefp Good luck befriend thee, fon; for at thy birt ‘The fairy ladies danc'd upon the bearth. - Milton The vanquifh'd fires withdraw from every place Or, full wit feeding fink into a fleep Each houfehold genius fhews again its face And from the bearths the little lares creep. Dryden Hr/artIiLY adv. [from bearty. 3. From the heart fully I bear no malice for my death But thofe that fought it, I could wifh more Chriftians Be what they will, T beartily forgive them. Shakefp If to be fad is to be wife 1 do moft beartily defpif Or Tully writ, or Wanley rc:xd. 2. Sincerely ; actively diligently ropfly Prior V]go an [hear " of tha fenfation Saxon hac denominat whic we conclude o Moxon effervefcence a race him at a beat to forget Dryde golden anvils beat them at a beaz Tate betwee eac o courfes there is an intermiflion Feign'd zeal, you faw, fet out the fpeedier pac But the laft beat, plain dealing won the race Dryden 9. Pimples in the face; flufh It has raifed animofities in their hearts, and Aeat in their faces, and broke out in their ribbans Addifon 1o Agitation of fudden or violent paflion . vehemenc of action They feeing what forces were in the city with them iffued againft the tyrant while they werein this beaz before practices might be ufed to diffever them Sidney The friend hath loft his friend And the beft quarrels, in the Aeaz, are curf rage bu muf hav hale. th obje¢ is in th South We have {pilt no blood butin the beaz of the batplayin On Arterbury. at hazard dre a hug heap o gold; but in the beat of play, never obfeived a fharper Sawift who {wept it into his hat 11. Faction; conteft; party rage They are in 2 moft warlike preparation, and hop to come upon them in the Aeat of their divifion Shakefpeare I was forry to hear with what partiality and popuKing Charles lar keat eleCtions were carried beete hot fire itfelf What can more gratify the Phrygian fo DyydenThan thofe diftemnper'd Aeats 12. Ardbar of thought or elocution Plead it to he With all the frength and beat of eloquence Fraternal love and friendfhip can infpire Addifon*s Cato f o HeaT as are fitted to impref the fenfe o Warts. @. a. [from the noun. 1. T'o make hot of burning an the fire refembling our own fenfation: whereas i the fire there is nothing but little particles of matter fuch motions on our flcfh as excii beat difpleafed in cool fedate reflec tion He commande that there is a fort of Aeaz i of fuch particular fhape courf whic Spenfer and bafil bearty hale w a fparklin Dryden tle, or the chafe what in our fenfation is Aeat, in the object is noLacke thing but motion The word Aeat is ufed to fignify the fenfation w _have when we are near the fire, as well as the cauf thenc Whatever Socrates has faid 8. Heat is a very brifk agitation of the infenfible part of the object, which produces 'in us that f{enfatio whenc hbeat, an Shake[peare By thofe that feel their fharpnefs It might have pleafed in the Aeas and hurry of hi Danifh. 1. 'The fenfation caufed by the approach o touch of fire fro flam I'll ftrike my fortune wit And give him not the leifur They the turn'd lines o Which look as if they ftruc Vein-healing verven, and head-purging dill [peat heaty, a whit 7. The ftate of being once hot; a fingl effort Good for the heart = / The heats {miths take of their iron are a blood the heats zealous Qak, and the like true Aearty timber, being ftron in all pofitions, may be better trufted in crofs an Wotton tranfverfe work Heat peftilenc and many caufes are required for refrefhment betwix durable adj be a weakening of any conftitution, efpecially in age Whofe laughs are Aearzy, though his jefts are coarfe And loves you beft of all things but his horfe. Pope HearTy-HALE produc The continual agitations of the fpirits muft need 2. In full health. 3. Vigorous; ftrong hard an 6. One violent aftion unintermitted Every man may pretend to any employment provided he has been loud and frequent in declaSwift ring himfelf bearzy for the government 4. Strong mean Addifon 5. Fermentation Dryden A willing mind, and a defire to pleafe their work welding beat thei heartlefs. undiflembled ; warm 1. Sincere Sound favory There pinch the maids as blue as bilberry re While our's with eafy victory were crown'd Dryden [fro n 4. State of any body under the action o ground He'arTiLEssLy. - adv finithe among the people Spenfer the and kne the fire They did not bring that Aearty inclination t peace, .which they hoped they would have done Clarendon But the kind hofts their entertainment grac With hearty welcome and an open face In all they did, you might difcern with eaf encourage a. [from beart. ha I joyed oft to chafe the trembling pricket Or hunt the beart/efs hare *till (he were tame Heartlef there Dryden The pope would not comply with the propofal as fearing the hears might advance too far before the -eagernefs He'arrTress Acat The glebe will anfwer to the fylvan reign Great heats will follow, and large crops of grain Shakefp 2. Vigour intolerabl forced to go naked Bacon Mark well the flow'ring almonds in the weo aliberty from beartinefs, and well become the agent After they came down into the valley, and foun th This entertainment may a free face put on; deriv >alladius blaming thofe that were flow, beartenin them that were forward, but efpecially with hi own example leading them, made an impreflion int Sidney the fquadron My royal father, cheer thefe noble lords *And bearten thofe that fight in your defence Untheath your fword, good father; cry, St. George I. T 3. Hot weather of lighter apparel, they wer to ftir up To HE'ARTEN Gay The fword which is made fiery doth not only cu by reafon of the fharpnefs which fimply it hath but alfo burns by means of that Aeat which it hat from fire Hooker He'arriness, #. /. [from bearty. 1. Sincerity; freedom from hypocrify He/arTrLEssNESs. 7. [ [from heartlefs. Want of courage or fpirit; dejection o mind He'arry. adj. [from heart. He ne'er like bullies coward Aearzed Attacks in publick to be parted 'The caufe of the fl:nfation of burning Atterbury As for my eating hbeartily of the food, kno that anxicty has hindered my eating 'till this moAddifon ment one feve 2 to endue with the powe that they thould beat the furnac times more than it was wont to be .l.:galed Dan, iil. 19 To caufe to ferment Hops lying undried beats them, ‘and changes thei kelbgps i Mortimer 3. T |