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Show AL ers, to fignif A an univerfa Sax ALL. adj. [Zll, Zal, ealle, alle,' Ger diffolvent or liquor which "has the power of refolving all things into their firft prin* ciples ALKALE'SCENT. adj. [from alkali.] Tha which has a tendency to the propertie oll, Welfh are the effervefcenc Any watery liquor will kee .ftarving very long fequently keepin fer And, rejoicing Gratian /S [anchu/a A medicinal frui by a plant of th fame denominzation ; popularly alf called awinter-cherry : the plant bear a near refemblance to Solanum, o Nightthade; , whence it is frequentl called in Latin by that name, with th addition or epithet of weficarium ALKE'RMES Chambers . /- In medicine a ter And glad her fhall refign, when intheen Thou thalt be a// in all, and I in thee For ever ; and in me all whom thou lov'ft Milton, They that do not keep up this indifferency fo all but truth, put coloured fpectacles before thei eyes, and look through falfe glaffes. fromteach other catch the doleful cry The and all when dipped in the vapour Addifon's Remarks on Ttaly 5. A/l is much ufed in compofition ; but in moft inftances, it is merely arbitrarys as all-commanding Sometime the word Gay compounded with it, are fixed and claf fical ; as, Almighty When it is connefted with a participle, it feems to b a noun; as, all-furrounding: in othe cafes an adverb ; as, a/l-accomplifbed, o completely accomplithed. Of thefe com I am of the temper of moft kings, who love t no matte Dryden 3. Only; without admiflion of any thin elfe pounds, a fmall part of thofe whic may be found is inferted ALL-BEARING. adj. [from all and bear. That which bears every thing; omni ‘When T fhall wed That lord, whofe hand muft take my plight, thal carr Half my love with him, half my care and duty the fwcets are ufually omitted Th confeltio alkermes is chiefly made at Montpelier.. The grain, which gives it the denomination ‘i plentifully as there n \her foun &hambers f AJl were'it as the reft but fimply writ A fhepherd's fwain, fay, did thee bring Al as his ftraying flock he fed And, when his honour hath thf.{e read Craye pardon for thy hardyhead parous Thu Spenfer's Paftorals while he fpoke Cdrew the fovereig plant h Where on th' a¥/-bearing carth unmark'd it grew ALL ~CHEERING Spenfer 5. It is fometimes-a word of emphafis nearly the fame with ju/ L'Eftrange A torch, {nuff and all, goes out in a moment Sure I fhall never marry like my fiter borrowed from the Arabs, denoting To love my father a/l Sha Kin Lea efp celebrated remedy, of the confiflence of 4. Although "Th fen e is traly Teutoa confe@ion; whereof the Aermes berni k bu now obfolete ries are the bafis. The other ingre‘Do you not think th'> accomplithment of i dients are pippin-cyder, rofe-water Suflicient work for one man's fimple head fugar, ambergreafe, mufk, cinnamon aloes-wood, pearls, and leaf-gold; bu all fell to work at the roots of the tree, and left it fo little foothold, that the firft ‘blaft o wind laid it flat upon the ground, neft, eagles . Altogether; wholly ; without any othe confideration be in debt, are al/ for prefent money how they pay it afterward Locke 4. 'The phrafe and 4ll is of the fame kind nued blaze Addifon 1f e'er the mifer durft his farthings fpare He thinly fpreads them through the public fquare Where, al/ befide the rail, rang'd beggars lie An Shakefpeare, Sceptre and pow'r, thy giving, T afflume term, heir Locke Juftice may be furnifhed out of fire, as far ‘as he fword goes; and courage may be a// over a conti from the {outhern parts of France, an ufed in medicine Miller th 3. That is, ewvery thing is the better, th Same, the fitter prefsly the title of the firft-born, but 4/ alon keeps himfelf under the theiter of the indefinit name of ‘a plant This plant is a fpecies of buglofs, with a red root, brough ALKEKE'NGI. ». / or berry, produce Skakefpeare's Coriolanus Balm, from a filver box diftill'd around Shall a// bedew the roots, and fcent the facre ground Dryden I do not remember he any where mentions ex