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Show AIBTS AB Roevers but a relative mode is derlved from the "regard that one being has to others 1. Acquittal Abfolution, in the civil law, imports a full acquittal of a perfon by fome final fentence of law alfo, a temporary difcharge of his farther atten Watts's Logic In this fenfe we {peak of the ablativ cafe abfolute in grammar dance upon a mefne procefs, through a failure o defect in pleading; as it does likewife in the cano law, where, and among divines, it likewife fignifies ‘a relaxation of him from the obligation o fome fentence pronounced either in a court of law or elfe in foro peenitentiali ‘Thus there is, in thi 4. Not limited; as, abfolute power My crown is abfolute, and holds of none I cannot in a bafe fubjeion live Nor fuffer you to take, tho' I would give Dryd. Ind. Emp kind of law, one kind of ahfolution, termed judicial, and another, ftyled a declaratory or exirajudicial abfolution Ayliffes Parergon Furis Canonici . Pofitive ; certain ; without any hefita In this fenfe it rarely occurs jon Long is it fince I faw him time hath nothing bluri'd thofe lines of favour h then he wore 5 the fnatches in his voice buxft of fpeaking were as his ¢ I'm abfolute was very Cloten Shakefpeare's Cymbeline 2. The remiflion of fins, or penance Sidney ‘What merit they can build upon having joine with a proteftant army, under a king they acknowledge perties to defend their own liberties and pro 1s, to me abfolutely inconceivable; and 1 believe, will equally be fo for ever Savift's Prefb. Plea 2. Withou relation in a flat uncon netted A'BsONANT. adj. [See Asonous.] Contrary to reafon, wide from the purpofe A'ssonNous ing. Abfolutely we cannot difcommend, we canno abfolutely approve either willingnefs to live, or forwardnefs to die Hookery be Thefe then being th the greateft good, or th Jolutely fo in themfelves it is therefore good to b one againft the other their various modifications and pofitions Bentley's Sermons 3. Without limits or dependance clean.sh data import.tsv out README But, once poflefs'd, did abfolutely reign And conquer'd firft thofe beauties they would gain Dryden's Annus Mirabilis An o tha nature fo th mof part ar things abfolutely unto all men's falvation neceffary _ either to be held or denied, either to be done o avoided Hooker's Preface ¢. Peremptorily, pofitively Being as I am, why didft not tho Command me abfolutely not to go - Going into fuch danger, as thoy faidft A'BSOLUTENESS Parad. Lof b. ix n. /i [from abfolute. 1. Completenefs 2. Freedom from dependance or limits The abfolutenefs and illimitednefs of his com #iiffion was generally much fpoken of Clarendony b viil There is nothing that can raife a man to tha generous abfolutenefs of condition, as neither t cringe, to'fawn, or to depend meanly; but tha whic gives hi that happinef + for which men depend upon others withi 3. Defpoticifm himfelf South's Serim He kept a ftrait hand on his nobility, and chof rather to advance clergymen and lawyers, whic were more obfequious to him, but had lefs interef ~in the people ; which made for his abfolutencfs, bu mot for his fafety Bacow's Henry VIL They drefs up power with all the fplendor an temptation abfolutenefs can add to i T tha both mof pret abforbed Jorpt. 1. To {wallow up Mofe impute ABSOLU'TION, 7 /i [abfulytio, Lat. Locke o To be perpetually longing, and impatiently defirous of any thing; fo that a man cannot ebfai Srom ity is to lofe a man's liberty, and to becom a fervant of meat and drink, or fmoke Taylor's Rule of living boly Even then the doubtful billows fcarce abffai From the tofs'd vefiel on the troubled main Dryd. Virgil ABSTE'MIOUS Temperate See ABSORBENT Dryd. Fab ABSTE'MI0OUSLY Temperately ABSO'RBENT . /. [abforbens, Lat. medicine that adv. [from abfiemious. foberly, withou by the foftnefs o porofity of its parts, either cafes th afperities of pungent humours, or drie away fuperfluous moifture in the body Quincy There is a third clafs of fubftances, commonl called abforbents5 as, the various kinds of fhells coral, chalk, crabs eyes, &c. which likewife raif an effervefcence with acids, and are therefore calle alkalis, though not fo properly, for they are no {alts Arbuthnot on Aliments Agso'rRPT, part. [from abforb.] Swallowed up ; ufed as well, in a. figurativ fenfe, of perfons, as, in the primitive of things What can you expet from a man, who 'has no talked thefe five days? who is withdrawing hi indul gence mious. Th 7. f qualit Apste'NTION [See ABsTEof bein abfte 7. /. [from abftineo, Lat. The aét of holding off, or reftraining reftraint Dicz abforb and attenuate the moifture of the body Arbuthnot abffemions hermit an abffemions diet Into the fober fpring, where {till