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Show E L twic next in order to the feventeenth ninth Ei'rur. adv on 1 Kings Caufe us to alter th' order now affign'd Daniel Either your brethren have miferably deceived us Bacon's Natural Hiftory or power confers virtue Ejura'rion Wilkins's Math. Magic Exx. adv. [eac, Saxon; ook, Dutch. likewife; befide; moreover Ei'cHTY. adj. [eight and ten.] Eight time s ten That courage does itfelf exert *Twill be prodigious hard to prove That this is eke the throne of love Eighty odd years of forrow have I feen And each hour's joy wreck'd with a week of teen or the year fixty-three, whic with it th mof Brown's Vulgar Errours offer to fue for a pardon uncompelled before the time in all which, fome mitigation of the uttermoft valu .. may well and worthily be offered Bacon Ei'seL. 7 /. [eoyil, Saxon.] Vinegar, verjuice; any acid. An old word Caft in thy min " How thou refemblett' Chrift, as with fowre poifon If thou paine thy tafte; remember therewithall How Chuift for thee tatted eife/ and gall. Sir T. More EdTHER. proz Scottifh,] [230en Saxon auther 1. Which foever of the two; whether on or the other Lepidus flatters both Of both is flatter'd; but he neither loves ( Nor either cares for him As they had been a very pair So that 2 man would almoft {wear That ezher had been cither Drayion's Nymp Goring.made a faft friendfhip with Digby, either o them believing he could deceive theother. Clarendon . I do not afk whether bodies do fo exift motion of one body c¢annot really be without th motion of another: to determine this. cizher way, i tobeg the quettion for or againft a vacuum ZLgeke 2, Each that th both In the procefs of natural beings, there feem fome tobe creatures placed, as it were, on the confines o feveral provinces, and participating fomething o either Hale Sev'n times the fun has either tropick view'd The Winter banifh'd, and the Spring renew'd Dryden's Virgil 3: Itisufed fometimes of more than two - any one of a certain number 4. Any of an indeterminat the following paffage number,. as i Henry VITI. Francis I. and Charles V. were fo provident, as fcarce a palm of ground could be gotte by either of the three, but that the other two woul et the balance of Europe upright again Bacon There is a docible feafon, alearning time in youth which, fuffered to elapfe feldom returns Alfo RILASTICAL ELA'STICK and break through, where it meets with the weakef refiftance To eke it, and to draw it out in length Shakefp. Merch. of Venice 4. To fpin out by ufelefs additions [I this fenfe it feems borrowed from the uf of our old poets, who put eke into thei lines, when they wanted a fyllable. bodies by faccefliv Formalities of extraordinary zeal and piety ar never more ftudied and elaborate than when politicians moft agitate defperate defigns. King Char/es At leaft, on her beftow' Too much of ornament, of outward fhe Elaborate; of inward, lefs exact EvaRg adj [elatus Milton ELa'BorRATELY. adv. [from elaboraie. Laborioufly; diligently; with great fud or labour fo e/aborately formed an wrought, and grown atlength -ripe for delivery, d yet prove abortive Seuth Some coloured powders, which painters ufe, ma have their colours 2 little changed, by bein elabsrately and finely ground Newion's Opticks 1 will venture once to incur the cenfure of fom perfons, .for being e/alorately trifling Bentley.. endeavou o re Lat. Flathe wit fuccefs; elevated with profperity; loftg; hanghty Oh, thoughtlefs mortals ever blind to fate Too foon dejected, and too foon elaze I, of‘mind elaze, and {corning fear oo7 Thus with new taunts infult the monfter's ear. E'LaTe. v. a. [fro 1. T elevat wit z. To exult fenfe Tthe nounPape.]s Oy fuccefss with profperity Man is thy theme, his virtue or his rag Drawn to the life in each elab'rate page Waller Confider the difference between elaborate difcourfe upon important occafions, delivered to parliaments and a plain fermon intended for the common people Sawift Politick conceptions the A lute-ftring will bear an hundred weight withou rupture; but at the fame time cannot exert it elaflicity: take away fifty, and immediately it raifeth the weight Arbuthnot Me emptinefs and dulnefs could infpire And were my e/afficity and fire Popes Young ELA'BORATE. adj. [elaboratus, Lat.] Finifhed with great diligence; performe with great Jabour by whic ftore themfelves to ~the pofture fro whence they were difplaced by any ex ternal for.ce Quini cy Pope The fap is diverfified, and ftill more elaborate and exalted, as it circulates through the veflels of th plant Arbuthnot Bentley Evasti'crry. a. /. from