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Show EN erclofe in a cheft or cabinet; to prefetv and fecure as a thing facred EwsLa'vet, o /o [from enflave,] He tha reduces others to a ftate of fervitude He feem A phenix, gaz'd by all, as that {ole bird What indignation in her mind Againft ezflavers of mankind When to'en/brine his reliques in the fun' Bright temple, to Egyptian Thebes he flies. Milton The Turks fill preffing on, got up to the top o clean.sh data import.tsv out README the walls wich eight enfigns, from whence they ha repulfed the defendants Knolles's Hiftory to be ranked a Locke Of worfe deeds worfe fufferings muft enfue o *Tis not your inky brows, your black filk hair Your bugle eyeballs, and your cheek of cream That can entame my fpirits to your worthip. Shakef Milt 7o ENTA'NGLE. v. 4. [A word of uncertai etymology. 1. To inwrap or infnare with fomething no liberty to: férvitude The conquer' alfo;. an Shall, with their freedo T Exsu're wi a [from: fuwre It is ealy to entail debts on fucceedin enffav'd by war ‘2. To exempt any thing from hazard‘g pay n a certain {fum, on condition o Long draughts of fleep his monftrous limbs exflave being reimburfed for mifcarriage He reels, and falling fills the fpacious cave. Dryden He is certainly the moft fubjected, the moft ex-- 3. 'To promife reimburfement of any mifhis underftanding Locke. clean.sh data import.tsv out README of power is equally held,.th men gives neither danger- nor | ez/lave their country. Swvift 2. To make over to another as his flave o pondman No man can mak anothe man to be his flave unlefs he hath firft e//eved himfelf to life and death to pleafure or pain, to hope or fear: command thof pafiions, and you are ficer than the Parthian king Taylor's Rule of living holy The more virtuoufly any man lives, and the lef he is en/laved to any luft, the more ready he is t entestain the principles of religion Tillotforn A man, not having the power of his own life cannot by sempact, or his own confent, ez//ave him - felf to any.one, nor put himfelf under the abfolut arbitrary power of another, to take away life whe he pleafes ExsLavEMEnT Locke 2 /- [from exflave, Th ftate of fervitude; flavery; abje@ fubjec tion The children of Ifiael, according to their method of finning, after mercies, and thereupon returning to a freth enlavement to their enemies, ha now paffed feven years in crucl fubjeCtion. Sonsh that a feparation cannot eafily be made to make an enzangled knot 4. To involve in difficulties; to embarrafs to perplex. carriage for a certain reward ftipulated A mendicant contracted with a country fello for.a quantity of corn, to ezfure his fheep for tha year L2 Eftvange Exsu/rRer: 7 /. [from enfure. make contrat of enfurance One wh on wh fora certain fam exempts any thing fro hazard. ExTa'BLATURE. | 7 /. [{from zable.] Th ENTA',BLAMENT. architrave, frife, an cornice of a pillar; being in effe the ex tremity of the flooring, whic fupporte b pillars o b is eithe a wall i there be no columns Harris ExtatL. # /. [ fendum talliatum, from th French entaille, cut, from zailler, to cut. 1. The eftate entailed or fettled, with regard to the rule of its defcent 2. 'The rule of defcent fettled forany eftate 3. Engraver's work inlay Obfolete Well it appeared to have been of ol A work of rich exzail, and curious mold No Wovyen with anticks and wild imagery, Fairy Queen all labour Marrs what it does, yea very force entangle 1efelf with ftrength. ~ Shakefpeare's Ant. and Cleop. He knew not how:to wreftle with.defperate con affurer, how to enfure peace for any-term of years is difficul enough Sawift loft, their virtue lofe Milton as briars 3. To twift, or confufe in fuch a manner a Dryden ages, bu {omethin 2. 'To lofe in multiplied involutions; as i a labyrinth of life French. 1. To afcertain; to make certain; to {ecure to deprive o ¥ to do this! I, whom you once thought brave To fell my country, and my king enflave! Dryden. Slaved, who is fo i While the balanc ambition of privat fear, nor can poffibl adhefive And they who moft perform?d,. and promis'd lefs Ev'n Short and Hobbes, forfook th' unequal ftrife To Ensrave. v. a. [from flawe. T, To reduc eafily extricable, as a net;.o Ensu'raNcE. z [ [from enfure. 1. Exemption from bazard, obtained by th payment of a certain fum 2.. 