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Show he could view effence thelr names an felves form rea their refpective properties CoO CO CO th withou in them In any country, that hath commerce with the ref o c:om;‘mn of the world, it is almoft impofiible now to be without the ufe of filver coin Lacke South's Sermons th g ? n i { ; x ; e l ' , n f s r & g Prope l c e c o n k ar e voi f r p x t hi ' a m c l f i t Seill, w 1. To traffick Pope joined with a nature liquefiable Ezekiel in the defeription of Tyre 2. Remarks; obfervation t e m c it a b l o f n f o c n e e a T e a p e a S Forgive the comment that my paflion mad ‘When they might not converfe or commerce wit any civil men; whither thould they fly but int Upon thy feature; for my rage was blind Shake[peare's King Fobn. the woods and mountains All that is behind will be by way of comment o that part of the church of England's charity Hammond's. Fundanentals manners and there live in a wil Sir 7+ Dawies z. To hold intercourfe with Come, but keep thy wonted flate . ‘With even ftep and mufing gait Co MMENTARY. 7 /. [ commentarius, Lat. 1. An expofition; book of annotations or And looks commercing with the fkies Thy rapt foul fitting in thine eyes remarks ComME'RCIAL in religion, fcripture is the beft rule; and th church's univerfal practice, the beft commentary 2. Memoir; narrativ familiar man i and of th exceeding trade that it had with the Eaft, as th only mart town, reciteth both the people with who they commerce, and alfo what commodities ever country yielded Raleigh e m n i i i t a m t c " In f King Charles Relatin 17 adj [ fro Milton commerce. to commerce or traffick COMMIGRATE « [co an migro, Latin. To remove in a body ner o b con ent fro on cou tr t anVere, in a private commentary which he wrot oth r wer hundr eigh tha of that fervice, teftifi ComMmiGRA‘TION. 2./, [from commigrate. Batcon flain They fhew ftiil the ruins of Ceefar's wall, tha A removal of a large body of peopl . reached eightee as he has de miles in length clared it in the firlt book of his Commentaries CoMMENTATOR 7. / ffOI‘ Addifon on Ttaly. [from comment. Expofitor ; annotator 1 have made fuch expofitions of my authors; a Dryden that Marfy no commentator will forgive me Some of the commentators tel us was a lawyer who had loft his caufe Addifon on Ttaly Galen's commentator tells us, that biteer f{u ftances engender choler, and burn the blood Arbuthnor on Ali Wo commentator can more {lily paf i Pope O'er a learn'd unintelligible place on countr t another Both the inhabitants of that, and of our world loft all memory of their commigration hence Wovdavard's Natural Hiffory COMMINA'TION. #. /. [ comminatio, La tin. 1. A threat; a denunciatio ment;, or of vengeance of punifh Some parts of knowledge God has thought fit t feclude from us;; to fence them not only by precep and commination, but with difficulty and impoflibilitiés Decay of Picty 2. The recital of God's threatenings o ftated days Co MENTER. # /. [from comment.] One Comm1I'NATORY. ad). [from commination. that writes comments; an explainer Denunciatory; threatening an annotator 7o CoMMI'NGLE. w. a. [commifceo, LaSlily as any commenter goes b tin. T mi int on maf t uni Donne words or fenfe Har CovmMmEeENTI TI0US Latin. [ commentitius adj Invented ; fictitious ; imagi nary It is eafy t draw a parallelifm between tha ancient and this modern nothing, and make goo its refemblance to that commentitions inanity Clanwille's Scepfis CO'MMERCE. #./. [commercium, Latin It was anciently accented on the laf fyllable. 1. Intercourfe ; exchange of one thing fo another ; interchang ‘o any ‘thing Places ‘of publick refort being thus provided, ou repair thither is efpecially for mutual conference and, as it were, commerce to be had between Go and us Hooker How could communities Degrees in fchools, and brotherhoods in cities - Peaceful commerce from dividable fhores But by degrees ftand in authentick place Sbakefpeare's Troilus and Creffida Inftruéted thips fhall fail to quick commerce By which remoteft regions are ally'd Which makes one city of the univerfe Where fome may gain, and all may be fupply'd Dryden Thefe people had not any commerce with the othe known parts of the world intimately ; to mix ; to blend Bleft are thofe Whofe blood and judgment ave fo well commingled That they are not a pipe for fortune's finger To found what ftop fhe pleafe Shakefp. Hamlet 70 ComM1I'NGLE, w.z. 