elafick. Force in 70 ELA'BORATE. . a. [elaboro, Lat. 1. To produce with Iabour 2. To heighten and improv endeavours or operations adj. [from 2x4w.] Having the power of re and elaflick, returning to its figure with a forc rifing from the mutual attraion of its parts Newton's;Opticks The moft common diverfities of human conftitutions arife from the folids, as to their differen degrees of firength and tenfion; in fome being to lax and weak, in others too elaflick and ftrong Arhuthnot on Aliments A fermentation muft be excited in fome affignabl place, which may expand itfelf by its elafical power Spenfer I fpeak too long; but *tis to piece the time Theyin full joy elaorate a figh foundation laid Clariffa The ftarry roof, ond roll the orbs in aire Blaskmore If the body is compac, and bends or yields inwar to preflion, withoutany fliding of its parts, it is har 3. To protract; to lengthen Eufden ekes out Blackmore's endlefs line n By what e/affick engines did fhe rea On fome patch'd doghole e£'dwith ends of wall. Pope Toftay you from cle@ion an turning to the form from which it i diftorted or withheld; fpringy; havin the power ofa {pring Your ornaments hung all Shakefp. Ant. and Cleopat So like in arms thefe champions were Zo ELa'pst. w. . [elapfus, Lat.] 'To paf away; to glide away; to run out withou notice Still be kind And eke outour performance with yourmind. Shake/p It happeneth not feldom, that, to avoid the yearl oath, for averment of the continuance of fome eftat for life, which is eigze, and not fubje to forfeitur for the alienation that cometh after it, the party wil Joyfully repeated 10 Prior Harfh words, that once elanc'd, muft ever f Irrevocable Prior 2. To fupply; tofill up deficiencies "unalienable, as being entailed to caft as a dart Another, and another dart, the peopl The little firength that I have, I would it wer with you -And mine to eke out her's. Shakefp. Asyou like it confiderable fatality to dart T While thy unerring hand elunc' 1 dempt there much to have eZed my flote But fuch ekizg hath made my heart fore w. a. [claucer, French. throw out Prior Zo ExE. @. a. [eacan, Saxon. 1. To increafe is conceived to carr EioNE. adj. [aifne, Fr.] [In law.] Denote the eldeft or firft born. ~ Here it fignifie To ELANCE Now if 'tis chiefly in the hear fourf{core Shakefpeare Among all other clima&ericks three are molt re' markable; that is, feven times feven, or forty-nine " nine times nine, or ¢ighzy one; and feven times nine To what purpofe is there fuch an apparatus o veflels for the e/ztoration of the fperm and eggs; fuc a tedious procefs of generation and nutrition, ~ Ray Plilips If any ftrength we have, it is to ill Butall the good is God's, both power and efe will Fairy Queen Im provement by fucceffive operations wailing And ¢julation, in the pangs of death Some call for aid E1'cHTSCORE. adv. [eight and feore.] Eigh What! keep a week away? feven days and nights Eightfcore eight hours? and lovers abfent hours More tedious than the dial eight/eore times Oh weary reckoning' Shakefpeare's Othello moaning ar Savift ELaBorA'TION. 7. /. [from elaborate. Out Inftead of hymns and praifes, he breaks ou into e/wlations and effeminate wailings Govermment of the Tongue With difmal groan with the eightieth patt of a grain times twenty; an hundred and fixty good Savift to Pope n. f. [¢ulatio, Latin. cry; lamentation Some balances are {o exa& as to be fenfibly turne or Eaft or Weft Indies Bacon's New Atlantis What perils thall we find If either place, or time, or other coutfe living creatures have voluntary motion Ei'cHTIETH. adj. [from eighry.] The nex in order to the feventy-ninth; eight tenth It is there elalorately fhewn, that patent A diftri We never heard of any fhip that had been feen t arrive upon any fhore of Europe; no nor of either th Ei'GHTFrOLD. adj. eight and fold.] Eigh times the number or quantity EileHTLY. adv. [from eghth.] In th eighth place which plants have not [from the noun. butive adverb, anfwered by or; either th In the eighteenth year of Jeroboam died Abijam Fighthly E L to heighten to pudf An unufua Or truth, divinely breaking on his mind Elates his being, and unfolds his power ELATE'RIUM Tpiffated- juice 7. / [Latin, Thomfors A in light, of a friable textur and an -acid and pungent tafte." If i procured from the fruit of a wild cucember. It is a very violent and rough purge Hill Eca'tion proceedin perity Go bega withdrawi BLBOW. #.:/. from elite.] Haughtinefsfro fuccefs pride of prof to pu E ifh this vain elation of mind ghis favou: #, /. [elboga, Saxon.] D b ../_?l.f;'f'lz‘:z_')'- 15 Thes |