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Show G e f e f 1. To walYoku; kntoow that lov and brafs, rather than return empty Shakefp. | 11. To pafs in compan cal mufcle§ becom thof fous; and having yiclded to the extenfion et makes fhift to go apon it, though lamely Rife, let us be going 3. To walk folemnly Sawift with others Thou fhalt again be adorned with thy tabrets and fhalt go forth in the dances of them that mak merry Fer. xxxi. 4 the pati : Wifeman's Surgery To move ; not ftand ftill G Thofe who cotne for gold will go off' with pewte go Wil creep dn fervice where it canno W?\lfter 1%11&% month G Away and with thee go the worft of woes That feck'ft my friendfhip, and the gods thy foes Matt. xxvi. 46 He goet Chapman with the workers of ini in compan "" If there be caufe for the church to go forth i folemn proceffion, his. whole family have fuch bu Fob quity, and walketh with wicked men Whatever remains in ftory of Atlas, or his kingdom of old, is fo obfcured with age or fables, tha Hooker it may go along with thofe of the Atlantick iflands Lemple finefs come upon them that no one can be fpared . Fo walk leifurely; not ran 1z. To proceed in any courfe of life goo or bad And muft I go to him _Thou muit ru'llllti? himf; for t}?ou haft ftaid f tha And the Levites that are goze away far fro {erve the turn {carc wil goin whe Shakefpeare 6, To travel; to journey iniquity Num. xx. 19 7. To proceed ; to make a progrefs Dryden 8, To remove from place to place I am in bloo Stept in fo far, that, fhould I wade no more Returning were as tedious as go o'er If we go over thelaws of Chriftianity Shakefp place ;to mov find that, exceptin fro a place'; the oppofite of # come ~ Stand not upon the order of your going But go at once Shakefpeare's Macbeth And when fhe had (o faid fhe wens her way 28 Bacon's Natural Hiftary Cowley And with our Egypt fairly rid of him Dryden Go firt the mafter of thy herds to find True to his charge, a loyal fwain and kind Pope 10, To move or pafs in any manner any end or t ner Put every ma his fwor H;mg down his head, and wifh'd for ni ht When he beheld twelve funs for on Going about the world, and giving light A. I_‘hxs feen, the reft at awful dittanc ftood Herberr Ts if they had been there as fervants fe Ao ftay, or to &2 0n as he thought good r"l"i not purfue, but wait on his retreat Dr d o urn not children going, till yo haye given the al I;l}e fa isfaction they are capable of 1S4, xiv. 36 - fpoil them until the morning light Thou art able to go againft this Philiftine to figh 1 Sa. xvii.33. with him The remnant of Jacob fhall be among the Gentile as a lion among the beaftsof the foreft; who, if h go through, beth treadeth down and teareth i Mie. v. 8 pieces, and none can deliver i 4 Lecke Bt 1fl§ry on}yacquajnts us that his fle t zwens up th ¢, h having carried his arms as far as tha river figia Arbuthnot 16¢ 2 give you relates to your behavio you are going to be hanged, wh ch, eithe 00bbIng your mafter, for houfebreak ng, or goi Upon the highway, may very prob ably be you lot Swift's Direcions to the Foatmar "Shakpfeeare's Henry 1V We be not able to go up againft the people; fo they are fironger than we Numb. xiii. 31 Let us gd down atter the Philiftines by night, an Mac. iii. 6 The fun, v‘{hich once did fhine alone Yet did you fay go forth and th and out from gate to gate throughout the camp Ex. xxxii Would lift where moft trade of danger rang'd Shakefpeare Ecel. xii. by his fide, and g I will neithe Of wounds and fcars, and that his forward fpiri that I would make her turn and turn, and yet goon Shakefp fee your lordfhip abroad: I~hear was fick: 1 hope your lordfhip goe day fhall be dark over them dut You were advis'd his flefh was capabl Gonot for'thy tything thyfelf to the devil. ~ Ti/fer She may go to bed when fhe lift5 all is as fhe will Shakefp The fun thall go down over the prophets ou 15. To march in a hoftile or warlike man Though the vicar be bad, or the parfon be evil - abroad by advice The mourners go about the ftreets mad hav turn to the right hand, nor to the left Dewr. ii. 27 Who fhall bergoan thee? Or who fhall go afid to afk how thou doeft Ferexy. 5 His horfes go abou Almoft a mile Shakefpeare's Macketh I have endeavoured to efcape into the eafe an freedom of a private {cene, wherea man may go hi . Temple own way and his own pace Colchetter oyfters are put into pits, where the fe Then I concur to let him go for Gre:zce the onl I will go along by the highway Ex. viii, 2.8 Did from the camp at firft before him go a few particulars, they enjoi 14. 