Fati] s Fh news-cramm'di~4l Al the fitter, Lentulus: our comin Is not for falutation ; we have bus'nefs Ben Fonfon Camden's Remains For a large confciehce is a// one And fignifies the fame with.none Hudibras Neawton b and alkalizate w But where to-morrow *-~Well, a//'s one for that Shakefpeare The Saxons could calla comet a fixed ftar, whic is all one with ffella crinita, or cometa ‘bodies with alkali adj. That, a//'amaz'd, the prieft let fall the book Arkariza'rion. z. /. [from alkali.] Th a&t of alkali.ating, or impregnatin ALKANET Rome fhal better; we fhall be the more remarkable Shakefpearz Up with my tent, here will I lje'to-night He fwore {o loud "The colour of violets in their fyrup, by acid li The Spenfer thata// alone Marcus did figh Within Corioli gates. The odour of the fixed nitre is very languid; bu that which it difcovers, being diffolved "in ho clean.sh data import.tsv out README water, is different, being of kin to that of other alkalizate {alts Boyle tarns green Prig ,fldfi' 2. Every thing How is ' my love a// ready forth to come Know AvxA'L1ZATE. adj. [from alkali.] Tha which has the qualities of alkali; tha ' which is impregnated with alkali red, and, by urinou fail of fucce‘fs Crafbaw an infinite deal of nothing Avrv. adv. [See ALL 1. Quite; completely and but a future grave Our all is at ftake, and irrctrievably loft, if w more than any man in a// Venice Shake[p. Merchantof Penice an animal fro Nought's had, a/l's fpent'{}em Where our defire is got without content, . Shakefpeare's Machetp The youth fhall ftudy, and no more engag Their flattering withes for uncertain age No more with fruitlefs care, and cheated ttrife Chace fleeting pleafure through th maze of [ify Finding the wretched a// they here can have fmiles to fe fpeak oppofed to part, or ng But prefent food 4. The whole extent of place Tha whole And will fhe yet debafe her eyes on me On me, whofe a// not equals Edward's 'moiefy Shak and a// thi Lacke Their green backs wear his livery them turn thing On thofe paftures cheerful fprin Al the year doth fit and fing "Zo ALk a'L1ZATE. @. a. [from albali. To make bodies alkaline, by changin their nature, or by mixing alkalies wit quors Tillotfo Sbakg]:pm#, s 1. Th ‘tion of time days upon nothin Arbuthnot but water A 3. The whole quantity, applied to dura by diluting the fluids, and conthem from an alkaline ftate People have lived twenty-fou To graze the herb a/l leaving in the defence of the commonyvealth only for the public good mentation A'LRALINE. adj. [from alkali which has the qualities of alkali Shakefp. Sulius Cafar . emm Hath a// fo long detain'd you from your wife Political power, I take to be a right of makin laws with penalties, and of employing the force o the community in the execution of fuch laws, aq wit an Tell us what occafion of impo Six days thou fhalt labour, and do &// thy work Deut. Vo 13 there remained at the bottom a whit falt ; this they called /a/ 2ali, or alkali It is corrofive, producing putrefadtio in animal fubftances to which it is applied Arbuthnot on Aliments. An produce a/l He thought them fixpence a// too dear Song in Shakefege 2. Being the whole quantity; every part burnt‘to athes, boiled them in water and, after having evaporated the water acid article of mere enforcement all honourable men of afuture reward from an herb, called by the Egyptian 4ali; by us, glaffwort. This herb the mingle alle Miltor's Parad. Lofs Devour'd each other The great encouragement of a//, is the affuranc A'LKALL ». /. [The word altali come whe Dutch Brutus is an honourable ma All animal diet is alkaleleent or anti-acid Arbuthnot which al 6, It was anciently in Englifh wha e now in the other Teutonick dialegs. e, Gr. 1. Being the whole number; every one of an alkali {fubflanc ALL adj cheer.] That whic cheerfulnefs to all Pope [from ol an gives gayety an Soon as the all-checring fu Should, in the fartheft eaft, begin to dra The fhady curtains from Aurora's bed. Sbak}j}q ALL-coMMANDING. 4dj. [from all an command.] Having the fovereignty ove all S H |