'T0 unite one wit another Tillotfon Diffolutions of gum. tragacanth and oil of fwee almonds do not commingle, the oil remziningon th top till they be ftirred. Bacow's Phyfical Rem ComMmiNu'1BLE. adj. [from comminute. Frangible ; reducible to powder; fu{ceptible of pulverization Th trade ; traffick make a comminution, and a very rapid whirling an melting of fome particles; but that idea of flam is wholly in us 2. Common or familiar intercourfe Bentley Good-nature, which confifts in overlooking of | z. Attenuation faults, is to be exercifed only in doing ourfelve Caufes of fixation are the even fpreading of th juftice in the ordinary commerce and occurrences o fpirits and tangible parts, the clofenefs of the tanlife Addifon gible parts, and the jejunenefs or extreme commi70 Co'MMERCE. @. 7, [from the noun. nution of {pirits; of which the two firt may b All the volumes of philofophy n v i u c v n t e m c e t al Wit : m P n m r §o politick an inf f m u n M t b e m c u y le A This fmiting of the fteel with the flint doth onl beft diamond are comminuible and are f far from breaking hammers, that they fubmit unt peftilation, and refift not any ordinary peftle Brown 7o COMMINUTE @. a. [comminuo, La tin.] To grind; to pulverize ; to break .into fmall parts Parchmesnt, fkins, and cloth drink in liquors though themizlves be entire bodies, and not comminuted, as fand and athes. Bacon's Natural Hiftery 'ComMINU'TION. 7. /i [from comminute. i1. The a& of grinding into {mall parts pulverization The jaw in men and animals furnithed wit grinders, hath an oblique or tranfverfe motion, ne ceffaxy for comminution of the meat. Ray on the Creat Bacon CoMMI'SERABLE. adj. [from commiferate. Worthy of compaflion ; pitiable ; fuch a muft excite fympathy or forrow. It is the finfulleft thing in the world to deftitut a plantation once in forwardnefs : for, befides th difhonour, it is the guiltinefs of blood of many corsmiferable perfons Bacow's Effays This was the end of this noble and commiferabl perfon, Edward eldeft {on to the duke of Clarence Bacon's Henry V1L 7o COMMI'SERATE «. a. [con an mifereor, Lat.] To pity ; to lock on wit compaflion ; to compaflionate The we muf thofe wh groan beneath th weigh Of age, difeafe, or want, commiferate Denbans We thould commiferate our mutual ignorance, an endeavour to remove it Locke CoMmisera'TiON 7. [fro commife rate.] Pity ; compaflion ; tendernefs or concern for another's pains. Thefe poor feduced creatures, whom I can neither fpeak nor think of but with much commilzration and pity Hooker Live, and hereafter fa A mad man's mercy bade thee run away --1 do defy thy commiferation And apprehend thee for a felon here Shakefpeare's Romeo and Fulist God knows with how much commiferation, an folicitous caution, I carried on that bufinefs, tha I might neither encourage the rebels, nor difcou rage the proteftants King Charless She ended weeping5 and herlovely pligh Immoveable, till peace, obtain'd from faul Acknowledg'd and deplor'd, in Adam wrough Commiferation Miiton's Paradife Loff From you their eftate may expeé effectual comfort ;- there are none from who commiferation it may not deferv Spratt No where fewer beggars appear to eharmup com miferation, yetno where is there greater charity Graunt's Bills of Mortality 1 prevailed with myfelf to:go and fee him, partl out of commiferatign, and partly out of curiofity Swift CO'MMISSARY. n. f. [commiflarius, lo Latin. 1. An officer made occafionally for a certain purpofe ; a delegate; a deputy z. It is a title of ecclefiaftical jurifdicion appertaining to fuch as exercifes {piritual jurifdition (at leaft fo far as hi commiffion permits) in places of th diocefe fo far diftant from the chief city as the chancellor cannot call the fubjells Coawell The commiffaries of bithops have authority onl in fome certain place of the diccefe, and in fom certain caufes of the jurifdi&ion limited to the by the bithop's commifiion Ayliffe 3. A officer who draw up lifts of th numbers of an army, and regulates th procuration and conveyance of provifio or ammunition But is it thus you Englith bard With Runick lays thus tag infipi And when you fhould your heroe Give us a commiffary's Lift in vesf compofe profe deeds rehearfe Prior Co'Mst1s |