'To take any road Iwilllet you go, that ye may facrifice, only yo fhall not go very far away things we fhal Tillotfon more clear and certain In their primary qualities we can go but a ver Locke little way I go over forne parts of this argument again, an Locke enlarge a little more upon them They are not able all their life-time to reckon, o regularly go over any moderate feries of numbers Lacke At once, good-night V fam th 1 hope it be not gone, to tell my lor Shakefpeare That I kifs aught but him _You did wif Sir, the can tur . L am glad t fay yourlordfhi Lzek. xliv. 10 Digby on the Soul, Dedication Thus I have goze through the fpeculative confideration of the Divine Providence Hale I hope, by going over all thefe particulars, yo may receive fome tolerable fatisfaltion about thi South great fubject Thus others we with defamation wound While they ftab us ; and {o the jeft goes round A young tall {quir prefent publifhing it, truely I fhould have kept i by me till I had once again goze over it Miltorn goeth and cometh If I had unwarily too far engaged myfelf for th This uncouth errand fole depart from aftray awa 13. To proceed in mental operations From them I go ¢. T wen from me after their idols, they fhall even bear thei . To march or walk a-foot I will only go through on my feet Ifrael went aftray, whic me 27 16. To change ftate or opinion for bette or worfe We will not hearken to the king's words to g from our religion 1 Mac. ii. 22 The regard of the publick ftate, in fo great danger, made all thofe goodly things, which awent f to wreck, to be lightly accounted of in comparifon o their lives and liberty Knolles They lock upon men and matters with an. evi eye ; and are beft pleafed when things go backward which is the worft property of a fervant of a prihc or ftate Bacon. All goes to ruin, they themfelves contriv To rob the honey Lande and fubvert the hive D;yde;z men, by their providence and good huf bandry, accommodating their expences to their income, keep themfelves from goizg backwards in th world Locke Cato, we all go into your opinion. Addifon 17, 'To apply one's felf Secing himfelf confronted by fo many, like a re folute orator h wen no to denial but to juftif his cruel falfehood Sidney Becaufe this atheift goes mechanically to work, h will not offer to affirm that all the parts of the em bryon could, according to his explication, be forme at a time Bentley 18. To have recourfe to Dare any of you, having a matter againft another g to la before th unjuft an not befor faints th 1 Cor 19. To be about to do in fo degenerate a So extraordinary an example I was goin the rarity, and age, deferves fo t fay, for the incredibility of it, the atteftation ot al that knew him Locke and confidered his worth to pafs life not quite well zo. To fhift eager to engrofs to himfelf a Every goldfmith high for it Locke much as he could, was content to pa rather than go without but if they fpeak fo Cloaths they muft have this ftuff, or that colour, they fhould be fure to g Locke without it decline 21. T to tend towards death o ruin. This fenfe is only in the participle going and goze He is far gone, and, truly, in my youth I fuffer'd much extremity for love Shakefpeare's Hamlet Very near this 22. To be in party or defign They with the vanquifh'd prince and party go And leave their temples empty to the foe. Dryden 23. 'To efcape Timotheus himfelf fell into the hands of Dofitheus and Sofipater, whom he befought with muc 2 Mac. xii. 24 craft to let him go with his life 24. 'To tend to any act There be fome women, Silvius, had they mark' hi In parcels as I did, would have goze nea Shake/p. As you like it To fall in love with him 25. To be uttered appeare His difciples perfonall them, amon and afcertained the report which had goze abroa Addifon concerning a life fo full of miracles 26 To be talked of; to be known tow greatef It has th in the ifland that goe under the name of Ano-Caprea, and s in fevera Addifon, places covered with a very fruitful foil 27. To pafs; to be received Becaufe a fellow of my acquaintance fet forth he praifes in verfe, I will only repeat them, and fpare my Sidney. own tongue, fince fhe goes for a woman And the man wezz among men for an old ma 1 Sa. xvil. 1 in the days of Saul A kind imagination makesa bold man-have vigou and enterprize in his air and motion : it ftamps vaface hi lue upo an tells th he is to g peopl Collier for fo much Ciipping fhould be finally ftopped, and the mone which remains fhould go according to its true value Locke 28. To move by mechanifm This pope is decrepid, and the bell goez/ for him Bacon Clocks will go as they are fet; but man Irregular man's never conftant, never-certain.Otway 'Tis with our judgments as our watches, non Go juft alike, yet each believes his own Popes 29 T b i moftio fro whatcve Caufc The weyward fifters, hand in hand Pofters of the fea and land, Thus do go about, about Shakefpeare's Macbeth Clipt and wafhed money goes abougs when th entire and weighty lies hoarded up Waller 30. To move in any dire@ion Do&or, he is a curer of fouls, and you a cure ofibodies: if you fhould fight, you go againft th hair of your profeffions Shal th fhado back ten degrees ' 31. To flow g Shakefpeare forward te degrees or g. 2 Kingx, XX.'Q to pafs; to have a courfe % O h |