'The {fum paid for fecurity Exsu/RANCER, 7. /. [from enfurance.] H who undertakes to exempt from hazard If it be true that the giants ever made war againf heaven, he had been-a fit enfignbearer for that company Sidney 7o ENTA'ME. v. g. [from tame.] To tame to fubjugate; to fubdue Purfue my life.Rowe's Ambitious Stepmother Then grave Clariffa graceful wav'd her fan Silence en/u'd, and thus the nymph began Pope The vain ezfurancer In the followin Deep in their flefh, quite through the iron walls That a large purple- ftream adown their giambeau falls. Fairy Queen To me,. but thofe who with inceffant hat 4. The officer of foot who carries the flag [Formerly written ancient. . Enstonprarer. 7. i [enfign and. bear. He that carries the flag; the enfign Tillotfor The mortal fteel, difpiteoufly extail'd Impute not then thofe ills which may en/x The enfigns of our pow'r about we bear And ey'ry land pays tribute to the fair Whaller The marks or enfigns of virtues contribute, b their noblenefs, to the ornament of the figures; a the decorations belonging to the liberal arts, to war or facrifices Dryden Obfolete. paflage it is neuter Dryden Princes that fly, their fceptres left behind - Contempt.on pity, where they travel, find 3. To cut With mortal heat each other fhall purfue What wars, what wounds, what flaughter fhall enfue Ifa. v office fecret curfe upon their.eftates The man was noble But with his laft attempt he wip'd it out, Deftroy'd his country, and his name remains To the enfuing age abhorr'd Shakefpeare Bifhops are placed by collation of the king, without any precedent election or confirmation ezfuing Hayward He will lift up an ez/ig7 to the nations from far or mark of diftin®ion, rank infirmities and difeafes to their children, and entail of time they obferve often feveral individuals to agree, rang them into forts, in order to their naming unde which individuals, according to their conformity t 3. Badge None ever had a privilege of infallibility exzaile to all he faid Digby on Bodjes The intemperate and unjuft tranfmit their bodil 2. To fucceed in a train of events, or courf Men taking occafion from the qualities, wherei 2. Any fignal to aflemble 1. To fix unalienably upon any perfon thing enfue, that the light of fcripture once thining in th world, all other light of nature is therewith in fuc fort drowned, that now we need it not Hoogker Shakefp under eznfigns Had Richard unconftrain'd refign'd the throne A king can give no more than is his own The title ftood entail'd, had Richard had a fon Dryden Let this be granted, and it fhall hereupon plainl Hang up your enfigns, let your drums be fill idea, com Com. Pray 2. To follow as a confequence to premifes 1. The flag or ftandard of a regiment abftra The crown to thee and to thine heirs for ever. Shak To Exsv'e, @, 2 7. /. [enfeigne, French. tha I here entai And fay, my doérine is more fafe than true And that I fondly do myfelf beguile While thefe receiv'd opinions I ez/we Dawies - eldes or en/iform cartilage this o T But now thefe Epicures begin to {immile E'NsIFORM. adj. [enfiformis, Latin.] Having the thape of a fword, as the xipho 1. To {ettle the defcent of any eftate, f that it cannot be by any fubfequent poffeffor bequeathed at pleafure Flee evil, and do good; feek peace, and ezfue it Fair fortune next, with:looks ferene and kind Receives 'em, in her ancient fane en/brin'd. Addif ToENTAIL. v, g, [tailler, to cuty entailler French. S'WQ(? Zo Ensv'E, v. a. [enfuivre, French. follow; to purfue The fots combin With pious care a monkey toen/brine. Tate's Fuv E/NSIGN B ingencies, .and fo abhorred to be efltang}z'd in fuch Clarendon §. To puzzle; to bewilder. Th duke being queftioned neither held filenc as he might, nor conftantly denied it, but entangle himfelf in his doubtful tale Hayward. I fuppofe a great part of the difficulties that perple mens thoughts, and entangle their underftandings would be eafily refolved Lozke. 6. Toenfnare by captious queftions or artfu talk The Pharifees took counfel how they might e tangle him in his talk Mart. xxii. 15 7. To diftra¢t with variety of cares No man that warreth exzangleth himfelf with th affairs of this life 2 Tim. ii. 4 8. "To multiply the intricacies or difficultie of a work ENTalNGLEMENT: 7. /. [from entangle. 1. Involution of any thing intricate or ad hefive 2.. Perplexity puzzle The moft improved {pirits are frequently "caugh in the eztanglements of a tenacious imagination Glanuille's Scepfis There will be no greater entanglements, touchin the notion of God and his providence More It is to fence againft the entanglements of equivoca words, and the artsof fophiftry, that diftin&tion have been multiplied Locke, ENTA'NGLER. 7. that entangles [from entanglé. On Zo EINTER. . a. [entrer, French. 1. To go or come into any place L with the multitude of my redeem'd 11 |