their virtues laft mious While we perfpire, we abforb the outward air It is ufe ‘When the mad Przetides with charms he cur'd And pow'rful herbs, both charms and fimples caf Phillips Bacon Suppofing the forementioned confumption fhoul prove fo durable, as to abforb and extenuate th faid fanguine parts to an extreme degree, it i ~evident, that the fundamental parts muft neceflarily come into danger Harwey on Confumptions refrain Clytorean ftreams the love of wine expel (Such is the virtue of th' abffemious well Whether the colder nymph that rules the flood Extinguifhes, and balks the drunken god Or that Melampus (fo have fome afiur'd ABsTE'MIOUSNESS The evils that come of exercife are that it dot abftinent Lat. temperance The inftances of longevity are chiefly amongfk the abftemious. Abftinence in extremity will prov a mortal difeafe; but the experiments of it ar very rare Arbuthnot on Alimentse - Of fearlefs friendthip, and their finking mate 2, To fuck up [abftemius It is fpoken likewife of things that cauf Some tolzens fhe By a fierce eddy, they together foun The vaft profundity {fober of perfons ; as, a and of things; as the deluge to the difruption o abforp adj ing from excefs or pleafures vain love, tho' laudable [abftineo, Lat.] T Miltor's Paradife Lo}, b, %. L. 9g3 ab Burn, Theory «. 2 And, with defires, to languifh without hope I the abyfs; and St. Peter to the particular conftitution of that earth, which made it obnoxious to b 'Th From love's due rites, nuptial embraces fweet @. a. [abforbeo, Lat. preter abjorbed 5 part Pope's Letters If thou judge it hard and difficult Converfing, looking, loving, to abflai fuppofe an uniter of a middle conftitution fhould partake of fome of the qualitics o is unwarranted by any of our faculties; yea abfonous to our reafon Glanwille's Scepfis Scientifica, c. 4 Zo ABSO'RB full forbear, to deny one's {felf any gratifi cation ; with the particle from by 20 or from - Suftain Thus, with their Amazons, the heroes ftrove 4. Without condition to reafon abforpt in water "The prince long time had courted fortune's love 70 ABSTA'IN is not much in ufe, and it may b doubted whether it fhould be followe perpetual caufes of zeal greateft evil5 either abor relatively fo to us zealoufly affeGted for th Sprat's Sermons No fenfible quality, as light, and colour, an heat, and found, can be fubfiftent in the bodie themfelves, abfolutely confidered, without a relatio to our eyes and ears, and other organs of fenfe Thefe qualities are only the effeéts of our fenfation, which arife from the different motions, upo our nerves, from objects without, according t contrar to b Burnet's Theary of the Earth adj. [abfinus, Lat. ill-found Abfurd manners It was below the dignity of thofe facred penmen or the Spirit of God that direfted them, to fhe us the eaufes of this difruption, or of this abforption5 this is left to the enquiries of men Lat. Though an abfolutory fentence fhould be pronounced én fayour of the perfons, upon the account of nearnefs of blood; yet, if adultery fhal afterwards be truly proved, he may be again proceeded againft as an adulterer Ay/iffe's Parergon and it ABSO'RPTION. 7 [ [from abjerb. at of fwallowing up by a prieft, whethe A'BSOLUTORY. adj. [abfolutorius That which abfolves its cuftom from all the prefen poliefied and abforpt in the paft. papift or proteftant, isnot a certain infallible groun to give the perfon, fo abfolved, confidence toward ,God South's Sermons A'BSOLUTELY. adv. [from abfolute. 1. Completely, without reftrittion All the contradiétions which grow in thof minds, that neither abfolutely climb the rock o virtue, nor freely fink into the fea of vanity abfolution pronounce world -de clared by ecclefiaftical authority Th thmlght's, as far as ‘he can @. a 70 ABSTE'RGE [abffergo, Lat. To cleanfe by wiping ; to wipe ABsTE'RGENT. adj. Cleanfing ; havin a cleanfing quality AssTe'rsk. [See AmstercEe,] T cleanfe, to purify ; a word very littl in ufe, and lefs analogical than aéfferge Nor will we affirm, that iron receiveth, in th ftomach of the oftrich, no alteration; but we fuf pect this effe¢t rather from corrofion than digei tion; not any tendence to chilification by the natural heat, but rather fome attrition from an aci and vitriolou humidit i the ftomach wh{c may abfferfe and fhave the {corious parts thereof Brown's Vulgar Errvoursy b. iii ArsTE'Rs10N. 7. /i [abferfio, Lat.] Th at of cleanfing. See ABSTERGE Abflerfion is plainly a fcouring off, or incifion o the more vifcous humours, and making the humours more fluid, and cutting between them an the part; as is found in nitrous water, which fcoureth linen cloth fpeedily from the foulnefs Bacon's Natural Hiffory; NO 42 1 Tha ABSTE RSIVE. adj. [from abfferge. ( 1a |